Negative feedback on trades

This is how it all got started.
What a way to start off my life here at OG.
My first 2 testers/growers I chose were @DrGonzo13 and @Kabuddha :flushed:

It really started in the free seed thread.
But all that was there was me saying if I send you these seeds you intend to grow them and post a pic or 2.
He and @DrGonzo13 both agreed and never followed through.
I did not say much, but one day Kabuddha
Asked me for a cut I was offering up.
I said politely please honor your previous obligation to me before asking for more free stuff.
He did not like that and sent me a pretty nasty PM which I never bothered to respond to.
After that he attempted to make an attack on TonyGreen in his thread.
Well maybe he was just poking at me but it had the feel of him critisizing tonys genetics or something.
I am not real sure of the point he was trying to make there.
This was from tonyā€™s thread.

This caught my attention too, could be nothing but it drew my attention.

This was my responseā€¦