Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Good morning @Gumbert. Thank you for documenting this, I was curious of Frankie, but seeing your thread made me pull the trigger. Beautiful plant can’t wait to smoke it. I am always on the search for that everyday smoke.

So far I find dread bread, Durban, and a few others good for the daily. I have a feeling Frankie will earn its place on the spice shelf.


Have a great day Gumbert, and fingers crossed that the eye appt goes well :crossed_fingers:

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Good morning @Gumbert. Hope its a good hands in the soil day. Never a bad day with a bit of dirt under the finger tips

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I forgot to pop over for a good morning so… Good afternoon @Gumbert .

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Me too. I was playing Daddy with my girls.Good morning Gumbo.


Good night OG, good safe trip to va today and good report from doc. See yall tomorrow.


good morning @Gumbert !!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

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Good morning @Gumbert!


Good morning @m0sirys @JohnnyPotseed and OG, hope everybody is doing well. It’s Thursday and it will be back to the GH repotting project for spring planting. It’s also time to make JMS for the corn field. I am going to add a batch of worm casting tea to the final mix.

Not sure what is going on with the Frankies, they seem to be stalled.

This is day 33 of veg;

IMG_4872 IMG_4873
Any suggestions?



The plants look healthy. To have a slow down or stall can mean you’re doing too much to em. I’d suggest a good dose of LITFA for a few days, with water only, in small amounts. then resume nutrient feeding on a slightly lesser scale. See if they don’t recover and come on…
you won’t always see visible growth every day


I just added the daily activity sheets.

You are pretty well organized, @Gumbert - my logs are relatively information free by comparison.

12-14-2023 - Germination
12-24-2023 - Moved seedlings to tent (10 days)
01-11-2024 - Topped 3 varieties and cloned the cropped piece
01-13-2024 - First trim for improved ventilation and to sponsor upward growth - best plant is 12" tall
01-15-2024 - Best plant is now 13.5" tall - trimming didn't impact growth at all
01-17-2024 - Best plant is now 15" tall.

Hopefully it will allow me to have more accurate guestimates moving forward.


Impressive note taking @Gumbert that will pay off. One of the things I am always slacking on, then have to sit there and think or look something up.

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Even though my state just legalized home grow I am still paranoid about whether or not to take notes Lol

Not sure how I should do it. Digital? Possibly encrypted? Is there a way to take digital notes such that the US Federal Gov cannot subpoena them in any way?

Maybe I should keep notes on paper. All paper notes stored in a “burn bag” in case they need to be disposed of in a hurry :laughing: :fire:

Sorry to cause any grey skies with my musings, weather turned cold here and it may be getting to me a bit. On a positive note things are looking good there Gumbert!


My notes could be for tomatoes @emeraldbullfrog - stay generic if you worry about the days of old returning.


Oooo that’s a darn good point! I’ll keep that in mind, I forgot how their needs are so similar :tomato:

Outta likes and it isn’t even noon, whoops! :green_heart: :frog:

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LOL, it’s a basic requirement with my memory.

I started keeping an activity log with my very first GH back in 2008. A simple clipboard by the door started it and back then my grows for vegetables were all hydro. (PH, EC, Stage, Feed, Flush, Change Nute Tanks, Chiller temp)

I still have much to learn about living soil and how to care for soil so it will give the plants what they ask for. Nothing short of an amazing relationship between soil and plant life.

I need to know more about what type of living soil cannabis thrives in and how to feed that soil.

All suggestions are welcomed.


Thats it folks, good night OG, see y’all in the morning.


Good morning @Gumbert
Looks like you’re trying to keep it complete. That’ll help you in the next grows.
I still keep a clipboard hanging in every room, to note what I did and date. But, I don’t put down as much info, since I been doing it for decades, a lot done is about as unconscious as breathing.


Wow beautiful ! I’m sorry two thing I love is lots of room and clean growing area ! This is so nice great job sir , I expected a dirt floor you have a bloody Cadillac grow area . I read the guy’s post below this one and I notice he has two in his pots that I wouldn’t necessarily do , she demands alot of sprawling space , and the way she grows you have too open her up to get the middle growing ,you lose alot to the foliage hiding the buds . Hope this will be helpful . Oh goodmorning !!!