Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Good morning @Gumbert, have a nice weekend.:peace_symbol:


Morning @Gumbert

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The headship in town here has all kinds of rigs like that they look cool as hell.

I only smoked out of mine once. It works well, but I got to thinking about the nightmare of cleaning that thing. Its pretty much a novelty. But I like it.

Good mornin everybody. Yep, I was up til about 8 pm and just got up. Last night was a huge success for this old fart, I only got up once to pee.

Hope everyone is good this Saturday morning. I need to get to the GH , it’s already 72F, BBL


LOL. , I did…. The wheels started goin flat about 7:30. Completely off by 8, the BAM! Felt like Ms Trish hit me in the head with a ball peen hammer. But this mornin, I am on RSD.

I can certainly relate to that… Good mornin RSD…

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Yikes! Thats early.

Those days are over for me. By the time I go to bed and get all my aches, pains settled down I sleep til 2 or 3 and then get up to pee. Then it starts all over. LOL…. That is the results of being hard rode and put up wet most of my workin life…

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I am so far, thanks, I hope you are too.


Thanks and right back at cha!

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Good morning @Gumbert

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Well it is going to be transplant day in the greenhouse for spring veges. I think next weekend the Frankie Sister will be ready to up pot.

Beautiful morning here in NW Florida. Current temp is 58 F with the high predicted at 75F. In the greenhouse it is 84F vents open for about 20 mins.

Now how about a little traveling music?

Have a GREAT weekend everybody, now lets go OverGrow our world!


Goodmorning Gumbert ! Thought I could share a pic of Frankie 32 day after flip , and of course his friend coral kush ! Both true beauties !

These have been the best behaved genetics truly a pleasure to grow , there so beautiful to watch grow in the different colors they show ! Grow big ! Enjoy your plant !


Thanks! That is a great encouragement! I am preparing a space in the greenhouse for vege. Cant wait!

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I’m jealous of your greenhouse @Gumbert . All I have is a coldframe for starts.


And that’s exactly where I started here in 2008… Then I built my first greenhouse. Then my second greenhouse and then Hurricane Michael took them all.

So I built this greenhouse in August 2022.

This is 12’ by 40’ and I made th hoops out of PVC electrical conduit wrapped with duct tape. So far 60MPH winds have not harmed it.

I still have much work to get it configured to accommodate cannabis but it has really worked well for winter food growing and early seed starting.

If you want one I would encourage you to watch a lot of YouTube videos and determine what works for you and then go for it. It’s my favorite place on the farm.


You can plan for those plants to get huge and you will need some air movement when your Cannabis starts stacking buds, do to the real chances of mold. I always cut way back on water the last 3 or 4 weeks. I may be wrong but I feel like it makes the plant use up nearby moisture so it’s not sitting in the bud. I plant on ground though.

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Thank you for that.

Initially I am going to experiment with 2 Frankies in the GH and 2 Frankies I am going to plant in my blueberry patch.

I lost 2 blueberry plants right next to each other in my middle row of plants. I can plant the Frankies about 4 to 5 feet apart. I have some soil amending work to be able to do that but I am hoping that works. It would be good camo for the Frankies because the blueberry bushes are all about 6 to 7 feet high.

For the ones in the GH I guess I need to add mor fans just for them. I already have an exhaust fan and 2 circulation fans blowing in opposite directions in order to create a circle of air.

Still have work to td… Any suggestions are welcomed…


Good night OG, sleep well everybody, see ya in the morning.


I hope you learned to open a window next time !

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