Growing With Mr.Sparkle : 2021 (4)


It seems to have become way more pricey than when I was a kid. I used to be able to buy it with my allowance which was equivalent to a pittance. No I can’t even look at the stuff without my pockets burning.


Even though I’m Pagan more than 1/2 my friends are Jewish so this was always a “shit yourself laughing” on a group movie night watch!

Last time I made Latkas and the excess oil in our systems was a very bad idea! :laughing:

Sounds like me in the early 90’s. This stuff came out 87! I go for President’s Choice (store brand) “unsweetened sparkling water”. $3 a case of 12 cans and their cream soda tastes like cupcake water.


I drink the hell out of unsweetened sparkling water. I can’t drink sweetened drinks anymore. They are just toooooo sugary(or equivalently sweet). But I do avoid the ones they add sodium to. They always seem to be cheaper.

Now we’re just cluttering up @:tropical_fish::bulb:’s thread. Sorry buddy.


Lol I use to get those as a kid as well, and yeah they are pricey now, the lids had cut me more than once cause of side tab breaking away.

I will spend $$ on good pop though, something traveling taught me is true cane sugar soda wins anyday over big name brand stuff here, say even drinking occasionally say with rum would get a gut rot feeling with regular coke, mexican coke or say like Philips cola “as in philips brewing” no issues and alot better.


Trizzlers and grcd have been nothing but gems

Interesting fact for the trizzlers they seem to be able to hold up well in cooler temps 66’f light on and r looking good !

Will be stalking this so I can get my hands on some of the cinderevils I bet they like some lst !:crazy_face:


It has real sugar in it. I’m the same way I like all those sodas. Sometimes they come in crazy bottles. Rum with sweet tea. Southern style. You’ll never mix it with anything else. I was a big rum drinker at on time. I like pure cane the best. I’ve tried about all of them. There was one that I liked was kind of cheap I can’t remember the name of it it was a celebrity brand. But fake stuff gives you bubbly gut. Lol like eating bad ice cream on a hot day. Haaa


I gotta agree! Screw all that corn syrup they put into EVERYTHING. I just haven’t had it in so long it just tastes too sweet now. I’ve been wanting to try a soda stream since you can concoct it yourself.

Love it! Sugar soda, with Sugar cane alcohol. I do like rum, probably because it’s made from sugarcane. :crazy_face:


Nice!! My stems are a nice beautiful purple, and some of the sugar leaves so the trait is definitely there. This plant was more worried about making fat ass nugs than being pretty. I still love her.


Dark or gold rum is the ‘go to’ here in this house lol I drink mine straight shots, the wife likes some coke.


Looks fabulous cuz! So frosty lol


Curious what you guys smell like? Mines like, a mix of fruit and vomit lol


I love me some dark rum! Mmmmm dark n Stormy’s are one of my faves. :wink:

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I already do the sweet tea rum mix, though learned can’t be say arizona ice tea as that plus alcohol for whatever reason I get bad heartburn, I think it’s the acidity mixed with the alcohol other ice teas seem fine though.

And @Rhino_buddy I typically load up with ice that I poor water over so it won’t fizz as bad and in the process dilute whatever by a far amount as I agree it’s too sweet by itself for me now.

And I occasionally make my own sodas though the traditional way with yeast.


Depends on the plant as they range from fruity to solvent to musky and all combos.

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I agree. I don’t drink anymore. A few beers. Once in a blue moon.

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Blueberries and armpits


Day 21/11/2

Darksparks doing well with the hindered plant you wouldn’t even know i ran it dry apart from couple lower leaves. I will need to either transfer one to another res as im taking off for 4 days or make a selection and remove a plant though at this stage im leaning to the former option.

As for the OG Auto Chronicle plants they are doing well just hooked them up to waters yesterday, im not liking the leaf growth structure on the bottom right plant though im holding off on any decisions to see if things change with the auto waters.

And the better GOC x PL seedling i should transplant, if the others pickup ill do the same for them as well though they only get two days to show any improvement or they get pulled as if i leave them in the start plugs they wont be able to go 4 days without water.


I know what you mean. Im glad you said it :rofl: I’ve always been too embarrassed to tell anyone I love that sh!t :+1::v:


Your stuff is so clean. I’m sorry man you do a very good job. Some of your friends do a very good job. I’m speechless. The only time I feel like that I can help. Is when you guys have bugs. I actually like it when you guys do. Because I know how to kill them. Your stuff is so amazing. Peace

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