Habitt's little 2x2 grow 2023 Mephisto Double Grape

I would try to drop your ph to more like 5.5-5.7 until you hit later in veg and flower. Just my preference. All in all your little seedling looks well. Just like the ones I just started

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Day 21.
Double Grape

Walter Day 7


scary when they thin at soilline like this - any idea what causes it?


Not a clue. Two theories are that the RH is too low, its at 60%, or the PPM of the ferts I fed it was too high and she burned a little. Im guessing it might be a combination of the two.


If you have earthworm castings mound up around 1/2 way up that this stem and then tamp it firm.

You could mist it afterwards but dont soak it to prevent any chance of damping off.

The stem will eventually throw roots into the mound but the ewc will keep it steady until it’s strong enough to support itself.

Or use a bamboo bbq squeewer (spelling?) and a twist tie. Secure the tie to the stick at the correct height for the plant when the stick is in the soil and make a little stand off cage with the excess wire forcthe stem to rest as an additional support.


I’ll give the ec a try, thanks for the idea. Any idea what causes that?

Ph, soil too hot, soil to wet, light issues?

I’ve had this happen to me as well and i usually can figure it it because in every case all the other plants are fine.

I figure that if all plants get the same medium, same feed, same volume of water/soil, same condotions, and same treatment then any stalling was gonna happen anyways.


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Well that does it. I was spraying it several times a day to keep the humidity up and I guess I over saturated the soil. I’ll, just fix that. :blush: God I feel like a maroon.

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Did you learn something?

YES, therefore you are NOT A MORON.



She’s starting to smell a bit. You know how a tomato plant smells after you rub her leaves, it kind of smells like that. Also started some light LST holding some of the bigger fan leaves out of the way of future bud sites.

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Raised the PPM of the double grape to 440+ yesterday.

Also forgot to mention the roots have hit the reservoir. That is all.


Just got a few of these seeds excited to see what the flowers look like on yours

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Me too. A few more weeks and we should start to see the buds starting to form. I can’t wait!


So I did a little light defoliation.



Just two today

I think I’ll keep them

Will defoliate again once she needs it. Maybe in a couple days.


Double Grape day 28
Did another round of defoliation and removed 2 more fan leaves.
Added cal-mag to the mix; feeding at 500+.

Walter White day 14 (technically 13 tomorrow will be 14)
Bottom fed tap water 2 days ago and will need another watering tomorrow. Will start with a light 300+ mix of nutes.

Whistles innocently


My special lady is into some bondage. :wink:


Well I have some bad news. Walter is no longer with us. I had put her and the Double Grape outside to get some sun because its such a nice day out and I ran inside to take a quick leak. I came back out to my dog having dug up Walter and was sniffing around the Double Grape. So now the dog is in the dog house and Walter is no more.


@Habitt :sob:


As soon as the double grape is done and dry(around mid April maybe a 4/20 harvest🤔) I’ll try again but with @ReikoX GLo seeds. I’m looking forward to that one!


She’s started to throw pistols. Stem rub also is starting to smell a bit sweet.

I also realized I never showed you the roots. So here’s some root porn.