Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Just don’t shake it or you may break it……


Good morning @m0sirys, @Oldjoints , @JohnnyPotseed , @Golfnutt and all you OGers, yes it is time for :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

A brand new week to continue OGing the world.

The Frankie sisters start their training today in their new pots. I toped them yesterday and top dressed the soil with alfalfa meal and a little Azomite powder.

I added a fine misting of magnesium sulfate this morning.

Today in the GH is re-potting cucumber, pepper and tomato day. Also will be starting some new mini-sweet peppers and gala apple seed.

Still working on a configuration for the Frankie Sisters in the GH and the blueberry field.

I need more compost compost compost… My bin was turned, I hope for the last time on Saturday and should be finished this week. It should yield about 41 CF of fresh finished compost from our farm. Between the homemade and the Black Kow I have in stock, I should have enough to get everything up an running in mid to late March.

Hope everybody had a good weekend and got their batteries charged. It’s time to get after it and finish OGing the world…



Good morning brotha :coffee:

Hope you have a great week! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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goodmorning Gumbert , from Toronto Ontario, Canada !!!


Morning Gumby. Hope everything is going your way, bro.

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Good morning @Gumbert . Your thread is rolling right along bro!

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Lunch time…I may take the rest of the day off or I may come back out and continue re-potting cucumbers…. It just depends on how I feel. Got 4 six packs moved into the 8 inch pots for the next stage. Imagine if all these were cannabis plants!

BBL. After lunch.


Very nice. I dream of a greenhouse.


have you tried or considered trying autos? from seed to harvest in about 90 days.

ps: i think i saw strawberry plants in your greenhouse. what variety do you run?
what planting zone are you in? (8a here)

I’m not letting my wife see your greenhouse pictures bro.
I’m sure you know why. lol


I am so new to growing cannabis I would consider almost anything. I do like the idea of 90 days for sure. I am on a quest to find the right strain to manage diabetic neuropathic pain in both lower and upper extremities.

I am now completely off duloxetine and have dealt with withdrawal so I am on the winning side of that. However the pain has returned with a vengeance.

Yes I have 20 strawberry plants that are everbearing I bought last March and they did good the first year. I need to go through them and separate the runners and give them their own home so now I may have 30 or 40. So far it’s been a fun experiment. I am in zone 9.

Have a good one, thanks for dropping by.



It’s a great place to take a nap in the spring or fall…

LOL!! You might be surprised…

Trish helped me build that one.

It’s small enough that 2 people can pull the film over the top with 4 ropes. The only part I struggled with was the ladder. Back when I was 70 I injured my right knee and running up and down a 8’ ladder kicked me square in the ass… I am slow. (Now I am slower)

You only have to go up to attach the purlins. One down the center at the top and one on each side about 4’ down on each side of the middle. Most everything else you can do on the ground.

This is my hiding place…


OKay… Finished for the day with the re-pot project, I am a 20% done so in theory I’ll be done by Friday, right? Are you nuts, I’m retired, maybe next Friday. Or not…

I have to take Ms Trish to the airport in the morning, she is going to visit her twin sister in Arizona for two weeks. I’ll probably lose 100 pounds by the time she gets back. I’m gonna miss that woman!

Hope everybody had a good Monday, it’s time to kick back and relax for a while. I have to get up early for the airport trip. BBL…



Hey @Gumbert. Cool spot you got here. I’ve been slowly catching up since the first post and was curious about what medication you were on that had your brain stuck in the mud? I feel like I’m in the same boat right now. How long did it take for you to really notice the decline?

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Dang man, it must be hard to find something good for pain that leaves you functional!

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Over the past 5 years there have been several but the latest that really pretty much had me in a perpetual fog was Duloxetine. In order to get off it I had to lower the dose and then frequency in order to quit. Then the withdrawal began and that was another two weeks.

I was on this drug for a little over a year and I think it was just an gradual accumulation of it and I noticed my Tinnitus got so bad I could not sleep. My tinnitus is still there but it is back to being mild enough to live with.

Searching for the strain of cannabis to manage the nerve pain and not be stoned out of my gourd and not able to function.


Glad to hear you were able to transition to something realistic.

I’ve noticed several popular websites often have conflicting info for strains.
Choose sources based on data vs opinion. Easier said than done…
Also to consider, I find the environment and audience has just as much effect as strain chosen.

That duloxetine was the third drug my pain management doctor tried on me and all of them were bad in my opinion.

I have read more positive things about combining CBD and THC in the right ratios to accomplish managing nerve pain without getting completely stoned. That’s always an option but you get to choose the effect you WANT. That was not the case for me with any of these powerful drugs the doc had me on.

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As of right now I am back where I started from a pain standpoint but I have my brain back and can once again think clearly.

I am in the beginning of my first grow to be able to test (for myself) this strain to see if the profile will help me manage the pain.

There is a lot of information available but it takes time to digest it and find the correct ratio of CBD to THC for your particular need. I am prepared for this to take however long it takes to solve this problem and I am sure it will not be quick.

Trial and error is a sound research strategy and currently I am strapped in for the long haul.

Thanks for stopping by.
