Gumbert's First Grow Log -- FRANKENSTEIN

Morning, Gumby!
You have fun out in the greenhouse today.


Larry Bird in the house!


And that is why we keep honeybees. We sweeten almost everything with it. For a change of pace we buy some pure maple syrup. I like the honey best though. Different times of year bring out a change in the taste of our honey so it offers a slight variety in flavor so you don’t get burned out on the same taste all the time.


I got MAIL!

Look what came yesterday from @JohnnyPotseed

It’s time for early spring clean up in the greenhouse, I need to make room for some new additions. Around 300 seedling for the winter and spring garden now and need to pop some new strains for pain relief. Thank you JP for the input. Now, where to put them…. Everywhere sounds good.


Hey @Gumbert . My oldest brother joined the army during the Vietnam war. He was lucky and they sent him to Germany. I just remembered that I have some feminized “THC Victory” seeds. The original seed was from Dutch Passion. I use it for my arthritis because it is anti-inflamatory but I think it can be useful for diabetes also. Anyway, If you want to try it I can send you 3 feminized seeds. I dont want anything in return. I would like to help if I can. Think about it and send me a direct message if you want them. Have a wonderful day. :rainbow:


I have the same story. I enlisted in 73. They sent me to Germany. Spent a few weeks in Frankfurt, then Berlin, then Kaiserslautern for the remainder of my time in. So, I’m what they call a “Vietnam Era” veteran.


Nice Gumbert, you made my afternoon with your greenhouse :slight_smile:

Hope your day runs well.

Take care


Interesting. Thank you very much for the offer, I will send you a DM. I am happy to pay you for them. Tell me more about your pain relief experience, how long to act and the duration of the relief.

Thank you, btw, after I returned from Nam for about 6 months I put in for Germany and was granted the PCS there to a small town near the French border. Zweibrucken and was there til I got out in 1974.


Thanks, me too. This is my favorite place on the farm. I love how it smells when I come inside first thing in the morning. Right now I am growing some Rosemary for a project Ms Trish is working on and it smells sooooo good. Thanks for stoping by.


Oh man yeah I’m trying to imagine how the terpenes floating my nose. It’s a perfect start of the day I guess!

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Boy it is a small world, After Nam I PCS to Zweibrucken, Germany and was there til 74 when I separated. That was about 30 KM from K town. Thats where I bought all my stereo equipment for cheap.


Sounds like a beautiful morning in Florida! Top of the day Gumbert, I hope you have a great day.


And. … I lived in NW Florida before I enlisted. Pensacola, Milton Cantonment area to be exact.


Nice! When I joined the Navy I was stationed in Orlando for boot camp and A-school before being shipped off to Charleston for deployment. Orlando was… different; very touristy, it felt like a giant suburb of Vegas :laughing:


Oh Man! Look what came in my mailbox this afternoon! @BigMike55 sent me seeds in a BM55 case, nice man, thank you so much brother!

Did you bring back any stereo equipment from the audio club on the K-Town base in Germany?

How do you think these seed will do in the greenhouse?

Here is a space just for them…


I am hoping this is going to work for up potting the Frankies. I have quite a few of these 2 gallon two part pots from my old hydro days when I used to fill the inner pot with hydraton and the flood the outer pot several time per day with nutrients.

I am thinking of filling the inner pot with living soil, planting the Frankie in it. Then inserting it in the outer pot and add a vertical hose up the side and watering when needed from the bottom. Any thoughts?


Nice idea, nothing to loose. Maybe some Seramis at the bottom ?

Just make sure that the roots are not under water alle the time…

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Good idea, maybe a layer of hydraton at the bottom to keep the soil from sitting in water that does not wick upward.


Yes, my wife is type 2 and practices this method with very good results.

I am on an insulin pump 24/7 that is automated by a glucose sensor inserted into the intersticial tissue. This therapy is awesome as my A1C is 6.8 to 7.0 for the past 5 years. It was administered too late after the neuropathy had severely damaged nerves in both lower and upper extremities

I got severely dosed with agent orange in Nam that completely destroyed my pancreas and the pump was made available just 5 years ago… Better late than never though right?

I am hoping the cannabis will ease the nerve pain with out the powerful drugs they have had me on. I am currently on day 3 of being duloxetine free. Withdrawal from this one has not been fun but I am determined to win.

Thanks for your feedback and encouragement, what a great bunch of growers here.


Congrats on day 3 and your 100th post @Gumbert