Hand crafting a cannabis stem pipe. A crafty adventure!

I came across the tennons idea when searching how to attach stems. I found a few pipe repair guides showing how to install a tennons replacement. Apparently delrin tennons are a newer thing in pipe making but are becoming used widely in even high quality pipes. Unfortunately there’s no pre made or drilled delrin tennons. I have to buy some rods and drill them myself. Shouldnt be too difficult. There are Teflon screw in ones but they don’t seem to fit my needs and honestly look more of a hassle.

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If it’s a wood stem pipe, I make the stem first.Usually I make several stems at a time.
Usually I cut green wood, debark, drill, bend and taper.
They dry very fast, some crack. I make “artyfacts” so they need to look weathered.
I’ll get a picture.

This one split and I filled it as I mentioned. When done, stained, burned, whatever. I spray with a good aerosol clear.



“I haven’t finished a project in years” ha ha ha.
I understand that BeardedMech, none of these are done.


Those tomahawk ones are really cool. Did you texture that one to look like snake skin or is it wrapped in something?


Those Tomahawks puff, they work, hehh hehh hehh.
No it’s a real copperhead skin.
I use alot of different skins, furs, and things.I live in the forest, all ethically harvested.
Thanks for the kind words.


Yo those are sick. Do you sell them?