Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021

yeah at that was my original thought on it, saying that my t6 runs at max setting 3 when its really hot and thats periodically, so its quite to say the least


Iā€™m not growing at this moment for living with ppl that donā€™t agree, but itā€™d be great to have these seeds for a future grow. If you are okay with this, count me in in the roll, Mr Sparkle. :relaxed: :v:


forsure it is

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Throw my hat in the ring please (at your discretion). I won these a while back, but now my pack is empty :cry:! And I definitely want to keep running these!


Iā€™m not gonna get into this one, I figure let some of those that want Cinderevil and havenā€™t gotten any get em. lol But after drooling over the pics you post, @Mr.Sparkle , Iā€™m really looking forward to seeing how these I have growing from you end up!!

Can I DM ya for a sec?


I wouldnā€™t mind trying them.

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Had a grow log (if I can call it that) before, due to mixed feelings of defeats, learning curves, frustrations, simple paranoia of being either watched or monitored (in hindsight, when I did receive the one batch of seeds from a few OGers, they came all together, suggesting they could have been accumulated and then delivered) I then stopped updating it. A few other packs have been sent, even though I havenā€™t received any, so far. Hope I donā€™t have any problems, yet that doesnā€™t stop my love for this plant which is even prior to my need of it as my own medicine.

Long story short, donā€™t think Iā€™ve won a pack of yours with the dice roll before. Despite our exchange of PMs in the past, either because the beans you had sent me could have been held and put away when entering the country or I could soon receive them (the previous group of envelopes were in the two month time of delivery window).

And last but not least, as I tend to go, to oscillate from complete lack of either concern or attention for something (such as the avatar) to the absolute dedication to something else (Iā€™ve been a frequent OGer since I joined the site, and I love it. You kinda caught me by surprise because it does seem like 10 seconds, but by the time I look at it and start wondering, Iā€™ll be putting thousands of seconds into ā€œwhat avatar do I want?ā€ LOL! You did make me think about, Iā€™m not sure whether Iā€™ll be fast enough to produce one.

Finally, all things considered, I would also love to have the opportunity to grow those Cindeliria, oops, Cinderevils! And soon throwing an avatar!! Surely!



And @Abbbian as weā€™ve talked your good cause your actively around the forum, and who knows on those seeds for you maybe they will show up eventually like your others.

As for the avatar, you just throw one up and then can update or change it later, as i know to some having one that fits does take some time.


OTUG: the legend, You are probably the wrong person to ask, but how do you get your badge for a grow log? Do you have to ā€œclose itā€ after harvest? I think I was planning on using my ā€œDirtron plays with dirt and chats with friendsā€ indefinitely. Hopefully doing so it doesnā€™t end up costing me a badge but if so I guess oh well.

Nice avatar @Abbbian :point_down:
Ditto @ShiskaberrySavior :point_up_2:

With the three of us fixed up there are gonna be a lot less ā€œlettersā€ in these threads. We 3 post quite a lot. Probably some of the most among the (formerly) avatar-lessā€¦

Thanks to @Heliosphear for finishing my avatar sketch on the EXACT day I needed it!
Since there is no such thing as a coincidence that must mean I am winning!?!


Love your avatar request Aplausos|nullxnull, good point, I remember STIGGY couldnā€™t keep the same more than a week :sweat_smile:, thanks for sharing ā€¦ beer3|nullxnull


Following @ShiskaberrySavior and as well as in respect to @Mr.Sparkleā€™s request, there it is! My new Avatar! Now Shush Sh!! :flushed: :upside_down_face: :laughing: :crazy_face:

As you may have noticed, had to be personal, thatā€™s my bud in the background! :pray: :hugs:


I will throw my name in there as well. I already had some couple months ago but I already killed those. Would like another shot.


You already received it, when you started your first grow diary.

Itā€™s all good though, I just got the Aficionado badge today!! :sunglasses:

Nice avatar by the way :grin:

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killed, killed or grew, harvested and killed!? Hope the latter!

:pray: :hugs:

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Alright late roll time, @Foreigner , @Oldtimerunderground , and @smokenhike

Cut and paste from last week.

Those named send me a Privnote link Via a Private message here on OG with an shipping addy ### Do Not post it as a response on this thread as then anyone can see it ### for those who havenā€™t used privnote after you create a note it will generate a random link that you can just copy and paste to your PM to me, and it gets destroyed after being read once.


Congrats to the winners!! and once again thanks @Mr.Sparkle for giving us the opportunity to win some fiery gems!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray: :hugs:

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Thank you! I love c99 and your other stuff has been great, looking forward to trying these.


Congratulations to the winners.
Rock on Mr Sparkle

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I won?!
tenor (1)

Thank you @Mr.Sparkle!!!


Congrats to the new winners , may they grow tall & green !

Hats off to you Mr.Sparkle for a FANTASTIC giveaway ~