Growing GG4 S1’s

Howdy everyone,

I’m going to bed starting some GG4 S1’s from CSI, and I plan on growing them organically.

I’ve never grown the strain before, and I’m just reaching out to anyone with more experience growing GG4 or GG4 S1’s, especially if they have any tips or tricks for organic growing and things to look out for (deficiencies etc.).

Also, how long do people take gg4 into flower? I did Some quick research and one source said 8-9 weeks and another said 9-10 weeks. I would imagine 8 weeks is not enough (especially for organic in my environment) but was just wondering what I could expect.

Finally, what phenotypes from the S1’s can I expect?

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.


I’ve grown some S1s, BXs and some S2s and from my experience there isn’t a whole lot of segregation between the phenos. What I’ve experienced is that you’ll probably see levels of frost and terps. All GG4 I’ve grown have been in organic autopot systems so that can also be a reason for this lack of segregation.

I’ll follow and this grow to see how your plants turn out. :fire:

Pz :v:t2:


Thanks! I appreciate the info. I’ll see if I can get some pics post soon!


Looking forward to it, haven’t seen many grows of the csi gorilla glue S1’s so I’m definitely down for the show, positive vibes my friend :facepunch:t2:


Started soaking the beans.


watching along too…Good Luck


Good luck, I’ll be following.

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ive grown gg4 s1 from the late Josey’s company GG Strains (when it was still his i believe) and from a member here who crossed his S1 with Tonygreen’s GG4 RIL.

from the S1 phenos were all similar, incredibly gassy, mid vigor, all champs, i dont remember facing any deficiencies or anything to look out for. Theres the leaf twirl that can occur on some, prob a good sign if you see a twirl/twist as it is supposed to be expected, but even those without the twist were pretty fucking good. they were strong takeoff and strong landing.

from the S1xRIL i saw very similar phenos, perhaps a bit different in bud shape - and they had a bit citrus going on that the S1 didnt have, but none of the citrus ever made it past last weeks of flower/after dry. incredibly fucking sticky, the high was a bit different than the S1s, with it being more clear headed, still potent, but soft landing. i actually preferred one plant from the S1xRIL than any of the S1’s.

from my experience it is an easy strain to grow. never done organics, so prob it wont be the same. i do 20-10-20 peters/jacks on peat and they were breezy.


Awesome to hear that’s not just me who found quite uniform plants in those S1s. :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Thanks for all the details! That is really helpful. I’ll look out for the leaf twirl. Thanks again. I’ll get some more pics and posts up soon.

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I’ve grown my fair share of GG4, it’s my favorite strain of all time and can’t find the cut anymore lol. But yes, they have a leaf twirl and variegation inherited from the chem, they get kinda lanky and can stretch a fair bit. They love cal/mag supplementation and they can take as much light as you can throw at it. They do super well under LED. They don’t grow super fast but I wouldn’t call it slow. You’ll get some nice nose biting earthy, gassy, coffee smells. Buds are spiky and very visually appealing. And the high….oh my god the high lol it’s pure perfection


Wow, Sorry to everyone that was following this. I had some things go down in my personal life and had to shut things down for a bit. Everything is ok, I just can’t grow for a bit for various reasons. I plan on starting again in August. Sorry for the false start.


Ahhh we all know shit happens sometimes there @MendTheAlien , best of luck with your new start in August. :wink:

Just flipped a GG4 S1 from Useful seeds.
I’ve grown some of these seeds before right alongside the GG4 clone and was very impressed. Hopefully this girl is equally impressive. I made sure to take clones so I hope they root.


I"ve got the GG4 cut. I’ve been thinking about making some S1’s off it. I’d like to see some S1 grows so I’ll look forward to following along.

I’ve never tried to reverse a plant but I’m ready for my first attemp. For my first attempt I’m planning on trying to reverse a ARCtic Cookies clone and use the pollen for another ARCtic Cookies clone, a Love Affair clone, and a GG4 clone. Like I said this is my first time so fingers crossed.


The last time I grew Useful’s GG4 S1 was in summer 2020
These are the only pics I could find


A GG4 clone.


Ive tried to grow a few of the ones from useful but they all hermed on me…

My one and only experience growing fems was a pack of usefuls GG4 s1’s. They had a lot of intersex issues and had also obviously been cross pollinated based on the phenos I found.
I got more Bubba and blueberry type plants then anything that resembled GG4.
Luckily I found a hard GG4 leaner running GG4 x OMG Bodhi testers.

Seing as GG4 was created via intersex issues in a garden… i pretty much expect to see it to some degree in anything GG4 related and I am pleasantly surprised when I don’t.
Doesn’t stop me from growing GG4 and related lines though.
The Usefull GG4 S1 I just harvested showed no intersex and is really nice smoke. Not full on GG4 flavor but she is tasty and very potent… and no unwanted seed :wink:
I kept a clone which is now a nice bush… will be running cuts off her this winter.