Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

That I knew and have a couple. Now I know how it was named.
:green_heart: :seedling:


No I popped them had good germ rate. I think I started them off in too hot of soil and burned them up.


One of my good friends from the past worked in the logging woods in SW Arkansas, until he slipped one day and cut his kneecap in half with a chainsaw.

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as sweaty as they get reason why you wear chainsaw chaps, though accident can and do happen

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WOW your setup has me rethinking my whole scene! Its so efficient! I currently have a 5x8 room but the plants only use a 2.5x5 area and the rest is mechanical crap. Its all sealed with ac and dehumidifier and co2 and the dehu and ac are in a constant battle during the summer. I need to downsize!! I hope you journal your next cab build, I will be watching!!


Alright monday update with a bonus.

Trizzler moving along which i should figure out the day its on, and should likely pluck a seed just to see ripeness though timeline wise they have about a week maybe week and half max before they get a forced chop. Also some sunflowers whether they get planted over at the inlaws place, culled or i plant them at work i guess we will see.

Now for the Bonus, did some trades this last weekend with @JohnnyPotseed as he was in some need of some autos, anyways had these seeds packaged up before we had decided on specifics and as these are more a fun strain/pheno that didn’t fit the bill we decided it was best not to include them.

Now seeings how they are already packaged and i see no need for me to unpackage them i figured i would offer them up to any of you who would be wanting to grow them.

What they are are some DarkSpark seeds “originally Darkdevils just quite a few gens in” and this one coming from a mother i effectively called “Fuzz”, reason being is its a really fluffy plant and when flowers it looks more like a pussy willow in structure than a normal plant, still they are decently covered in trichomes and yield alright weight wise they just have zero density to them and are stretchers.

Now saying that you’ll get other pheno variations in these seeds that dont express that way, and likely a crinkle mutant or two though otherwise a higher likely hood of one of the above style phenos and i know of one member here @TrevorLahey that enjoys them when they pop up, mind you hes one of the few that actually got seeds from this plant as it was an odd ball i didn’t need that many seeds for.

So for those who are interested you know what to do, and to those who don’t just leave a comment below that your interested and i’ll do a die roll off later though one requirement you must have an Avatar in your profile to be entered :wink:

And a shot of the mother plant.


Hey bud, really cool of you. I wont throw my hat in the ring for this one as I dont know when I would get to them but still appreciate you putting them up. Thanks @Mr.Sparkle


Good afternoon everyone! And thanks again for your generous giveaway @Mr.Sparkle. Like Doug, I wouldn’t know when I’d pop them, but unlike him, and as per your request, I did get an avatar which I’m also pleased with!! My hat is in for the die roll!! And thanks again!!


I’ll throw my hat in the ring because I was debating running a Freakshow or two from @anon71563794 next time so some other oddities in the mix would be cool. Would be 2 months or so before I did though if that makes a difference.


Heck im always up for free beans. Im in there like swimwear.


Always up for some great auto genetics. If I don’t get to them this year I’ll plant em all next spring. As always great work @Mr.Sparkle!

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I’m in! Maybe my good luck is still floating around from the weekend :thinking: lol

I’m not really a gambling man, but I love me a good old fashioned dice roll! :smiley:


damned nice as always. best of luck to all!

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I’ve had a few come up like the fuzz, no real bag appeal per say but still smoke nicely. They just tend to be a little stretchy that’s all.

Cheers Johnny


Awesome looking little plant, you seem to always have your hands on some colorful stuff indeed.

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I was just checking your Monday update and those autos. I would be up for them. They look like fun.
:green_heart: :seedling:


… wtf @Oldtimerunderground , and did a reroll twice just for shits and giggles .

i think your luck is used up now, made sure of it lol.

Send me a DM and i’ll get it in the mail.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Congratulations @Oldtimerunderground !
:green_heart: :seedling:


Congrats @Oldtimerunderground!


You did it!! Congrats!!