Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

I like to water mine from the everywhere. :joy:

Too many? :crazy_face:


I like the idea of using clear cups for the inner cup to be able to see the root ball system.

I only make 3 notches in the bottom corners so I can measure the total runoff with my EC meter an the PH after it runs through the entire cup. I do that with tomatoes and peppers.

I am trying to get my soil so complete all I should have to add is water. Feed the soil organic matter and let the microbes produce the nutrients the plants ask for in their sugars. I know it’s not going to happen overnight but that is the end goal.


I would go ahead and carefully cut a small chunk at at least one slit. When those roots start coming out the holes, they get big kinda quick and more roots will try to come out. The hole gets crowded.
One might say, “So What?”
When it comes time to up pot, the roots will come out through a hole much better than a slit. And you have a less chance of damaging the roots. Especially the tap root, if you are growing from seed.
Again… Just my opinion. I could be wrong.


Goodnight OG, see y’all in the morning.

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Nite @Gumbert see ya tomorrow

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Good morning @Gumbert and friends. Its 3:30 am and im up doing chores. I got a late start. Stayed up too late last night. Sometimes I stay up to 8 or 9 pm. I know, its crazy but I like to live on the edge. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


good morning @Gumbert , @Magu and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

time to get some coffee :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t use the solo cups anymore, for that exact reason. Haven’t used em in a long time!
I prefer to use small pots 2",3", 4", etc At the beginning, when they pop, I’ll use small cups (2oz) to get em standing then put into small pots.
btw, lol Good morning @Gumbert and everyone.


Good morning :sunny: @Gumbert and OG

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See what I’m saying, about everyone having their own way and if it works for you, that’s a plus.
I take advice, but bottom line is, you must do you. That will put the bigger smile on your face when it all comes together and you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Making mistakes is as much a part of the fun as doing it right. The important thing is the experience of DOING it. :sweat_smile:


Good morning everybody! I got started in the greenhouse first thing this morning and lost track of the time.

The Frankie sisters grew another 3/4 inch last night and I gave them to their second feeding of 25% strength fish fertilizer. Very happy with their progress.

It got down to 29F last night so the gas heater in the greenhouse came on and this morning it was 15% in one end and 34 % humidity in the other end. Thats too low, the tomatoes, pepper and cucumber don’t like that. Adding moisture now and also just turned on fog at the low end to let the fans even things out.

Hope everybody is well this morning, Be back later this afternoon after all the chores are done and humidity problems, are solved…

@magu , @Fortman420 , @Golfnutt , @JohnnyPotseed , @m0sirys , @BigMike55 , @MoBilly @InTheWoods , @Coda


Good afternoon brotha! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great week!

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I know that’s right…

A long time ago I learned the true value of failure and how change my attitude towards it.

Today I never see failure as failure, but to view it as the negative feedback I need to change course of my direction…


See something that doesn’t work… stop doing it and find another way.
What a concept!
I know a crap ton of folks that need to learn this wisdom.


@Gumbert, sounds like your just choo chooing along with your little Frankie’s. Looking forward to seeing what your greenhouse looks like in the months to come.


@Gumbert is gonna be surprised at how quick these plants grow once they hit the stride.


Oh Please let that be true!! Grow Baby Grow!


lol That is Rose’s and my mantra! We use it a lot. lol
Seriously, lol we’ve said that for years, when potting any new baby.


Thats it for me folks, see y’all in the morning, good night OG.

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