Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Morning @Gumbert. Hope your feeling a bit less stiff today

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Mornin @Fortman420 , thanks, as soon as I get on my Monday chores I will losen up a little, lol. Slept in this morning so just sippin’ some hot, black bold Columbian coffee. Hope you are well.

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Morning @Gumbert and OG! I slept in late, or later than I wanted to… the coffee is flowing and it is strong today :coffee: :frog:

Did you try any leafy green salad over the weekend Gumbert? :leafy_green: :deciduous_tree: :green_salad:

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Morning brother Gumbert. Hope you get everything going your way, today.

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Lol, I am afraid these Frankie Sisters are not far enough along yet for them to give anything up yet. When I move them to their final home I will do some trimming and give it a shot for sure …


They’re pretty good when sauteed in butter. Sprinkle a bit of apple cider vinegar and a touch of salt. I don’t like greens much, raw. Except cabbage in cole slaw or lettuce

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Well now I know that, I will really hope you the best of luck with your grow this season may the weather be your friend ! That explained what happened to you last green house ! People smoking stuff three states over ! Pot from the heaven’s . Hope you have a great day !

Update pictures of frankie


Just finished adding 12’ more table surface along the east wall of the greenhouse. After the repot project is finished this should give me plently of room for the Frankie project.

Slowly getting there, finishing the winter garden and preparing the spring garden will free up plenty of GH space.


@Gumbert Be prepared, the Frankie fem projects can get really pretty on ya! :wink: Looking forward to watching your progress! I sooo love your greenhouse! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Hey Man that’s beautiful! How many plants is that and what size pots? I am working on the actual place they will live. I plane to move two of them outside to the blueberry field.


That’s 8 little ones in 3 gallon fabric pots. I vegged for about a month or so and trained them down low. They’re about 18-20 inches tall from soil surface. They’re all clones from the first Frankie fem bean I popped back in June. I liked this variation so much I’ve kept it in rotation since. I’m not even sure what other jewels may be in the other beans yet! :joy:
These few little ones should yield around 3/4 of a pound I think. Once cured there’s a blast of black pepper and white cake from the jar…… then it gets interesting! :crazy_face:


My frankies are still small and I am trying to decide how to handle two things. Currently they are in our pantry under their own light. 16 hours on 8 hours off. as soon as I move them to the greenhouse they will have about 12/12 natural light. My thinking is that will be the flip day, correct?

When I move 2 of them from the GH to the blueberry field of course it is all natural light. Have you ever grown any of these outdoors?


I have not grow any of these outdoors. I would consider once they’re in the greenhouse getting a minimum of 12 hours of darkness the flip day, yes.
I’m no weedologist or anything but I’d say moving from the greenhouse to the field, they’ll just continue to flower out just fine. I’m sure some other greenhouse/outdoor members will be able to help you out with more confidence though. :+1:t3: I’m just a little tent guy. :slightly_smiling_face:
Any particular reason for 16/8 schedule vs 18/6?
Are they stretching? Not sure the 2 hours matters or not. :man_shrugging:t3:

No and I have not thought about the 16/8…

They did stretch in the cup but since I moved them to the 8 inch pots they seem to be catching up. To make sure I understand, the vegetive stage should be 18/6 rather than 16/8?

I need to recheck my timer to be sure.


18/6 is recommended by some, but I’ve always ran 24/7 for decades… no problems.


Different strokes for different folks, my friend. I generally run 18/6 in veg. Some run 20/4 or 24 hours on. I’ve seen a few run 16/8. They usually had powerful lights not much headroom and the plants were getting their daily light intake in a shorter time. Anything above 12 hours of light keeps most strains in veg. I was just curious. :+1:t3: You can bump it up to 18 hours of light and see if you like the results or not. Totally your call. I’m just along for the ride. You’re not new to plants… just new to this one. I think you’re going to do well and find it’s a very enjoyable plant to grow. Different strains can keep ya on your toes! It’s really a fun thing with tremendous return if plants are your thing! :grin:


Hey, Johnny! :wave:t3: See @Gumbert? Different strokes. :+1:t3: I’d probably run 24 on as well in veg but I have to manage my bill a bit with all the spaces running. :joy: I did bump the auto box up to 20/4 as it’s a lower wattage area and I do like it. :fist:t3:


I say ‘electric bill be damned’ when it comes to the girls! lol Everywhere else that we can conserve electric, we do. But in my world, the plants are first, last, and everything in between. lol I’ll give them AC when I don’t have it on in the living areas. Same with heat.

Like today for instance, I had the AC on in the barn because the outside temps were 80-82. This means the temps in the grow would be up around 85-90 (too high) so AC was on. In the house, we just opened the doors to let a cross breeze help keep us cool.


If I had the space either of y’all do and was in a legal state I’d probably also ask someone to stand back and hold my pipe…. :crazy_face::joy::fist:t3:🪶🪶