Greenpoint Seeds

Greenpoint is like the McDonalds of hybrid cannabis seeds - you get what you pay for to a degree, but it isn’t anything that stands out above the ever-growing crowd. They offer specials (and glitches) so often that they make it worth it to add some to your personal seed bank if you are a strainaholic like most of us here, but if you are looking at only getting a few special seeds from one breeder to grow out there are many better choices.


Couldn’t say it any better!

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I really enjoyed getting some of these genetics through a seed run :slight_smile:

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Yeah, I researched Greenpoint pretty well (or so I thought), then I found out about all of Gu’s bullshit. After I had already ordered about a thousand bucks worth of his seeds haha… Having said that, I just chopped one California Cannon two nights ago and am gonna chop the other one in two days and they both look pretty fucking impressive. The one that I haven’t chopped yet has ridiculously massive flowers. We’ll see how they smoke in about a month…

It’s unfortunate that I bought all of those seeds before I knew what Greenhighlander’s talking about. But I have all of those fucking seeds now, probably 40 packs or so. I feel compelled to grow them out, ya know?


Lol, yeah to much, seems to be another run of mill quick $$$. And there’s some juicy bits about animal abuse, etc…
Other than that your golden, lmao!


I’ve been trying
To find the sources for animal abuse stories, any leads?


The info you seek is on ICMAG im not sure if it still is though @Hydrohabits.


Yeah seeing those videos from Heisen and then all that info, plus the over-dominant stardawg in the regs, is what prompted me to trade off all my GPS gear and not purchase anymore. I did grab Gu’s Stardawg F2’s after the fact, but figured you can’t go wrong with those at least :sweat_smile: if Stardawg comes through pretty hard in the regs, might as well just grab that by itself and be done with it… but I do still have 2 packs of fems left too I might try one day.

To be honest, regardless of the info, everything I’ve seen from GPS that hasn’t hermed, has looked really good. I don’t think anyone can honestly say they have 100% shit genetics, it’s generally good, tasty, potent, herb. It just may not be what you ordered(heisen “breeding”)… or it might herm on you…


lots of stuff is over worked with the same tried stuff

it is like movies in Hollywood it was good the first time it has to be good the tenth




I mean definitely can find better stuff than GPS all day long. I wouldn’t buy anything else from them myself.

But I can’t say what they have is shit. That Purple MAC I grew from them is :fire: I’m just not positive it’s MAC :rofl:


Not taking any sides here, but go thru this entire thread and then tell us with all honesty that it wouldn’t be worth a try. Greenpoint’s Stardawg stud continues to bring the stank and yeilds. Fwiw in my OPINION their regular seeds are worthwhile to run. I wouldn’t go trying to breed them shits tho, lots of variation. But like I’ve said before, look at all of the pictures and testimonials here. 950 posts and everyone ain’t here complaining


Your right they do look good…Just sick of the Stardawg crosses though, they have been played out to the 10th degree, IMO.
And of course try to stay away from the fems if possible…


Never crossed my mind to try fems, notice I mentioned the regs, as that’s all that I have an opinion on. I might just be trying to justify purchasing hundreds of beans from them. But I run a couple each time I go into flower, and I’m impressed with each strain I’ve ran. I don’t even notice the overpowering of the Stardawg male, not that I’d be disappointed with a heavy leaning chem.
One thing that I can agree on is that after you go thru all of their regs, there is nothing left to buy.


Or, he may send you 2 packs of hemp for 200 bucks like he did me


oh man, what!? that’s f’d up. I know those Cherry Wine CBDs herm like no other…


Yup, that’s what he did to several (including me) when he started doing S1’s


Honestly, if the regular beans turn out Stardawg-dominant, so fucking what? I love Stardawg. Like I said, the California Cannons I have growing right now LOOK very impressive (and like I also said, we’ll see how they smoke). I’ve got three Stardawg f2’s in veg right now, we’ll also see how those turn out.

None of that means that Gu isn’t a prick. He is. But I bought those beans already, it’s too late now. I’ll grow his shit along with breeder’s gear who have integrity, like Bodhi. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Not grow the seeds I already have, just to make a statement?


right, no worries. Nothing wrong with it being dominant if you like Stardawg, there’s a reason he doesn’t use a different male. It’s why I went back and bought the F2’s after I had already traded away everything else I had.

And like we both said, the plants look great 99% of the time. The bud comes out potent.


In an interesting development, I noticed that Greenpoint has removed the ability to add a coupon code to your order. I guess they don’t trust us anymore lol


Not since ssomeone did a 1800 usd order for 200 usd :sweat_smile::joy::joy: