Growing Hermaphrodites?

I think that I had a plant that fit the #4.
It was a white widow, it never show male flowers nor bananas or nanners and she ended with full of little undeveloped “seeds” (size 1mm or less).
The first time it grows that way I thought was my fault that missed some banana or male flower. The second time from a clone I watchednit closely amd never find any nanner. Also, the other plants that was near it in the tent never develop a seed and growed flawlessly.

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I have a poly hybrid that always gives me at least one male that produces a few female flowers. These males are covered with resin glands. I use them to breed with their sisters. All the females are perfectly normal.


Is there an additional category for a solidly female plant that produces pollen-less male flowers in the last week or so before harvest?

We saw this in a handful the Frankenstein S1 seeds. The male flowers only on the lower branches, only in the last two weeks of flower and none of the male parts appeared to have pollen. No seeds appeared.


No kidding? I’ve got a new Mexican strain that has a male that threw pistils late in flower. There is hope of saving the line yet.
@CapnCannabis as you have discovered, slight hermies are ok to breed with. I made seed with Old Silversides and all offspring so far are 100% stable with plenty of stresses. I don’t know why I didn’t think to use the males pollen on something. Now I will, thanks.


That’s my belief. I’ve read of some Thai that had fantastic Highs from hermie plants. What’s in there? I smoked a small sample of my problem child Uganda, and it’s good already microwaved at week 7 of flower. It’s worth fighting for.
@Habitt depends how many male flowers. “Herm up pretty bad” doesn’t sound like just a few male flowers. You’re looking for plants that make a few, then stop making more, if we are talking about early flowering.

I’d call that type 2. This type is OK for breeding.
@Piter there must have been some nearly invisible male flowers. We’ll call this type 5. The Bandit. :laughing:


The top bud on the meristem was completely covered in stigma but no other place. It was in the first 3 weeks of flower when it happened. I tossed them pretty early so I dont know if they would have stopped or kept going. I was pretty upset when I saw them.

Alright, maybe I exaggerated a bit. But here’s the two males that hermed.


@Habitt I’d shy away from using them. That’s a true hermie.


Thats what I figured but I wanted to make sure. Thanks for the reply!


I hadn’t seen your photo @Habitt Don’t breed it.


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This morning’s haul.


I never had a problem when i grew your Oaxacas with herms only regret i have is not keeping that old silver sides it got PM back then and i was a rookie and didnt know about sulpher to cure it.That shit was so good i was drying it out in my truck in the summer


this picture upsets me. Like a lot.


You’re not realizing how much ambivalent is this sentence. As fuck.

In setting an hermaphroditism prevalence (without even talking about the specificity of herms with their majority of autosomal traits), “what else are we denying the chance for existence ?” ^^ It apply even more than with sexually stable specimens.

Now if you have cracked the rosetta stone, you’re the one we are waiting for since decades. The one offering a stabilized seed version of any elite cut around (that are for most of them, herms … i let the sharp stoners make the line between the dots themselves).

With landraces specifically, it’s far more easy to “wipe it” (“shut down” is very much more accurate in this specific context) with epigenetics, that with a single human selection that represent maybe 1% of the momentum of the said cultivar. Even lower with hash plants cultivars.

Cannabinoids balance is quite resistant in this context, the difficulty is more to give them a window of expression that is at a light year from their initial condition of expression, and totally unplanned for the genotype.

He make a fine breeding joke in fact, to recall the base of what we have under the eyes all year round now ^^

It’s totally ok if the decision is assumed to the bone, to the end of the chain and transmitted to people if seeds/cuts are leaving the home. Even an artificially reversed landrace why not, i don’t make any difference personally between these two cases.

But i will not hide behind my little finger or to fake any cynicism, if i’ve to choose between two genetic materials … i don’t want it mostly autosomal if it’s for breeding or even maintaining its phenotypic diversity inbred.

Without even talking about the quality of the weed, the simple job to map a line that need at least a half dozen of generations to sit a bit and choose a path … represent years of work without any output for the personal genpool. Where a clean line can be directly used for breeding. In the first case, it’s one of the numerous lines waiting for a work, in the second case it’s a true asset in the fucked era we are living today.

Shortcuts are not always the fastest ways at long term, beside the apparences.


Well hopefully some of mine make you feel better​:rofl::grin:


The last one is strange. A male flower hatches out of a calyx. Feels/ looks hard like a seed, but it’s not. I’m dealing with at least half a dozen male flowers each morning and evening. So far I’ve caught nearly all before they open, but I’ve been late a couple times. In that event I mist down the whole room to immobilize any pollen and to knock it off the flowers. So far so good.



I just want to put it out there when i had mine with the red light power indicator on some of these tower fans Dont know what Nm they are if any they are not that strong but apparently just enough to cause whatever Thier constantly on to Herm.The spot on my particular male hermed was showered with facets of light by an oscillating Towerfan ive since taped off that was Red No other light leaks no temp spikes no nutrient fuckery no tent flap top open.Just that stupid light that i will desolder on the next one.Ive been looking for Far red lights and in my comment screening i see a lot of people saying some of the lights werent a true 730 nm and they all got herms.I mean could be shit genetics or light leaks or whatever but there is a lot of people saying the same thing and it makes me think about that red light.The female never hermed not one ball and she eas right in the middle of it all main kola half hit by the light and was clean.Wierd

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Someone got franks and beans.Looks like a fun one to play with


How’d you get the beans above the frank?

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The red light definately effects some strains. I don’t think it’s even disputed anymore. The Cruelty desk used to say no leaks of any sort matter if plants are exposed to the leak(s) from birth. This would require a dark cycle for veg( no 24hr on cycle).
There might be something to this.

There is that, too. Sounds like the spectrum does matter too.
@SlamBamboo " Do your balls hang low, do they wiggle to and fro, Can you tie em’ in a knot, can you tie em’ in a bow?" :rofl::joy::rofl: