Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

me too, lol


Rolls done, and im lazy today so for those im about to name send me a Priv note link Via a Private message here on OG with an shipping addy ### Do Not post it as a response on this thread as then anyone can see it ### for those who haven’t used privnote after you create a note it will generate a random link just copy and paste to your PM , and it gets destroyed after being read once

… saying that rolls left @G-paS @Greasy @Judsbuds @cadman and @cannabliss standing, for others there will more of these or well a mixed mother packs once the plants are harvest and dried, though will be back to the cinderevils this weekend.


Congrats to the winners!! Thank you @Mr.Sparkle! Awesome enterprise!


grats folks thank you very cool and I have a bunch of auto regs and a bunch of fems finishing soon if you would like me to send you some just let me know

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Thanks for doing this each week. I enjoy the update and then watching to see who gets your fire. I missed this one. I thought you were doing the Cinderevil, and i already have that. Spread the seeds far and wide.


id be down send me a pm when they finish up.

@BigMike55 these were sitting on the shelf with some being shucked from crispy buds yesterday morning and due to me missing the weekend, figured change it up.


will do for sure thanks again


Awesome :ok_hand: thanks @Mr.Sparkle

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Thank you @Mr.Sparkle


Thank You so much for doing this. I so appreciate the autos you make and share.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Congrats, to all the winners. Outstanding @Mr.Sparkle :+1:t4: :v:t4:


All I can say is, as always, simply a damn nice grow…and an even nicer giveaway! Congrats to you lucky winners! As usual, you never disappoint @Mr.Sparkle !! The plants are as always beautiful! The GRCD sounds like it might be a good one!


Looking nice as always! Sorry about the bud-rot :frowning:

I got f’ing whiteflies in my cab. And like a week or so from chop. Ugggg.

However, the baby Cinderevil are coming along nicely!

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I’m so over the whole bug thing damn I went 5 years never had an issue then in the middle of winter of all times spider mites and as soon as I can say shit I think I got them f’ing fungus gnats ugghh 1 more bug I’m out I swear lol good luck

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Got my cinderevils in today! Thanks again Mr.Sparkle!


Saturday morning update back to the regular.

Left side down to just the singular Trizzler that was pollinated around Wednesday and Thursday, the GRCD that was here got chopped spot a little more bud rot so just took down the whole plant leaving some space for the Ladys sunflowers to be migrated.

Saying that the third chamber is “Gone” i ripped it out, im planning to make a new full sized third chamber likely at least the same size as the lower ones though likely 10" higher and i would liek to go wider though may not be in the books, so there will be some work up until i take off in august for family cabin time.

Right side i though we were doing good and was planning on chopping the GRCD’s this weekend, though this morning i spotted some dead leaves on the front one that were dead in the fashion that imply’s bud rot, so they come down after this post. That sucks though i escaped it with them.

Mind you most all will become resin anyways.

As for the Cinderevils they are doing well.

And to Wrap it up with Seed Saturday and you all know the deal comment below if interested, and were back to the cinderevils.


Yay seed Saturday but I think I’ve got those already .
Checked my cheat sheet yup can’t believe these haven’t got snaffled up already people your sleeping .

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Hello and good morning everyone! Same to you @Mr.Sparkle, except with the addition of a big “Thank you!” for your OGenerosity! And… like everyone else, yes, interested in popping these pearls too! :grin: :pray:


So sorry to hear about the rot on the GRCD ! But I still luv the looks of the Cinderevils ! Would luv a chance to grow them cause they look like :fire:

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You got me RE-interested in the Cinderevil. Like to try them again.