Growing on the cheap! Korean Natural Farming

Haha I knew that’s what you meant must of been on a different mind set from a recent vape! Funny I just peeled half a 10 lb bag of spuds myself tonight for dinner gathered them up and threw them in the freezer till next bonfire :fire:


Matter of fact I think I’ll just do that all the scrapes everything organic … will make for less smelly trash cans prior to trash day and less organic waste to the landfills!


I have a 1-2 day kitchen bucket(about a quart) then outside a 5 gal. bucket with a metal washtub for a lid, drain holes in bottom of bucket.

All of my kitchen waste(sometimes even chicken bones), every non-hazardous paper-waste goes into the bucket. After 2-4 wks I add it to the compost along with whatever manure my 2 chickens leave.

Since I let my compost sit idle this summer a huge mycelium mat formed at the base & sprouted some shrooms. I mixed it all up hoping for even more. :smile:

The Tao of Lazy



Gonna try some shrimp heads and cucumber skin ash!!! You say just to bury these at the bottom of the plot, yeah?


Just remember a little bit goes a long way! I like to spread over the top and scratch it in or throw it in water and water away ! Very alkaline if ya use ph meters shocking how much the ph raises with it in water.


How’s it going everyone? I am wondering who has some experience with LAB. I am in the middle of making it for the first time for fun and am curious about a few things. My first container has separated and has the most delicious mozzarella cheese aroma. The liquid isn’t as yellow as what I have seen in some videos though. Is this still ok? or did I do something wrong? If I add it to a hydroponic reservoir is the application rate still 1 to 1000? My plants are well into flower and I wont be doing any foliar and am wondering if it still has a benefit to add to the root zone.

Another thing I am curious about is if the whey that is leftover from making homemade live cultured yogurt is the same/can be also be used on the plants. And the last question would be is that curd edible? it smells super good but don’t want to be feeding the dog any potential pathogens.

(notice the liquid from the yogurt is much more yellow or could just be the white background making it look that whey :grinning:)

Appreciate any info.


Have a look at Chris Trump making cheese :grin: it’s definitely edible. And apparently really good. I’m only just going down this rabbit hole myself. Literally gluing up 2 IMO1 collection boxes courtesy of @ifish.

I’m no expert but I’d say you have a decent batch of LAB there. Scoop those curds and filter your whey brother :sunglasses:

I imagine dogs would absolutely love it.


Got a decent haul. I had a second batch going but was lazy and didn’t wanna do anymore dishes so dumped it all in a giant leaf pile in my yard that will disperse and potentially benefit my shit soil in the backyard.

Next up I’ll be trying the FPJ but have no idea what plants or what part of what plants to use for which nutrients etc. I’m also interested in doing the water soluble calcium with the toasted egg shells and vinegar. It would be nice to add some without adding nitrogen.

I’m curious about some of the other stuff too but I am super impatient and can’t see myself waiting a year to make something. But I guess the sooner I start…

What’s an IMO collection box? I’m guessing something to put the rice in? I wanted to try it but didn’t really get it. I will have to re watch the video. Guess this mini fridge is about to become my potion fridge :sunglasses: (the jars have a million tiny holes in the plastic wrap)


[quote=“neogitus, post:148, topic:2427”]
Got a decent haul. I had a second batch going but was lazy and didn’t wanna do anymore dishes so dumped it all in a giant leaf pile in my yard that will disperse and potentially benefit my shit soil in the backyard.

I’m still getting bits together. Looking for a good local source for brown sugar too. so far it’s like kg bags and expensive. There will be somewhere for a 25kg sack nearby with some phone calls I’d think. As for the soil in the back yard I know that feeling. I think we’re pretty much going about this in the same manner. Suck it and see lol

Not had a go at the LAB yet as I was planning on doing it at the same time as the IMO collection so weekend.
The collection box is literally just that. A cedar box with a gap or 2 in the bottom that you put undercooked rice in. Staple kitchen roll over the top. Take it to a spot where you find a load of “biology” usually white spider web like fungus on snapped branches and leaves that are starting to breakdown. Stick a tarp over the top to keep any rain off. Hope beneficials take over and make a cake for you. Thank the woods. Then bring it back and mix 1/1 with brown sugar to make IMO2. I’ve had a glimpse at IMO3/4/5 too but that’s a bit away.

Got a plan to turn an old picnic cooler into a worm bin too. Only a small one mind you.

I’m curious about a lot of it. There’s a reason people have been doing it for so long and every KNF garden I’ve seen so far has looked incredibly happy. Get it started mate.

I had a look at the WCA/P before too. Charred animal bones in vinegar. Good shelf life I like the sound of. Seems one of the simpler processes to get your head round first and incredibly handy

Edit to say I unquoted the wrong bit whilst typing. My bad but it’s a lot of effort to redo it and you’ll get the jist :joy:


That’s one ‘issue’ with knf, there is no immediate gratification. There is no double secret instant woo woo juice. It’s a process of conditioning plant and soil through the entirety of a plants life.


Hope this helps : )

A great website with lots of valuable info : )


There’s also less chance of over ferts. Everything is naturally chelated which IME is a lot more readily available to be absorbed at varying pH levels than most bottle feeds. I might be wrong but I had more issues with the likes of advanced nutrients sensi line than I ever have with Megacrop. Vitalink hydromax SW is an absolute abomination too


Yeah I personally don’t fuck with salts or any other bottled nutrients. But that’s just me. No hate on anybody that does, but Mother Nature kept the plant growing for thousands of years without maxi crop or maxi bloom or whatever the fuck it’s called, so no need to add anything more than water IF the soil is properly maintained (in my humble opinion)


Vigorous growing weed tips harvesting early in the morning before sun up if possible no rinse of weeds either.


Ya you can easily over do it with some KNF inputs most dilutions IIRCC are like 1:500 or more like 1:1000.


Agreed. Was more in regards to the chelation alongside pH than the dosage though mate


Does anybody know if whole grapefruit in compost pile makes it to acidic. I have two fully matured grape fruit trees I planted at least 15 years ago. In The spring time the squirrels chew the new fruit stems and let the golf ball size fruits hit the ground . I’ve been chopping them up and adding to compost heap. Last year’s fruits that managed to still be hanging on are like rotted almost inside and the peel is getting close to 1/2" thick . softball size and bigger . some are huge. They get chopped up and added to compost pile. I have some fruit that starts rotting on ground. And has a green, white , blue mold, fungus, ???. Good or bad for compost pile?I haven’t been adding those, I just let them rot where they drop.


Should be all good to just compost all of them. :thumbsup:



Good to know. But scary , so many colors. I feel better about leaving them under the trees, they need feed too. I know some I put into compost were just hrs. from showing the mold or what ever it is. Would this be like imo or at least a good please to collect some indigenous micro organisms?


under the surface soil of old established trees yes but not the funky rotting fruits or compost heap.

:evergreen_tree: not an expert