Grumpier with age or more mellow?

This, right here!! The older I get the less I care about being right. I’d rather be happy. Being right was so much more important to me when I was younger, I would fight to the death to prove it. I still catch myself every once in awhile starting to do this, it’s usually very quickly that I back down and let it go. In an argument, whether I am right or not, I will usually just apologize and move on for the sake of peace and happiness. I think in 10 more years, I will be an expert at it. lol

I’ve also learned that zebras have stripes. Accept people as they are or drive yourself crazy picking them apart because they are not gonna change.


BOTH :upside_down:

:evergreen_tree: Peter Pan mode


Throwing in my $0.02, I am definitely getting grumpier.

A few weeks ago, there were smoe kids standing out in fromt of the house (house is a short distance from the corner, which has a “7-11” so there are always walkers and congregators). I looked outside and saw some of the were on the lawn.

Yes, I actually yelled, “You kids get the hell off my lawn”.



@WMoon518 That literally made me laugh out loud while I was in coffee been waiting for my iced coffee! :joy:


I truly feel your 24-hour pain. :unamused:

OOOOoooohhhh I’d be calling to report a multiple homicide… :older_man: :telephone:

had a rotary phone laying around here… from my grandparents, as in the OG Phone, from when the numbers were 4 & 5 digits & had ‘names’. :astonished:
I should saved it.

:evergreen_tree: ha-rumph

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Saddly I’m getting older and wiser while grumpier and meaner. Oh and balder!! Fakk!!


“Ha-rumph, Ha-rumph, Ha-rumph, Ha-rumph, Ha-rumph”

“I Didn’t get a ‘Ha-rumph’ out of that guy”

“Give the Governor a ‘Ha-rumph’”


“You watch your ass”


Was it the Seasme Street that this quote came from

I think I’m aging like a soda cracker. Neither moldy, nor improved, just a little stale after a while, which is, I guess, par for the course.


I always thought it was wine and bread. lol but milk makes sense too. Aging like wine would be a good thing unless it was Thunderbird or Night Train or something. lol Do they still make that shit?


Yes. Saddly. Don’t forget good old MD 20/20!!


Was that a cheap wine too? For some reason I thought that was malt liquor. Either way… :skull_crossbones: vomit


For sure more mellow. Someone said mindset and environment, I agree.

You can either make the bad teach you to love and appreciate the good times and even just OK times. Or you can learn to grow bitter and angry. Wisdom shows you life is unpredictable and will throw some tough situations at you, but you have the power on how to react to it.

Aging comes with more choices and freedom. You learn you can stand up for yourself without being a jerk. You learn to say goodbye to bad people. Experience breeds confidence.

-former angry youth


I like that! …

You’re right it’s malt. :Facepalm:. I am full of fail today.

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Dude, It’s okay I’m embarrassed that I actually knew that… :laughing:

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@SquirtleSquad you’re one of the lucky ones :wink:

-angry former youth



Watch out for Mongo LOL classic

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My grandpa used to always tell me that women age like fine wine they just keep getting sweeter until that point they just turned to vinegar and then he would look at me and smile and say trust me grandson all wine turns to vinegar lol


Yep! I am mellowing like aged beef. I have found peace and resignation in my “advanced age”. With the road ahead being much shorter than the road behind me, I appreciate life so much more. To be frank, I’m living the dream!



With me it’s weather dependent. At the minute I’m a total asshole and grumpy is an understatement as I’m not able to get out and do some work. In the summer I’m the nicest person you could ever meet. As I’m getting older the gap between the two is increasing and I’m getting even more of an asshole when I’m cold and wet :rofl: