Guerrilla experience with Bodhi strains?

Got a bunch of Bodhi and wondering if anyone can share info on your experiences running it in a guerrilla situation. His climate (approx. 37N, 9b, Mediterranean) is very different from mine (41N, 6a, humid continental), so it’s kind of a dice roll regarding finish times and mold. I’ve currently got some Mountain Temple, Herer Hashplant, Super Silver Hashplant, Terpenado, Wookie Orgasm, Superstitious, and Ancient OG (F5 via motherlode) that broke soil on 31 MAY and went outside on 04 JUN, so hopefully I’ll have some info to share at some point.

As of now, all I can say is that the G13HP plants seem to be loving life much more than the others, most plants are sprouting their second set of true leaves, and only 1 out of 12 Wookie Orgasm seeds sprouted (all seeds were stored together in the same conditions, so who knows what that was about). Already had some deer go through my seedling patch (twice) knocking over and rooting through the cups. Had to re-plant a bunch of uprooted seedlings, so all 117 plants are mixed up and I’ll have to guess which ones they are during flowering if I’m lucky enough to get that far :laughing:

Anyhow, if you have experience with Bodhi stuff outdoor (preferably guerrilla), let us all know any info you have. Thanks!


Just learning about Bodhi’s gear, sounds amazing and the reverence that people hold him and his work speaks volumes.


Do you have any Snow Lotus crosses going guerilla? I feel like that male might be better suited for outdoor. I can’t recall where I seen it.
I’m at 35 N , 8a. So I’m trying to figure out what will work for me as well.


Yeah, Superstitious and Ancient OG. Sitting on some others (Kailash, Drunken Parrot, Strawberry Lotus, Lemon Lotus, Lemon Penetration, and Space Cake) but still not sure about adding to the lineup due to a lack of safe spots.

I think all his males will do fine outdoor in general due to the way he tests them, but my main concern up here is finish time. Ideally I’d be out of the woods before OCT when the bowhunters arrive, and definitely before 15 OCT when the leaves are mostly gone (tough to sneak around). I’ve pushed things to 07 NOV before but that’s rare. Most of his stuff will probably finish in the 15-23 OCT range for me, though I’m hoping the G13HP male will finish in the first half of OCT.


my 2 cents: you need light dep and or autoflowers. :man_shrugging: run the reg. photos as extras.




From following the Bodhi threads, it sounds like the wookie male brings the earliest finish times - late sep, early october. The G13HP crosses were also noted as being very hardy - pest and mold resistance, with an earlyish finish depending on the mom.


Definitely gonna give the autos a try one of these years. Light dep will have to wait until my state has home grow, but there’s no sign of that happening any time soon.


High hopes for the G13HP stuff and I’ll have to familiarize myself with the Wookie crosses. Most of my seeds were intended for indoor, and I didn’t give the Wookie much of a look since I’m not usually a huge fan of purple/floral weed. But if I find a keeper that finishes in September it might become my go-to.


They have a little bit different needs (less) so get a few different kinds to see what works well there.

For outdoor they want minimal or zero transplant stress(direct sow), the softest deepest planting hole/soil (damn porn :sweat_smile: ) so the roots just dive down & out without having to work. Way lower nutrient values-- high-fertility soil (‘nutes’) stunts them.

You’d probably be happiest with a June 1st planting or mid-May. :v:



Good info, thanks! Looked into Mephisto a couple years ago since they’re pretty popular, but didn’t pull the trigger. The plan would be to get them well in advance, run them indoors to see if I like the potency, make a bunch of fem seeds, and then see how they do outdoors with different planting dates from 15 MAY-15 JUL. First week of June around here is usually when the night temps start staying above 50F.

Speaking of planting dates, I’m gonna germ a few more to see how they do with a late start (been reading too much of that Julian thread on IC :grin:). I figure germ 19 JUN and have them above ground by 24 JUN…so that’s 6-8wk veg if they trigger 04-18 AUG. That’s usually all the veg time they’d get from me indoors anyway, ending up maybe 1.5-3ft and ~1oz each. Maybe a bit more outside, we’ll see.

Going with Skunk Hashplant, Passionfruit Hashplant, Babylon Buster, and Lazy Lightning.


So jelly about that superstitious

My last outdoor run(2020) I waited until July 1st to transplant starts & they were smaller(my intention) but finished at the same time as earlier would. The idea was less pest exposure & avoiding giant plants :sweat_smile: & they did fine, The year before I planted in April or May & had huuuuge plants that were a PITA to manage & support… & a 10lb+ harvest when I needed about 3-4. :man_shrugging:



Until you wrote this, I didn’t even realize Superstitious was out of stock at GLG, which was the last place I recall seeing it.