Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

Thanks for the opportunity @Mr.Sparkle
And congrats to the winners hope you find fire in them there beans!


Thanks my man! @Mr.Sparkle :bowing_man:t2:‍♂


Not a thorough pollination on my part.


Monday update.

Right side, think we may be close to 9 Weeks with the Cinderevils, just on water and still looks like it has a bit of time left.

As for the trizzler showing signs it was pollinated and continuing on.

and the ladys dwarf sunflowers, looking like there going into their flowering stage with the center section formation. Also drying some trim for shake later once its dried.


love the sunflowers!


the one thing i hate about seed sorting is damn allergen attack afterwards, likely all the capless stalk hairs.

First GRCD done should be about 420-430 seeds by weight.


Hey bud, just curious how the weight thing works. Is there an average seed weight? I shocked over 800 seeds just before I left for holidays but I counted them. Not a fun process as I am sure you know.


I typically count out 100-200 which you can do relatively quick using tweezers or whatever just swiping 5 at a time from the pile, then i weigh those and then all the seeds and divide the counted weight from the total and multiply by the amount of seeds i counted.

100 count gets you pretty decently accurate, 200 more so and past that then numbers start running together and errors can be made that way.


oh oh I just learned this because I was looking into sending Sebring some seeds depending on seed size 1.5 to 2.5 grams per 100 am I right close his site says usual donation is 8 grams wanted to know how many seeds that was lol what he said


well for me 200 count above weighed in at 3.15g at the moment , that number will go down as they dry some more, though total was 6.7 something grams.

And typically if it was a fully pollinated plant i would of expected about triple the amount for the same sized plant.


I counted out 200 as well to send to Johnny and they were dried competely they came in at 4.5 or so but they are huge beans so


Thanks @Mr.Sparkle , much appreciated. Yes I have many to count. Got over 840 from 1 main cola and still have 2 full plants and 1 missing a main cola to shuck. That was after picking out all the white and green ones. I can only imagine how many are buried in there.


I love making seeds but gotta say not my favorite thing to do shucking beans that is good luck


My first go at shucking seeds and I can understand peoples issue doing it . I thought trim jail was bad so I have a new respect for you seed makers. Well heck, I guess I am a seed maker now too, lol. I have to admit I was quite surprised when I checked that main cola and found so many. I suppose a germ test is in order when I get done. Here come those PPP seeds :slight_smile:


Nice buds :+1:

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my technique of late is to let the bud get really dry and then just roll and crumble then between gloved hands into a bowl then i shake that through a mesh bag for kief and the leftovers get sieved out through a bigger mesh sieve which retains the seeds and bigger stem and bud particles.

then i windrow them in a stainless steel mixing bowl, tilting it at and angle and swishing it while blowing some air in, or can be done with a fan or windy day, all the light stuff gets pushed over the end or accumulates at the top side of the bowl with the seeds rolling to the bottom, and you can just pick out that plant material remnants leaving the seeds quite clean.

I will be making a seed cleaner eventually


Nice, thanks for the input. I shucked the first cola a bit damp so I am guessing dry will be easier. I chopped the plants and hung them whole in my tent before leaving so they have a 2 week hang before I get to them. They should be super dry by that point. Figured they would continue to mature a while during hang. Appreciate the guidance, it will be very helpful.


When you make that seed cleaner, please add another post about it. I’ve been considering one of those zig zag vacuum builds but I feel like you would still need to do a lot of prep work to make that useful. Love to see what others have found works well for them.

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I use the same method or have in the past at least let the bud dry very dry. crush the crap out of it usually I collect the initial drop because there will be way more seeds to plant material dump them,in a bowl and then do it again to get the rest of them. You can pick out a ton of the plant material,off the top by tossing the beans. then onto the tedious chafe removal so to speak. Almost all seeded buds get made into edibles after. A seed cleaner would be cool but I don’t make enough for it to be feasible

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I am book marking for my first husk.
:green_heart: :seedling:

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