Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

Looks like some stellar smoke there! Lots of purples popping in those pics! Buds look dense and crystally.
If you had to choose one…which one would it be?
Am#3, gg4#5, ab#3 call my name from the pics…lol…looks potent

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Impressive haul and some great looking buds.


You nailed it toss up between ab3 and am3 then gg4-5 in third. Something about the apples and bananas 3 that just makes me keep wanting to smell her.
Only draw back is that one showed a couple ballsacks in early flower that were plucked so i never kept a clone. But did send out back ups incase

Am3 has a minty musky dank smell forming and yielded the best out of all with rock hard nugs.

After a 2 week cure we shall see who the winner is lol.

Hiw long do you usually dry and cure for?

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Thank you brotha i was guessing 20 zips so 5 extra was pleasant surprise some dense girls in there


It’s pretty dry in my place…so I usually hang until outside is a bit dry(4ish days) and move everything into jars…constant burping and lids off to get it where I like it from there. My harvest is staggered too…so always adding fresh material and moisture…like a constant state of curing and drying.

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Haha that doesn’t sound fun a cannatrol wiuld be a perfect tool for you lmao only 3k :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well I’ve got a $20 in my wallet…so basically half-way there…lol
A cannitrol unit would make it a shitload easier though…hate guessing…mold scares the hell out of me…lol

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for my notes flower day 1 11/18 2023

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new thread above