Grumpier with age or more mellow?

You can’t blame the weather mate you’ve always been a miserable old fecker :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Yeah you was the best teacher :rofl:


You two are a handful! :joy:


Hahahahaha :sweat_smile: (20 ch)


Mmmm handfuls :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: (20 characters)


It’s worse when we in each other’s company @Meesh haha. It’s all just jest and banter though :+1:


I’ve been on an upward grumpy trend from my late 30s to late 40s, which is not a good thing because I am a contrarian by nature and I dislike most people by default. I have no idea why my family loves me. I love them dearly and take care of them well, but I often don’t like them very much.

I really hope I start to mellow out later in life - the sooner the better - because sometimes I can’t stand myself. I turned back to weed in an effort to mellow out, but to my dismay I find that it makes things worse, not better, much of the time.

I should have been a hermit, like I dreamed of being as a child.


Hi guys, Since I knew where I come from and who I really am and why I AM here now born 61 :wink: I am much more loving for we are all brothers in truth we are one. :slight_smile: And what I do to another I do to my very self and Spirit/ God :heart: I learned through the hard way… So my task and way of life is now ( after 20 years on drugs, 15 years on the needle on heroin, psychiatry, prison, homeless issues and so forth) is to more and more get rid of all my human vices and develop more and more divine loving virtues :innocent: Or one can say I fight my inner darkness and fears and come to universal or unconditional love and forgiveness for myself and all others :heart: I just humbly want to be of loving service where I can :slight_smile:

I know that growing ans smooking is a vice as well, but that I will translate later when I am older may be with 65 :wink:

I hope this was a good idea to be as open as I be now here but I love mankind and I love even more you OGers.

So resume, I am more mellow and not violent anymore, more a gentle men, for god loves gentleness :wink:

Blessed be!


I wish you that you never ever are cold and wet bro! :heart: I know how that feels too , lol :wink:


Ha ha it’s a daily problem for me @AUM. I’m UK and a roofer by trade/job. :+1:


Take 1 or 2 minutes every day to be still and quiet and count the blessings in your life. Sounds cheesy but that shit works. Take it from a 60 something year old veteran of major depression, sounds to me like you might have depression goin’ on. See a doctor. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck brother. Hit me up anytime. Much love and respect


…by for now, i have to see after my babies and give them fresh water with nuties :slight_smile:


I’ve experienced bouts of minor depression in the past. My current state isn’t anything like that. I actually don’t feel depressed at all. Right now I am mourning the loss of a close friend, but that’s something completely separate and normal.

My overall feeling is simply one of frustration and intolerance of others’ weaknesses and/or stupidity, and regret for some of the choices I have made in life.

In the past when I was depressed, there was no reason. If/when I am sad or angry or resentful these days, the reasons are many and obvious. To me, this doesn’t mean I am depressed - it just means I need to change some things in my life and spend more time doing the things that make me happy rather than sacrificing my own needs for others.

Many people experience “empty nest” syndrome when their children leave home. As much as I love my daughters, I will not be sad when they leave. If this makes me an awful person, so be it. But I certainly don’t feel depressed.

I appreciate your concern, though. Thank you for that.


I’m only speechless because I’m stoned at the moment

The shark tank is always open! :smile:



Hey dear, earth is a school, the universe is a university :wink: Its a lesson, dear one first of … moment, do you want to hear my loving spiritual observatio? :innocent:n


You are welcome my friend. As I always say…




I’m gonna get stoned too. :wink:

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How can I pass up an invitation like this? Please continue.


Hahahahahaaa :slight_smile: Super!!!

Oh wonderful dear spiritual brother :wink:

You know I AM a life Coach and spiritual teacher as my profession since no 13 years and I have humbly about 19000 hours coaching under my belt…

So everything on this earth is a lesson and testing in truth. And everything is ruled by laws of God or Spirit or nature o the universe, you name it :wink:

As I see it with my experience is that in the first lesson with your close friend which is now in another dimension of reality or existence, he or she is not dead, she or he has simply no physical body anymore and a physical tongue to speak with you but HE OR SHE IS ONLY ONE THOUGHT AWAY for there is no such a thing as death. We all are immortal beings and we incarnate until we can create right loving relationships, develop good will and be loving and virtuous.

So do not create with your mind negative thoughts about this situation you are in for there will follow then negative feelings and these are the main reason for illness and dis- ease s :wink:

You will meet your friend every night when you go sleeping :heart:

Mourning do not help yourself and as well not the loved who passed on the inner planes of life, au contraire, through your mourning you hold back the person in his or her progression…

Mourning is in truth very egotistical O:)

Then the next lesson is your self created frustration about other peoples mistakes and so on.

Brother, we all make mistakes and mistakes happen as to learn and to forgive them within yourself as well forgive all others as well.

And you have to know all the unlearned unpassed tests and lessons will come back and they will get extremer… we all know that from our lifes n ´est pas? :wink:

So what happens during the course or journey of life:

We do not understand what happens to us and so we are somawhat blind and dumb and we cannot see what we have to learn and so sooner or later the peace and harmony of life goes down the drain so to speak :wink:

This combined with wrong food is the main reason of nowadays depressions, burn outs and suicides.

Forgiveness is the was to happiness!

And then the main important thing is that you learn to love yourself unconditional and forgive yourself everything in your life you did not do right etc!

Because there exists a law, its one of the hermetic laws:

As above so below, as within so without!

Means if you cannot love and forgive yourself you cannot love and forgive others…

These are not only lessons and challenges for you, those are the challenges for us all. We all have to confront

many many lessons on all levels, millions in truth and it is not easy to recognize them.

One has to change ones mind, tread the golden path of self and god realization and so forth and then you can master much much easier your life lessons which you have created in your past lifetimes.

My time is limited in writing, if you like we can skype, free for you of course :wink:

Much Love to you! :heart: