Hand-Me-Down Grow Down

My plan was to run a coco drip system. But after seeing the results I’ve decided to give octo a go! & the fact that they remove some user error is nice!

@EugeneDebs420 Shoot, I’ll be honest it’s not in the cards for a tent or new light setup. I wasn’t sure if the two of them would be enough for the 4x8. I guess I’ll have to hope for the best on that run. If things do good after some runs then upgrades could be in my future.


I’ve always wanted to do a living soil run. That was something I was looking into as well! Sounds like I know where to turn if I have questions…

I thank you for the support & pulling up!


When you grow those train wreck I would make sure to make more beans of it pure. I have some old ones tucked away that may or may not grow but it’s not very common in seed form and it was originally a seed line before the arcana cut starting being cloned and grown by the masses
The royal purple kush are some strong plants and there is potential in all of those beans but the 9lb hammer -og - nl5 sound intriguing.


Wow so glad to get some real life feedback on the genetics. I’m glad you said something about the TW, I will be sure to try my hand at making some if they sprout - maybe with some guidance “Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends”

Ty @Heritagefarms


Sadly, the Trainwreck aren’t likely to be legit. HSO has a reputation for putting out fakes with popular names.


You’ll light abit more than half of it just fine with what you’ve got


Tent not needed for clones it’s nice but not needed.My clone set up is a vivosun heat mat with adjustable temp and temp probe accessories with a Dairy Queen ice cream cake Dome retrofitted with a dial exhaust wheel on the very top.The Light I use is one of those desk lamp flourecent retractables with the giant magnifying lens on it with the flip lid.I think it’s like a 25 watt they don’t need a shit ton of light I put that light right on top of that dome.I have it on my work bench I just did ten cuts I got ten cuts rooted in grodan blocks in 9 days.Those magnifying lamps make great cloning lamps and you can adjust them to what ever height you need.Cheaper set up but it works.Might help you


Remember back in the day when TrainWreck meant you it had so much shit in it and came from everywhere you didn’t know what was in it it became quite the TrainWreck?The lineage of that one could be Quite possibly contorted till the sun sets in the east.


Will this work? The dome came with the setup I bought and the heating pad is from a little Mycology Fun.


Yeah I’ve heard similar things about HSO - I’m just going to hope it’s at least something :fire:

It would be nice if they were legit for preservation sake. They are for sure from Humboldt Seed Organization

On a 2nd good note - 5 beans just went for a swim. Getting a little soak in before germination

(2) RQS - NL Auto
(3) 3 Bears OG - Auto

Now I just have a few things to get together for the 2x4 and things should start taking off while I get setup for the bigger tent.


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A little unclear. As far as I know HSC are legit and well-regarded; they’re affiliated somehow with Dark Heart. Other than the people who think Dark Heart is at the center of a massive worldwide conspiracy to inflict everyone’s grows with HPLVD so that they can offer testing services, anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: HSO are ripoff artists trying to ride the names of old, impossible-to-find strains to glory by smacking any two plants together, calling it wtfever they want, and taking advantage of the fact that it’s hard to hold them accountable - their customers are guaranteed to be breaking either local or national laws simply by being their customers.


You are correct i had it backwards, I just looked up there address. HSO is in fact the ones from Spain that got shut down.

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100 percent will work just make sure temps stay at 75 degrees to 77 on a mat and pop the lid twice a day for 5 min the first 5 days then 15 min twice a day the days following afterwards you’ll know thier rooted once they stay out for a bit and they stop drooping.Or roots are popping and you see them either way that’s a good dome dude

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That’s exactly what I run, will work perfectly fine, I like a lil grodan tray in there (cheap/effective) to keep my media out of the water and hold them tight and seperate. Other than that that’s perfect my friend


Hey everyone. :wave:

So the seeds have all been soaking since last night and are ready to be moved to paper towel.

So for this run of Autos I decided to give living soil a try. @LivingBlackSoil

I’m out of my element and I know there is a ton of info out there but it’s all so different. Mind helping me figure out my mixture?

I picked up some pro mix, worm castings, perlite, coast of Maine soil.

I was going to go 40-50 % pro mix, 10% perlite, 15% worm castings, & the rest Coast of Maine

I’ll gladly take anyone’s advice who’s worked to feed the soil and not the plant.

I have a bunch of amendments from the sale but not sure of what my mix may be lacking.

I know I’ll need to use some of the beneficial root powders etc .

I found this in the fertilizer box too so I’ll add some to the water.

And some other amendments

Awaiting feedback!



I am not the expert. I would do half the HP into the big tub. Then add the Coast of Maine soil. Next Earth Worm Castings and Compost. Please get quality Compost like Bu’s Blend or one from Coast of Maine. Aeration next and mix it all up. 1/2 soil 1/4 Compost/Castings 1/4 Aeration or 1:1:1. I would add 1-2 cups of Craft Blend and 1 cup of Gypsum and get some worms( bait shop or the ground). Water in microbes and let sit for 10-15 days. Do you have Azomite? Build a Soil, Down to Earth, Roots Organics, Dr Earth and everything else in that order imo. I would strongly suggest running regs in your soil cuz I’ve never had an auto taller than 16". This mix will improve over time. Top dress accordingly. Might throw some Crab Meal in the original mix. Insect Frass? I can’t give you science but research Chitosan. This is where the fun is with this style. Gets kinda boring which can lead to overwatering. City Picker from a local hardware warehouse will eliminate that possibility as long as you allow it to stay dry a day or 2. If you’re in the Bay I’ll come mix it for ya😉. The plants are much more intelligent than me so I trust em. Bottles assume we know what they need when they need it how much and how often. I don’t! Bottles come from turning bombs into plant ferts. Manifest destiny and all the other bullshit that created today. Trail Blazers are not civilized people. I digress. Good luck my brother/sister!!

Edit: This the fun part, real talk

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I use pretty much nothing but Dr earth For almost all my dry amendments I have to caution you hang back on the trigger finger with the Dr earth use just a little bit less of you add it.That guy puts a really good quality Alfalfa in those and it’s a bit hot.Put like a a quarter less than what it calls for.They put so much microbials in the Gold Veg mix and the bud and bloom booster your going to love it.I cook for 14 days I never have nute problems unless I use a little too much Fox farm big bloom on some of them.I can’t it early so I don’t do too much just the very tips sometimes and by that point I’m pushing for bud not leaf so just a heads up.Your clone domes a good one this is my hillbilly set up with the thermostat mat Dome and light pulls excellent numbers I haven’t lost one yet.If you get Dairy Queen Ice cream cakes save those domes they make perfect clone domes those fuckers get expensive for what they are recycle reduce reuse the right way.


The only thing I see missing is the malted 2 row barley if you have a beer store near you like a consumers beverage they sell it dirt cheap they will look at you funny if you tell them what your doing with it they will mill it for you ask for cracked.If you mix it with good EWC good fresh ones you will get a nice layer of mycelium going.I do it in dollorstore plastic totes.When I pop the lids on them after 2 weeks I get a nice layer on top of my dirt it’s like a small bokashi layer use that for later down the road if you feel that’s too much right now as you feel out the grow.I’ve been doing the malted barley thing and when you add barley to the mix you get stuff kind of like this when you get the hang

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Hey I really appreciate your reply!

I took what you said and applied it the best way I could at the time - However I probably should have waited to smoke because I could never replicate what I just did :man_facepalming:

I will say I really enjoyed getting elbow deep and just mixing it up, kind of relaxing. The lady came out to the garage and helped out too so that made it even better.

At the end of the day this is going to be a crash corse and one hell of a learning/life experience.

I hope I can hold out 2 weeks for it to cook, the plan was to plant straight to 3 gallon pots. I just don’t know what the beans have in store. They have been moved to a paper towel and I’m hoping for the best.

@CapnCannabis Im glad that will work for clones, I keep running into unexpected extras and it adds up. I have to say I love the ingenuity haha :joy: it’s just perfect and I would never have thought of that.

Those things are freaking Bushes! One day I hope to dive in and get a little more into the complex side of things but for now I’m trying to K.I.S.S. My schedule and life are hectic right now.

Next up I’ll be preparing the 4x2 grow tent. Updates to come
