Habitt's little 2x2 grow 2023 Mephisto Double Grape

I specifically got autos for their small size. Im used to working with 6+ feet in height in the past so this 4’ tent is going challenge me to go small.

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Geezus! That took far longer than it should have. Stupid cables. Finally finished getting everything stuffed in there. Still have to program the controller and THAT will be a bitch and a half for me. Stupid cables. Hopefully I’ll have that finished soon enough.

Stupid cables.


Good work! I have this tent as well, and I think it’ll be perfect for your autos! I had used it as a drying tent, but am planning on flowering out some clones in it soon. Doing some low stress training on them to keep them squat.

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It’s alive! And we’re off… as soon as the coco gets here.


Well, I got the coco yesterday but finally got the chance to plant the seed this morning.
IMG_8962 - Copy
Going to try my hand with the mini-octopot. Hopefully its as hands off as I’ve seen from others using these systems. Now off to get my vacuum.


She’s finally broken the surface. Day 1.
Its kind of hard to see in the first pic.

Have a close up.


Just added some GH nutes to the rez. As per the octopot grow guide I made it at half strength and ph’d the water to about 6. Will update when more happens.

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She’s a fuzzy little thing. Lets hope thats a good thing.


So I got a cool little toy today.


I’ve never seen a seedling like this before. I hope she’s ok.


That’s crazy. Maybe you got one of those three leaf clover type mutations, looks like four with one cotyledon. Super weird.


I think the cotyledon are folded against one another. If you look at the second pic, you can see a dark bruise like coloring under the top of the exposed cotyledon, I think the dark section is the second one that somehow got trapped under the first. I THINK this seedling topped itself.



Reminds me of Tony hawks old haircut :haircut_man:


Day 7 week 1. Temps have been holding steady between 75 and 80F with RH sitting rock steady at 74%. Light scheduled was set to 24/0 and will remain on 24/7.


Day 14
So I made a mistake and Im pretty sure I stunted her. I had forgotten one of the basic tenants of growing; ventilation. I had my closet grow door(Tent is inside a closet) closed for about 9 days till I realized my mistake and then corrected it by keeping the door open. I should have remembered this, so this is totes my fault.


I close doors all the time, looks just fine to me :v:

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I’m just comparing her to other double grape grows on growdiaries and almost all are at least double the height with their 3rd set of leaves by day 14. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

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A little update. Some Walter White from Mephisto

Coco Loco as the medium in a 2gal fabric pot. All I did was wet it with tap water. No ph. No nutes. Going to keep this as simple as I possibly can. I will follow the base three GH schedule and bottom feed as needed.


Have you checked the ph on your tap? All about keeping it simple but not checking ph might get you in trouble, just my 2 cents

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I phed all my water to 6.0 after mixing my nutes and before adding to the reservoir. I’ll give it a check to see if it’s changed since then and re-ph if I need to.

Edit: Its not the ph(5.85), lights are at 100% @ 3’ away, ppm was 335, RH is at 65%, temps are between 72-78.