Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Typically i don’t adjust wattage’s and just leave it at my full set value all the time, only time i turn it down is when its completely empty with just seedlings starting out as if i don’t heat builds up due to all the light bouncing around having nowhere to go, but once you have a plant or two of alright size then its back to full.

As for the pH yeah more dolomite lime could possibly fix the issue even if ive already tried 4+ tbsp a gal of mix, but its an issue that shouldn’t be there in the first place so no sense chasing my tail and just avoid the situation to begin with, that being avoid the more generic Promix potting mix and only go after the HP or similar bit higher end mixes, or just go back to coco which will likely happen eventually.


As for Wednesday update

Left side moving along, the remaining PRxCD has been turning dark purple where ever direct light has been hitting it as its been only on water for a bit over a week now i didn’t expect it to have this much color which is a nice surprise.

The Cinderevil in the back is loaded with seeds, all at the green stage at the moment so still a good couple of weeks before i can think about harvesting that plant.

As for the low pH others, there moving along slowly with issues patience will be running short on them in about a week depending.

Also the harvested PRxCD will have to wait probably till mid weekend before i can start extracting seeds though im not expecting many as it only looks very sparsely populated which would of been from my couple hr wait time before blowing off vs say the cinderevil which was left alone for a day, will be enough to play with though.

Right side creeping along im seeing roots out the bottom its just slow going, they’re a bit mopey and i should do a rundown test just to see whether high EC or pH issues as i did add one tbsp of Dolomite lime to this batch of HP as a precaution but it could be pushing it high.


Might be a pain in the ass but I love the look of the sand in a jar approach!


lol well thats after the fact, was a mesh bag shaken over a SS mixing bowl out on the patio which i probably swept a gram plus off the floor which went into a near by planter.

Needless to say either need a bigger bowl/bucket or a more confined way of doing it.


In that case I’ll kick back watch you figure it out and go from there! Then I might get myself that ikea quality setup! Lol :joy:


Here is the tutorial should you have any interest :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::hugs::wink::man_scientist:


Hmm when I hear mesh bag you wouldn’t happen to be doing a dry ice hash sift would you?

If so, this guys’ method seems pretty cool:

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Clean grow room and Beautiful plants :heart_eyes:
Pleasant to see :heart:


Saturday update

Well de-seeded the PRxCD only got just over 120 seeds from it, also culled the Cookie devils just slow and no need and also removed the older flowering plants just was done with the ph issues.

So that leaves the one PRxCD which will be chopped this weekend, the seeded Cinderevil doing its thing which is still probably 2+ weeks out on the seeds, and the 5 spotted limes are taking off now after being transplanted in non messed up pH promix though gave them feed that was a bit to heavy so they are on straight water for the time being.

Also have some seedlings just emerging this morning 4 Waterstones from Sebring, and two Gold Widow CBD x Jem from Invisible here on the forums which there are two more of that at least one i expect to emerge maybe tomorrow or the next day the other im unsure on, and dunked 3 dragon hearts the other day which i need to look at to see where there at.

And to finish up being Seed Saturday

3 packs of the lemon pies up for offer, random selection to those who are interested and post within the next 4hrs from this post.


Liking the looks of those stop signs! My lemon pie just shed it’s helmet and showed it’s head. Ready to see how she goes!


Heck yeah man. I would love to give Lemon Pie a go. You are OG thru and thru.


Seed Saturday here again dam the weeks are flying by. Wonder how lemon pie would mix with grape pie shit might have to open a bakery with all these deserts.


Nice! I would definitely be interested in those! Always love stopping by your thread. Still can’t believe how clean your setup is!


It’s rooms like his that make me ashamed to show mine sometimes haha.

(edit. Don’t view this as an entry I have won in the past)


well if no one else puts there hands up may not be random for whom gets them :wink: lol about an hr left till i call it.


I’ll put my name in! Lemon pie autos! Yum yum!



You can throw my name in that giveaway if it’s not too late :wink::crossed_fingers:t2:

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I agree. Lemon pie sounds awesome but, I have won in the past as well. I hope that all is well with you and yours :v:t4:


Sounds awesome! Sign me up :facepunch::facepunch:

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Some dice rolls later @BigMike55 @ChronicMcBudz @Chirpxchirp ill send you a pm shortly