Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1)

Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff on Breedbay (or there was back when it was an active site), but it’s been maybe 7 years since I really dug through there to find information on specific strains. Will have to experiment with the search function now that the site is different. RIU I’m less familiar with, but from my limited experience it’s an absolute nightmare sorting through everything on there to find useful stuff. IC has gotten tougher to use and alot of info has disappeared from the site. Kinda miss the old TSD forums.

I’ve seen a lot of outdoor stuff, but I guess I’m looking for more guerrilla info. I can find all kinds of things on how stuff performs in California commercial conditions, but like you said, people out my way aren’t quite as free to share. And our plants don’t tend to be anywhere near as photogenic, so that might have a lot to do with it :rofl: I might get some pics up this year to illustrate that point.

I’ll definitely say that his G13HP plants stand out from the others even at the seedling stage. I’m not able to baby them at all, and a lot of the stuff from other breeders couldn’t handle being put out into 90-degree weather without hardening off. Not their fault, but the vigor of some of Bodhi’s stuff is truly outstanding.

Here’s the thread btw: Guerrilla experience with Bodhi strains?