Growing Belushi

Has anyone watched Growing Belushi? I just started watching it.

I am not a big fan of most reality shows to begin with, but this one seems particularly awful and scripted. Nonetheless, I will probably watch the entire thing just to see how they portray Cannabis and Oregon.

So to get to the scripted parts (beyond the obvious canned lines). In the first episode the plants are totally fried. Looking like someone left the water off in a hydro set up. They show Jim spraying with Neem oil in the scene before this. They then say that Jim killed the plants by spraying then leaving the lights on all night. So, Neem can burn leaves when sprayed in full light at high doses, but the damage looks nothing like what they showed. I don’t know that they murdered the plants on purpose for the scene, but the neem didn’t kill them. :man_shrugging:


Never saw it but I have watched disjointed it’s funny


never heard of it until now but I just opened another window and am about 10 minutes into the first episode. looks like an awesome farm and a beautiful piece of this country. I have always loved john and jim and like you, ill probably watch it to see how it goes but it absolutely has a scripted feel to it. ill give it a shot. maybe it will get better

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I watched the first couple episodes and was disappointed. They are just using the cannabis cultivation as a backdrop for the ‘reality show’.
But Dan Aykroyd shows up in the second episode…



Now they are in Columbia trying to extract some IP from the locals.

Coca si, cocaina no! Just saying. Don’t need to demonize the plant :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Jim can’t say coca, apparently. He kept saying “coco fields,” which there may have been those too, and I was visualizing John doing lines of cocoa powder.

I am having fun with it now.

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I guess there are only 3 episodes out.

I would say the highlight so far is the breakdancing scene.

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It’s all about ratings. Ratings=dollars


aw! go on! it’s right there, I… I can almost hear it, it, it’s on the tip of your tongue. there you go. IT SUCKS!
now don’t we fell a lot better after that, I know that I do, see… it wasn’t all that hard, was it?



If Jim Belushi is anything like he is depicted on the show he is truly stupid. The 1 and 1/2 shows that I watched were stupid.


When ever TV finds what people will look at, they wear it out, and squeeze it down to trash.
I enjoyed the Blues Brothers, but the idea of going to see to see, moldie oldies, recreating a movie concert, some 30 +years later on, just makes my skin crawl, like seeing your best plant go hermi.
I wish Jim would be Jim, not shades of John, or mannerism’s of John.
I was just hoping it would not be what it has become for me, them living off a dead guys charm and talent, and ONE skit they did in a movie, BB’s. TV can be so hard to watch anymore, cookie cutter shows, regurgitated nonsense, and just so simple minded.
But I wish for his endeavor to do well for him and his, it will be without me.


I questioned the death of those plants myself… in the end I feel he was just using the show to promote his new Capt. Jack cannabis line.


There were dead plants on the porch. Also they go on a seed hunt which isnt that great either.

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ive seen 3 episodes, and thought it was crap, plants looked fryed, looked liked they had been chucked in there for the program. and forgot about. lol. they need a better grower,