Grow 3 making more seeds

Next worst thing after fungus gnats imo.

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Purple Lamborghini F2 by @Hammerheadlake


The war on thrips has taken many young soldiers
But many fight on what’s survived in pro mix solos put into 12/12.

Bam and Tombstone in hydro fighting hard also in 12/12 been lazy on checking pm to point were I eye ball it by the gal to ml. Was light when heavy now they recovering some rugged plants.

Seem be doing best with thrips bug resistant strain?

So looks like seed run no sensmilla can still make bubble out of it after washing thrips out.


I feel like I recognize your handle. Maybe from @Rhai88’s thread? I’m old…

Thrips ain’t shit, but hoes and tricks.
Get yourself some spinosad and they can eat dicks.

I am not sure where you are located (spinosad isn’t available in Canada), but get this product:

DO NOT USE OUTDOORS, as it is harmful to bees and pollinators. 1-2 treatments and those fuckers are annihilated every single time.

I am battling spider mites right meow, so I kind of feel your pain, but with spinosad, thrips are easy as fuck to knock out. I am just glad that my spider mite problem isn’t russet mites again. Fuuuuck me. Good luck!

Positive vibes…



The BamBam was a stout cultivar that could have a tank roll over it and still keep truckin! The seeds I got from @NugLifeFarms420 went through hell and back if you check out the run I did in his official thread you’d see what I mean. The BamBam F2’s will be around for a long time for me. I made thousands of them so if things don’t go quite as planned I could always send you more no worries.



Welcome bro to legal growing :rofl:

Hey brother, the Purple Lambo beans arrived day before yesterday. Thanks again for sharing! Any tips on growing them? I haven’t grown anything from Exotic yet. peace


Sog is preferred method stretch fast in flower
Respond well to mid high nutes. Weak bug resistance outdoors best indoors. Best growth was around 78 degrees

Selected the largest males crossed with the 3 best phenos.

Should find something decent or good I wasnt overly impressed but the flavors and smells made up for it.

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Awesome. Thank you for that. I love terps! It’ll join a few others very soon in the bedroom.


Looking forward to the show will be offering up more crosses in few months.


@BMF once you get started get a journal going if you onto any issues the guys here will jump in if you ask.

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Purple lambo moms and clones in 4 weeks flower full of thrips but still filling the tent.


Nice! Still truckin

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Yes wanted to showcase what they do in flower and the colors just 4 weeks in will defoilate all tonight. Then treat them lightly with neem so another update coming.

Not pretty now but will be trimmed up dead leaves = big buds using nutes. Just added mollasses as well


Lookin good @Hammerheadlake! I’m excited.
I’ll let ya know how they’re going when I actually get around to em. :grinning:


Definitely glad made seeds of these
You should be impressed they do put out with the right pheno.

Gonna run these extra long for scale


If anyone’s interested in how to wick seedlings for hydro heres a simple no root plug required cheap way.


What am I looking at? Lol

Wrap seedlings in paper towel keep damp, and wick the roots through the net. Its how to seedlings in hydro using wicking still water daily the top or pan dont let paper towel dry out. Should wick up the paper towel once roots reach bottom of pot put into bubbler or sprayer.


I might switch this run up since lost so many to bugs, put into 12/12 going to identify females. Reveg clean up as new growth and get them ready for outdoors trained. Run the hydro as flower dont want to be taking clones keeping moms to reverse until 100% bug free which will be next clean up all plants gone outside.