Growing Up North North (incorporating Bokashi Composting tech)

The ladies have all settled into their beds by now and seem to be thriving after a few weeks despite some minor transplant shock and rust spots on the edges of the lower leaves on a few of the plants. I think this might be a very slight calcium or magnesium deficiency but am only guessing from limited experience and from what I’ve seen of pics online. If you have any insight please share, I’m here to learn.

This is the Peach Puree. She just decided to Top herself one day and split herself into two apical stems. I’ve never seen a plant do this before, is it normal?:

This is Sherbert x Irene showing some signs of transplant shock (I think):

some slight deficiencies on the auto’s? It’s probably nothing. New growth looking good:

I tied the auto’s back in order to expose them to more light. This technique worked very well for me last summer. I tied the bottom of the stalk to one post and the top to the opposite post like as if the top was tied to the North pole the bottom is tied to the South pole. This seems to open the plants up to the sun moving across from SE to NW (roughly).

I also found what look like tiny eggs on the underside of some of the leaves, I’m pretty sure this ust comes with the territory of outdoor growing:

I started my IPM sprays and scouting daily as soon as I saw them. I am spraying with Safer’s insecticidal soap and will continue to spray weekly or semi weekly depending on what I find on the plants and leaves.

All the above photos are from roughly a week or so ago.

As of today the insecticidal soap seems to be working as I wasn’t able to find any more tiny eggs. I’m sure this will be a continuous struggle and battle all season.

I’ve incorporated a weekly compost tea into the feeding regime. It’s a 5gal mix of filtered water consisting of 1.5-2 cups of earth worm castings, 1 tsp granular humic acid, 1 tsp kelp flour, 1/4 cup molasses and EM1 (4ml/gal) bubbled for 24hrs. I only use the EM1 every other feeding, so once every two weeks. I’m going to also incorporate some alfalfa meal and insect frass into the teas I’m just not super familiar with it all just yet. I’m thinking I’ll rotate the nutrients bi-weekly. One week I’ll do kelp/castings and then the next week EM1/alfalfa meal/insect frass… something like that.

I just learned about the benefits of Sprouted Seed Tea (SST) so I’m going to start incorporating that into my feeding schedule also on a weekly bases starting today. If you’re unfamiliar, a sprouted seed tea utilizes the enzymes within the sprouted seed and is fed directly to your plants. It’s extremely beneficial (google it if you want to learn more). I am using mung beans and alfalfa seeds. I soak them for about 6-12hrs (depending on which seed) then let them sit in my seed sprouter for about 24 hrs until the tails start poking out from the seed slightly. I blend them with a small amount of filtered water then add it to a 5 gal bucket and feed the plants right away.

As of today the plants have shown a good boost of growth. In retrospect I would have liked to LST the auto’s about a week earlier. It looks like they’re not going to branch out much but they may still surprise. These Mephisto genetics are bonkers and have impress many.

Double Grape:

Sour Stomper:

Sherbert x Irene (topped at the 6th node):

Peach Puree (fascinating growth pattern… took off really tall then decided to split the main stem. I did not top this plant, it just naturally started growing this way. It is now bushing out quite nicely:

Stand by for more!


Trying to update this weekly but things have been busy. Plants are pretty much doing great. I’m a bit disappointed in the size of the Mephisto plants but I’m still learning and I believe that was due to the fact that I started training them about a week too late.

Plants have been receiving regular feedings of compost tea, sprouted seed tea and reg filtered water through the blumat system. I’ve been building up some trellis bars with bamboo steaks. I know ppl don’t like to use them (due to bugs getting inside) but they seem to be ok for now.

Sherbert x Irene (over 2 weeks): Bouncing back nicely from the topping


After a hail storm! The ladies got a bit beat up

Bouncing back from the storm nicely

LST on some of the branches (most recent pic)

Peach Puree (over 2 weeks): Went to check on the plants one day and found some friends helping me keep the ladies pest free!

Double Grape (over 2 weeks): Starting to flower nicely!

Sour Stomper (over 2 weeks): Also flowering!

DG and SS are looking VERY similar. I wish I had started the training sooner but I feel like they are doing quite well in the Bokashi compost amended soil. So far so good… Looking forward to watching them finish up.

I feel like I’m going to have some major TREES on my hands with the photoperiods! I’ve been starting to clean up the bottoms of the stalks just to maintain good airflow.

Plants have been sprayed once with the sulfur spray and I’ll do the Photos one more time before they flip into flower. Hoping things continue to run smoothly! Been a lot of work but I have a feeling it will all be worth it.


Was hoping someone could possibly help me identify this leaf damage:

I thought initially thrips but after looking at pics it doesn’t seem like they put holes in the leaves like this. It’s only on 2-3 leaves of the Sherb x Irene but I’d still like to learn what it could possibly be.

Hey Everyone, I apologize for the post length but lot’s to update!

Things have been going pretty smoothly in the North North Garden since the last update. I’ve been keeping up with both sprouted seed tea and compost tea once a week on a regular bases. I also top dressed both the autos and photo periods shortly after the last update. The photos were top dressed with a veg specific premix package of dry amendments that I had leftover from last season. To that, I also added some ground organic malted barley seeds and alfalfa meal. I sprinkled that into the pots and covered everything with a good inch or so of earthworm castings then I sprinkled some of my homemade bokashi bran on top of all of that to get the microbes to work in making all that plant available. After about 24 hrs I had a decent layer of mycelium and took that as a good sign. I have to remember to take some pictures of the top of the soil and post them in here! I find myself staring at the top of the pots a lot when I go out to scout the plants. There’s so much life in there! The auto’s got more of a flowering nute mix but the same cover of earthworm castings and bokashi bran.

I’ve been spraying the plants down regularly (1x per wk) with Safer’s insecticidal soap as a preventative measure and on cloudy or overcast days I’ll go in and spray the plants down 5-6 times per day! The flowering Auto’s don’t get sprayed at this point since they are really too far along. I’ve also implemented a Sulfur spray and so far have sprayed the plants twice while in veg and not again while the auto’s were in flower. I’ll blast the photo’s one more time with the sulfur before they start flowering or really early in flower, which should be really soon. I’ve seen some other fellow growers reporting the turnover within Canada so I’ll be keeping an eye out.

I’ve been scouting for pests on the regular and as far as I can tell all the plants seem to be in really great shape with minimal pests or pest damage. I had noticed what appeared to be winged aphids or fungus gnats but this was shortly after my last update and their population seems to have subsided due to all the regular sprayings since then. I’m also using sticky traps which seem to be doing a fine job of things. I’m learning to be more comfortable with the bugs and pests rather than freaking out when I see things crawling on my plants. I feel like as an outdoor grower this is something you just have to accept. You’re going to get bugs! I’m learning to recognize when it becomes an issue though and I think that is the main thing to consider. Stay on top of your IPM regime, scout daily and react when necessary.

In my last post I asked what could be possibly causing the holes in the leaves and think it may be leaf hopper damage as pictures online look pretty similar. So far though, no further damage has been observed in any new growth. I have however noticed a few new bugs show up to keep the lady bugs company and reached out to a guy named synchangel on instagram to help me identify what they were. If you don’t know this IG user and you grow outdoors, I would highly recommend his content. He is an absolute bug wizard!!! Among other things. His profile says he’s a Crop Consultant, Entomologist, Mycologist and Botanist. His content is pretty good and you can learn a lot. He identified it as a “Stink Bug Nymph”, which means they are Stink Bug toddlers… here’s a picture:


I noticed 2-3 of these little guys on the plants suddenly one day. I googled them and they are weird little creatures but he says that I shouldn’t be too concerned. They mainly feed off fruiting plants so since there are no flowers on my photo’s they’re just sort of hanging out for now. He identified them as pests but says there nothing to worry about too much. It fascinates me that this bug would just show up out of nowhere. Google says they originated from Asia… wtf.

I have also incorporated some lactic acid bacteria (LAB) foliar feeding into the mix. I read they’re supposed to be very beneficial and will prevent “bad” bacteria and other microorganisms from getting a foothold on your plants. In the Bokashi Composting book I referenced in the original post they teach you how to make your own so I made a few litres and have sprayed them twice so far, about 2-3 weeks apart.

Ok enough of this jibber jabber… Here’s some pics!

Sour Stomper:

Double Grape:

Peach Puree (about 2 weeks ago):

Sherbet x Irene (about 2 weeks ago):

Sherbert x Irene on the left & Peach Puree on the right (most recent) after a LAB Foliar feeding. Both in need of a good bottom end clean up. I plan on taking clones this week:

The PP is an absolute BEAST! Sherb x Irene has come a long way as well. I’m quite proud and really looking forward to when these babies start flowering. I am making a mix of nutrients this week to use as a top dressing for the plants as they should start flowering this week or next. I’m basing the mix off of Build-a-soil’s Craft Blend mix. I believe I have noticed some pre-flowers so I want to be on top of things so that when I top dress, the soil has time to break everything down and be ready for when the plants need the extra kick of nutrients.

That’s it for now!


Pulled down the Double Grape a few days ago at 70 days. Lot’s of Amber, some clear and mostly cloudy trichomes. Sour Stomper will be next to get the chop tmrw.

Double Grape:

She’s currently hanging to dry right now and getting a bit more purple by the day… pretty cool.


That peach puree is chonky! Looking good!


Hey @nortnorthnugs. This is very interesting and your plants look great! I notice you only filled your pots half way with your bokashi mix. Why only half? Would filling the pots all the way with the mix be more benificial?

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The idea is to bury the food scraps in at least six inches of soil. In the book it mentions that this has more to do with keeping critters away but I believe there is some importance to only filling the containers to the bottom two thirds with the scraps and the last 3rd of soil only is placed on top and compressed down. I would be willing to bet that this has something to do with the microbial life that lives deeper in the soil. I would need to reference the book again though…

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Ok cool! Just wondering because I’m gonna try this. Thanks for sharing with us

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Nice! Ya I would recommend it for sure but I’m also just learning myself. I read in another book called “The Intelligent Gardener” that it can be disadvantages to have too much hummus in a soil, which is what this organic matter is turned into after the soil life is done with it. So I think you would need to balance the soil with other things and can’t only rely on the organic matter to feed your plants. This is my first run and I’m only experimenting but I just thought I would share that insight with you. I plan on having the soil tested next spring to see exactly what’s going on and I’ll have a more definitive answer at that time. I would definitely recommend trying it out though! Turning my food scraps into plant food has been extremely rewarding for me.

Also, make your own Bokashi Bran! It’s dead simple and I use it all the time for not only composting my food scraps but I sprinkle it on the top of my beds after I top dress which helps amp up the microbial activity and helps the nutrients become plant available much faster. Keep in touch bud! Would love to follow along with your grow as well.

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Thanks for that. Yeah I love to experiment with stuff like this. I do a lot of Korean Natural Farming techniques. I will post when I decide to do it. I need to start gathering some materials

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Took down the Sour Stomper, a little louder on the nose than the Double Grape.

Both have been dried, trimmed and are curing in jars. I’m looking at about 36 grams for each plant… Pretty dismal. So strange that they yielded the same. There is actually more buds of the DG but the SS is just more dense. Both smelling nice just the yields are a bit disappointing since I know what these genetics are capable of.

I haven’t introduced these beauties yet but take a look at this Northern Lights Auto by Seedsman (in the front) The two Meph strains are in the back. It’s sitting in a 7 Gal pot while the meph strains are in 15 Gals and is basically twice the size.

The soil I used for the NL auto is the same soil as the Meph plants except it’s fresh and hasn’t been amended with the Bokashi Compost. This is leading me to believe there is something I’m missing within the Bokashi Amended soil. I’m not giving up just yet though and I suspect it has something to do with the aeration of the bokashi amended soil. Since the beginning of the season this year I learned that having too much hummus in a soil could be unbeneficial. So I think the plant roots of my Meph strains just got choked out or couldn’t move through the soil enough to really unlock their full potential. This is all just a guess at this point without scientific data or soil tests to really see what’s going on but I’m trying to do this on the cheap.

For the next run I plan on adding rice hulls and pumice to the bokashi amended soil this time. Soil has been remixed with the next batch of Bokashi food waste and is sitting out in bins for the last 10 days. Seeds have been popped and in about 18 days I’ll re-plant into the amended soil but this time with more aeration!

24hrs later…

The reason I believe it has to do with the aeration is because the plants didn’t show signs of stress or nutrient deficiency. No discolouration was observed in the leaves and actually the plants grew quite well in the first few weeks outside! They just stopped growing all of a sudden and started stacking on the flower. I’m no auto expert so again, these are only observations and guess work at this point.

I decided that instead of growing out the 3 Bears OG that I wanted to give Electric Qoolaide by Night Owl Seeds a go! So I have a Mango Sunrise and an Electric Coolaide on the go!


Just another quick update on the rest of the ladies! Been scouting daily foe pests. I did find a few adult stink bugs that I discarded rapidly. Plants look really clean but I’m just WAITING for it! I have a feeling this is going to get interesting when these ladies start flowering. I defoliated 2 weeks ago and again today. Mainly just cleaning up the bottoms and going into the plants and removing the tiny shoots inside at the bottom of the branches that aren’t receiving any light. I am typically keeping more than I would on an indoor grow because I realize the sun can penetrate the canopy a little better than any grow light can.

Soil surface is looking good but I’m noticing what looks like a slime trail… Like as if a slug or something has travelled through my soil. I can’t seem to find any though and have a feeling this might just be part of the mycelium network. Open to hearing insights if you have any. I’m re-reading a few chapters of Teaming With Microbes just to get a refresher on things.

Anyway… I think I’m prepared for battle this Fall! Any tips you all have please feel free to enlighten me on what to expect. I’ve never grown plants this large before!

Sherbert x Irene Kush:

Peach Puree:

A week later side by side and you can see how much they’ve filled out:

Adult Stink Bug!

Top of the soil with the “slime trails”:

In the jungleeeee:

The Northern Light Ladies

Got two phenos of this one and they’re both THICC. Really impressed with how these are turning out. Almost finished!

Pheno 1 aka THE CHONK QUEEN - Pics taken a week apart:

Pheno 2 aka Double Stem - She just decided to split her main stem one day:

a week later…

Let’s goooooo!


if these plants are growing on your roof that is so awesome lol and something i definitely considered haha. Pretty sure my neighbours would not be too happy though :sweat_smile:


Buddddd… You’re telling me! They started out pretty small and no one could see them. Now they are TREEEEEE’S!! lol … Whatever man, it’s legal! OH CANADA! I also have my ACMPR license so if anyone wants to have a conversation about it, I’m here, ready to talk.


Great looking plants! I look forward to seeing how the Sherbert x Irene Kush turns out!


Things are getting a bit crowded on the Northern rooftop. I had to order more feeding tube for the Blumat system due to the fact that I didn’t anticipate the amount of elbow room I would need and racoons keep tapping into my lines for a quick drink! Little bastards… But I guess it is pretty hot this summer and they need water too lol. The plan is to spread the plants apart a little to give some better air flow and breathing room. If you happen to notice a powder on the leaves this is shortly after I sprayed with the micronized sulfur.

Sherbert x Irene Kush on the left and Peach Puree on the right.



I top dressed the large pots again with a homemade craft blend I made from locally obtained amendments. As mentioned before I followed the Build-a-Soil recipe more or less with a few subtractions due to the fact I couldn’t find the ingredients. I only have a slight idea of what I’m doing but it seems to be working out so far. I covered the top dressing with a good 1/4 inch or more of worm castings and a light sprinkle of insect frass and ground up malted barley seed. I bought a cheap coffee grinder from Crappy Tire and it works like a charm.

Both photos seems to be thriving and I’m scouting daily for any issues. In the first week of August I sprayed them down with a homemade LABS foliar then a week later I hit them with another blast of micronized sulfur foliar spray. Just trying to get all these in before the buds set. In the last week they have really started stacking and I believe the stretch is over now. They are pushing past 7 feet I would say now. This should be an interesting fall as I’m expecting some weather that doesn’t necessarily agree with dense cannabis plants. If you can offer any advice, I am all ears! I’m already on the hunt for a leaf blower and some kind of plastic shelter to keep the wet off them at times. Maybe I’m over thinking things…

Took down the Northern Lights auto’s. Nice big chunky colas on these but suffered from a bit of bud rot. I guess I’ll take that as a compliment since I’ve heard they call this the successful growers curse or something… Anyway, I now know the signs and what to look for on my photos. Typically you will see a yellowing or dead fan leaf at the spot where the mold is taking hold. I’ll keep a sharp eye as the photos start filling out.

A sign of bud rot…

The harvest:

"The curse of the successful grower"

These plants look huge in these photos but they’ve been drying now for 5 days and have shrank quite significantly. I would say at least by 50%.

Here are some shots of the photoperiod flowers starting to form:

The Bokashi amended soil for the next auto run is almost finished! The babies will be going outside this weekend for their hardening off phase. I have some pumice and rice hulls from Black Swallow Living Soils to aerate the newly amended soil this time. Hopefully I can get a better grow from this run.

Here’s the next round of autos (Mango Sunrise and Electric Qoolaide). I also selected 2 of my best clones from the SxI and PP and they seem to be taking off nicely as well. A little insurance policy incase these photos are keepers!


Nice plants, and very nice buds! Your plants are making your pots look small. Are you watering every day?

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Thanks! I have them set up on a Blumats system so they are watered automatically.

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Black Swallow has another convert!
I’ve been there twice this summer :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

Love the place!


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