Growing with kids in the house?

That pic of a child admiring the beauty of a plant would freak a lot of people out by them jumping to conclusions… needlessly. In its growing state, it poses absolutely no threat to anyone that touches it… or just admires it’s beauty.

What I see in that pic is a future plant enthusiast. Some children are drawn to the beauty of nature and want to know more about it and how it works. They want to know “why”?.. or “how come”?
That was me when I was that age. Same as many of the people reading this post, we all have an affinity for plants and for some of us, that started at a very early age and has continued through adulthood. If we weren’t into plants, we wouldn’t be growing cannabis.

I’m thankful for the family I had growing up and the plant knowledge and experience I gained from their teachings and watching how things worked. It enabled me to learn to grow pretty much whatever I wanted… or had seeds for. I’m not just addicted to cannabis seeds, I’m addicted to seeds in general.
I’m the guy who will go for a walk around the neighborhood and return with a multitude of seeds/seed pods or maybe even a cutting, to sort through and check out afterwards… and one day attempt to grow.

Let me add that I am thankful for the people I’ve met, and haven’t met, on OG, too. I learn and relearn from you all every time I read about your experiences while you’re growing your plants!


I also grow with kids in the house. I can’t stress enough the NEED for an air exhaust and carbon filter. It’s a must! Especially when you get to flower! If possible try to locate your tent close to a window. Best of luck.


my policy with my kids was always be honest and up front and treat them like adults or young adults what ever the case may be and also age appropriate! She sees me smoke across the yard and it is a normal thing to her as both her parents smoke cigs :poop::face_vomiting: she is only 3 and for her it’s more about time with me and motor skills development filling cups with dirt and water and pretending to have a tea party​:rofl: she is “a real little helper” but as a grandparent my patients are endless :man_farmer: O.G. the world.
on a related topic both my kids turned out to be great humans that are compassionate, strong and successful if I do say so myself :grin:


I’ve got 4 kids oldest being 12 and youngest 4. I started smoking weed at 12 but times have changed a bit. My kids have never seen me smoke. They don’t know i smoke but they have smelt it and seen plants Outdoors many times. I’m just a few months or days away from the 12 year old catching on. First time he is with his friends and one of them says “smell that? It’s pot” that will be the day he knows. Then we will talk.


Do it!!! 20 chars

Fuck, what a talk that will be…stay firm but understanding, stay against hard drugs, but dont demonize ( kids love to rebel)…


that’s how it happened to me and my youngest was walking by the shed when her friends said who’s in there, she said my dad’s having a cigarette a they said nope! :rofl: she was 12 or 13 bur she did not say anything about it untill years later :+1:
ps she 30 now and does not smoke pot :no_mouth::grin::v:


The photo could be interpreted as some sort of metaphor for teaching children about cannabis, and responsible cannabis education… after all, it is legal in half of the states and it is an area that should be discussed with kids at some point. pretty much the way some parents treated alcohol around children.


I have been open with my daughter about cannabis use and growing from day one. I am lucky enough to live in a medical legal and now recreational legal state, so it is not as odd here. My daughter is in college now and she has never tried it and has zero interest in smoking or consuming cannabis. I was open with her about the birds and bees from the start also, and she has never gotten pregnant, so education is a good thing. Legislate - Regulate - Educate


Where I live it’s mandatory minimum 1-5 years penitentiary for a single plant and that’s without kids involved. They will take the children and even if you get out of jail legally hard to get them back. Not advised in illegal area.


That’s some funny shit! :sob::joy:
Most of us lie on the tomato plant, it’s the go too lie. I tell it to my nieces. One day they ran to me all panicked, and said my tomato trees got infected with stickers. They said Uncle, " yo tomatoes look like a stika bush " lol…
I usually keep outsiders locked out of my grows, but sometimes I get complacent or forgot to close up when company comes over. First time they caught me it was like " Uncle why is there trees in that room, it look like outside. Ohh is that the sun in the closet " . All I could say was, those R tomatoes.


Thanks @GMan she won :heart_eyes::+1:!


Ha ha, awesome! That’s a cool pic. Better archive it for her later years. Take care bro, peace