Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Good morning OG.


Morning @Gumbert

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Can you say stretch? I think its time to up pot. (23 day old today) My 8" pots came in for my peppers so that will also make a new home for the Frankie Sisters. Any suggestions?


You should get your Frankie in the deepest pot asap if you want it to go to full potential I found that she loves deep pots ! I used a five gallon paint pale on one and she is flourishing bigger that the one in the shallow pot ! Grow big cheers !

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pinch the bottom leaves off and bury it deep.Then also pinch the tip so it bushes more. Gotta train her now
How far is the light?


Wow thanks for that tip !

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Right now the light is 12 inches above the canopy of the plants. About 100 PPFD

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I was gonna ask the same thing. Sometimes seedlings get leggy if there are too far away from the lights.
Honestly I don’t know what all the PPFD stuff is about. I just run a100 watt led bulb with the cap pulled off, and place it about 10 inches away from the plant. That always works nicely until they get about five or six nodes. And have been topped at least once. About that time they need to be up potted anyways and will then go into a tent. With nice lights.


12is alright, they just need training now

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Damage lost one leaf

Well good, bad or indifferent they are now in their new home.

Old fat fingers broke off a leaf after I removed the bottom leaves. I topped them at the same time.

The roots looked good and were growing circular with only a very few through the slots in the bottom of the pot. They slid right through as I removed the root ball. Happy about that not so happy about breaking off a leaf in the process.

Fed with 50ML of 1/2 strength fish liquid.

So now we wait… Again.


You got a fan in there Gumbert? Dancing seedlings will make for shorter and stronger plants.

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I have a small computer fan that appears to make all 4 plants move. Also the humidifier fan is on all the time. Maybe I should get a small fan that goes back and forth.

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The more thrashing about the more conditioned to the environment they become. I usually start my trays with a oscillating fan over them from the moment they break earth. Others might say humidity is more important at that stage than movement: but personally I like to give ‘em some good ‘abuse’ from day 1.

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That’s it for me folks, Good Night OG, see yall in the morning.


good morning @Gumbert and OG!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a good start into the week! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Good morning @Gumbert


That amount of stretch tells me you are using a light source with low lumens. For small plants I like using fluorescent lights using cool white bulbs with the most lumens I can find. You can literally put the light one inch above the plants with no heat damage. I have had them grow into the light with no ill effect.
Just my 1 1/2 cents…….


Good morning folks


Morning brother, hope you and Rose are doing well.


gonna fake it til we make it lol