Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

This cabinet checks all my boxes every time I see it. Absolutely gorgeous. Definitely going to incorporate some of this in my future build.

Would love to get in on the Cinderevils if that’s still an option.


Glad to see you back on Saturday. :wink: Plants are looking good man!

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I’v got the Cinderevil already! Growing now! But If it’s “allowed” (by you) I will throw my hat in the ring, explicitly to give to a co-worker/grow-mie (the same one who is helping with my photo->auto cotton candy Kush auto x knights Templar Kush breeding project…)


Would love to try em


I’ve been wanting to try these for awhile now I’ve seen and heard great things so way way interested


Everyone needs some evil in their life :slight_smile:


yeah fair game id say :wink:

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Than I will throw in too. I got some. I am trying to do 75% auto grows. I have bought just autos. I need to bred them.

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also just finished trimming up the GRCD’s, and clipping out the bud rot sections, saying that those sections i went through for seeds and they had next to none so kinda bummed in that these are likely gonna be quite low seed counts, otherwise the not rotted bud is really good.


Awesome haul!
:green_heart: :seedling:

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And now the lady’s dwarf sunflowers have a cabinet to themselves and i expect them to out grow it shortly,


Bud rot, my sympathies. I hate when that happens. Glad you were able to work around it and not lose the whole harvest. I do love watching your work.

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great yielder,as it looks like!! i´m interested too :+1:

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I’m in to try some of these infamous Cinderevils :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can I toss my hat in too in that case. My local grower buddy who. I’m trying to convince to join OG is interested. I’ve been showing him pics of those cinderevil, and those fatty lemon pie buds you made. :wink: If not, no worries. I already gave him some of the lemon pie seeds you hooked me up with. Regardless, not trying to be greedy, just wanna share your fire. :+1:

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Alright calling it for today rolls landed on @BlackGoldNGreen , @GnomeyByNature and good thing you threw your hand in at the end @Rhino_buddy

*lazy again so partial cut and paste

Those named send me a Privnote link Via a Private message here on OG with an shipping addy ### Do Not post it as a response on this thread as then anyone can see it ### for those who haven’t used privnote after you create a note it will generate a random link that you can just copy and paste to your PM to me, and it gets destroyed after being read once.


Woah. Thanks man! Glad I asked. You’re fire beans will spread far and wide. :raised_hands:

Also… Like like like



grats folks and thank you for your generosity as always


Congrats to all the winners this week

Cheers Johnny

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Any speculation as to why the below expectation seed count occurred?
Poor pollination? Poor ripening? Non-viable pollen? …

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