Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

I appreciate you saying so, my Sensei. I know I still have a lot to learn.
Hell I guess EVERYONE has a lot to learn.
I can say this. If it were not for you and a few others here, I would have probably put those lights away in the attic by now. Most appreciated.

I truly doubt that, it’s pretty obvious you love growing.


Cool cup, I’d be dribbling coffee all over myself :laughing:

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Here’s mine


Hey @Gumbert
Did you ever get yourself a loupe to inspect your plants? Bug season is coming up, you know. You certainly do not want to spend all this time and money and let the dreaded Spider Mites screw it up for you.


No I have not ordered one yet. Did you get the 40x or the 60x?

Btw what do you use for spider mite control?
This works so much better than any commercial product out there! Everyone that has used it, loves it!
The cost is about the same, or less, than a lot of the products you can buy. but it makes so much more! and it works a LOT better!


Depending on your eyesight, I would just get the el cheapo Amazon ones. I think I gave like 15 bucks for three of them. That’s really all you need. I think the small lens is 60 and the big lens is 20. Don’t quote me on that.
All you need is something to hold fairly still next to your eye and focus by getting closer or moving further away. Its easy. Hopefully you will not see any bugs, but
Someone told me one time, its not IF you get bugs, its WHEN. You just have to take care of it. After your plants have gotten several nodes you could start spraying a little NEEM to try to take care of it before it happens.
Be diligent in your inspections. You got this, man.


LOL!! I know that’s right, remember I am in Florida!

I have NEEM in stock but also made a 5 gallon batch of JWA that works really good on thripes and aphids. I also made JNP with mint and rosemary that works good in Florida.

Are spider mites a problem for indoor grows?


They’ll hitch a ride on nothing more than a slight breeze, lol

Just walking from the house to barn, we pick em up and carry into the grow


Very interesting read.

I started using JWA that I made last spring and found it to be very effective on aphids, thripes and a bunch of other Florida critters that are a royal PIA.

One of the ingredients I used was canola oil (you can use any oil, canola here was the cheapest) Depending on what you are fighting you just change the dilution rate. You can also add JNP made with strong herbs that act as a deterrent.

Cheap and easy to make and it works.

Thank you for the information I am comparing the ingredients.



Good morning @Gumbert !
It’s not if, but when… I’ve lost plants those little bastards.
When you get them I say “Damn the torpedo’s! Full steam ahead!” Leave no spider mites or thrips alive! Kill them all with extreme prejudice!


Yup. There are those that have had them and there are those that will get them.


Thats it for me folks, Good night OG, see you all tomorrow.

Its Friday, You have to party tilll the wheels fall off. HAHAHHAHA

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Good night…Have sweet dreams… :grinning:

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Good morning @Gumbert and friends. If you go to the Dutch Passion website they have an article about those “THC Victory” seeds. 🥸 Peace brotha


good morning @Gumbert , @Magu and OGS!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:#

have a nice weekend! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Mornin’ folks. :coffee:

Gumbert must have celebrated hard last night.



Man. I cant make it to 8 pm. I keep falling asleep before 7 pm. But I have to get up at 2-3 am :yawning_face: