Grumpier with age or more mellow?

I’m more getting more mellow. My sweetie says he’s getting grumpier. What about you?


More mellow on some grumpier with others more grumpy in general one reson I started smoking lol


Interesting topic, very curious to see what says the community.

I would say that I’m getting more mellow, but more passionate about certain subjects/events.

I speculate that one becoming more grumpy, or more mellow has less to do with age and everything to do with mindset and environment :slight_smile:



LOL!! This is me to a T :slight_smile:

The grand kids - at least the girls - get away with more and more every day it seems, and thats fine with me. The boys, not as much as the girls, but they still get more slack from me than they used to.

On the other hand, I am less tolerant of stupidity, willful ignorance, and republicans than I ever was before :wink:


These are great!

But, doesn’t the mindset and environment come with age? For me it has, I have created an environment that is safe and keep dysfunctional people at more than arm’s length. Surround myself with positive people. This was certainly not the case for me as a young woman. My choices were shit and my environment reflected it.

I force myself to be tolerant to the opinions of republicans. I’ve simply stopped debating with them. Save myself the grief and frustration :wink:


More mellow but my grumpyness is more grumpy … definitely give less of a fuck about most things these days though :smiley::sunglasses:


Absolutely it can, from personal experience I can say that a young me, eager to make my mark on the world actually removed myself from a positive environment and this caused me much stress and bad decisions lol.

It took me a long time to get back to “stable” after young me made bad decisions and surrounded myself with “dysfunctionals” haha

On a large enough sample size, age would just be another variable.

With age comes experience, with experience comes wisdom, and with wisdom comes peace.


Less fucks definitely given! lol Learned to not carry around other peoples shit (so to speak) either!


You forgot the wrinkles, gray hair and aches and pains :joy:


Jeeez and I’m going so grey :sob::sob:


Guilty as charged lol. I try not to give the aforementioned things too much focus :wink:


Honestly you guys, I’m not a woman who spends a lot of time in the mirror. I prefer how I think I look in the inside. Yesterday, I was getting ready for dinner and realized their were streaks of silver, forgot it was time to dye my hair…didn’t notice until I was fussing in the mirror. It’s like a month overdue… lol :older_woman:

Denial clearly isn’t working for me.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: well we’ll blame the forgetfulness on age too


Yeah I get it lol well we’re proof that there are people alike on both sides lol


I think about how i would handle a situation when I was 18. What I valued was a good time, friends…girls,what I thought would be around forever. If I had a problem the answer seemed easy. And i think about how far away the future seemed. And now im here. And I do things much slower then I had used to, soaking up every minute I can.


I think it’s more maturity maturity comes from the environment that you’re raised in and the decisions that you make and whether you decide to learn from them decisions and some people mature faster than others


Yes and no on that one, because I’m a total kid when I’m not adulting and I dig it haha

There are times to be certain ways… i think wisdom is having the good sense to know when to work and when it’s ok to play…

And truth @Spacecowboy… some people mature faster than others while some never do at all just as some learn from mistakes and some dont…

@Meesh I’ve become more of both… I’m grumpy at certain things that I dont agree with, but mellow knowing that I can’t change them so i can’t be mad over them…

My kids and my friends here have taught me alot about how to not be so explosive and roll with it


Kiddos get away with murder. 98% of rest of population can fuck off. And total apathy towards liberals in general. I’ll never change the degenerate/ gimme more mentality. No use in trying


Interesting topic
Having reached geezerhood, I find that I have become far more circumspect in all of my interactions with others. When I was younger, I would be quick to take issue with those with whom I disagree. I felt compelled to “prove” that I was correct, whether the topics were sports, politics, religion or even growing.
Nowadays, I feel no compulsion whatsoever to “prove” that I am right on any topic of discussion.

One thing that I find to be a significant change within myself is that I can now see much more clearly the various patterns of human behavior and interactions and what these can lead to.
I have noticed that an awful lot of this predictable behavior does not generally end well.
But unless my opinion is solicited, I keep it to myself.

Markedly more mellow these days.


I would say more mellow. It takes a lot more to rattle me, as I’ve been through my fair share of shit. Things that would have sent me into a panic when I was younger don’t compare to major stressful events of my past now.