Grumpier with age or more mellow?

Brother @AUM! That was a great great post. It’s the message that we all need to think about, put very eloquently and with genuine compassion. The above quote from your post is the essence of my struggle and I thank you for the inspiration. You are a credit to your profession. Much Love and Respect


Dear one,

I AM glad that I could be of humble help :heart:

Wonderful that you are open to learn for that is the first requitie for a change of mind which leads to a change of the entire life. You are blessed beyound belief brother and know: You as a soul are invulnerable for the law of consciousness states: YOU create your reality ( your energies, your feelings, what you pull into your life and repell) not other people, situations, the stars or the weather, not even God can and will create your reality, only you! Potentially, lol :wink:

That is possible to learn and becoming the master of your mental, emotional subconscious bodies, then niracles will come, but first you have to create your miracle consciousness :slight_smile:

This what has been said should and will empower you if you understand and apply it!

Love you lots Bro! :innocent:


Namaste…and some meaningless characters

Thank you, Namaste, the holy and divine in me is greeting the holy and divine in you, soul to soul, chtost to christ :heart:

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:pray: :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::scream::pray::pray::pray::pray:more characters?

What do you mean with character? :innocent:

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Thanks for your post and I believe I mostly agree/understand. :wave:

But, for the sake of argument, may I ask you, do you personally believe that a misdeed may be so profound as to be literally “unforgivable”? :thinking:



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So, my take on the last 20 posts or so lol… I don’t think it’s far fetched at all to not like the people that you love @cogitech
I can’t stand my Mother, never have. I avoid her like the plague, but I do love her very much.

When I hit 40 I had some pretty useful insights… first, I realized that I hadn’t liked myself for 40 years, I beat myself up over everything and just wasn’t very happy. So, like a light bulb went off in my head and I realized that I had to live with myself for (hopefully) another 40 years and damnit I was gonna live with a friend instead of the enemy of the previous 40. I decided that I would start treating myself like a friend and stop saying mean and harsh things to myself (all the things I said to myself, I would never say to a friend) and forgive myself on a daily basis if I fell short of what I refer to as my life mantra. Which is basically the code I live by and I’m sure everyone’s is different. For me it’s Was I my true authentic self and did I operate without an agenda (meaning did I try to control or influence others for personal gain)? If I fell short, I immediately forgive myself and vow to do better the next day.

One of my therapists told me once how everyone has a dark side and how much easier it is for us to automatically go there. Like patience, a positive attitude takes practice! I have been practicing for years now. It’s a very conscious choice. After a few years of practicing, my foremost thoughts have become positive from the outset. I still have my days, especially when my depression isn’t managed properly where I am a negative Nelly, but I’m usually a pretty happy woman these days and my first instinct is always to smile.

Last but not least, if you pick people apart, loved ones, friends etc… then all you will start to focus on are their flaws. This will drive you crazy!!! I focus my energy on peoples attributes instead. Also, took practice. My relationships with others have improved and I find myself enjoying them more. Not to mention, if you keep picking at all their flaws (everybody has them) eventually they aren’t gonna like you anymore either.


HI dear @cannabissequoia

I thank you for your openmindedness and your truh beliefs. :slight_smile:

Something like that exist not for EVER thing and I mean EVERTHING is totally forgivable, You are forgiven, but sin no more. :wink:

We are in the eyes of God and the masters like children, even our highest politians behave like little children ;

Earth is a school dear one, so forgive yourself and all others and your life will bloom up like a very well treated cannabis plant.

Unconditional selflove and love will heal yourself and the world.

So you are all forgiven, your are completely guiltless for you are a student in a divine mystery school and we all are souls, we all are here to learn to be gentle and loving and peaceful. :slight_smile:
Hope this hleps you a bit brother :heart:


Wonderful and likewise remarkable refining of your character, and yeah is the character is fine the soul will shine :slight_smile:

I am happy you found a good coach!

Yeah its much better to be a lovefinder instead of a mistake finder, as we say :slight_smile:

Yeah we are here to see more and more that YOU ARE ME AND ME ARE YOU AND WE ARE ONE IN TRUTH.

There exists no second being in this omniverse dear ones


What you see in another is very often in yourself and when you learn to see the essence the soul the love in people you begin to learn your lessons and you will learn more through applied knowledge which leads to wisdom and grace instead through KARMA :wink:

Thank you for your sharing! :slight_smile: Blessed be!

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Consensus & common or shared experience is still distant… :crystal_ball:

I appreciate/value your attitude and wonder if it isn’t necessary to have people like yourself as well as your opposite type “in the world”? :wink: :yin_yang: :earth_americas:

Personally I disagree about a threshold for malevolence; To me there is some kind of undefined line that is crossed and high-minded idealism ceases to have utility. For we are no different than our other animal family members and the only fundamental laws are the natural ones. I also wonder if the “laws of physics” are truly static. :thinking: :ocean: The ‘law of the jungle’ aka ‘might makes right’ demonstrably reigns supreme still and likely will. Perhaps unpleasant and indeed primitve on the face of it, nevertheless natural. The biggest mouth wins. :smile: Earth will eat us all up, eventually…

Thanks for answering. :slight_smile:

:evergreen_tree: Grumplestiltskin


Truth. 20 characters not needed.


Grumpier by far, I’m loaded up with arthritis from my head to my toes.
Can’t do what I used to do no more.


I just read your post again. Great stuff. I’ve read it before meditating and it always helps me focus on the now and get settled. Nutn’ but love @AUM



There are natural ways to heal yourself… clean your bodies dear soul and all will be better <3


Hey brother, thank you I am glad to be able to serve you in this tiny way :heart: Hurt never, love always only love will change this world :pray: