Hand-Me-Down Grow Down

Here’s the last member of the Garden at the moment. Last week a friend visiting from up north brought me down a plant he had left in the veg tent in darkness for a few days. He put it back to a veg cycle but it started to flower and went all mutant. He too was going to toss it and instead of me waiting for a clone he gave it to me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

She came to me almost 3 feet tall from the top of the soil, limbs weak and straggly. Just a floppy mess. I transplanted from a 2 gallon into a 5 gallon fabric pot with my soil mix. I decided to have some practice training the plants for an even canopy.

Here she is now, I’d say maybe the entire plant is 10” from soil with a level canopy. Wish I took a before pic!

Even after all the stress I’m impressed how she bounces back.

Here she is all finished up in my buddies no til garden

And a pic next to some Platinum Punch



About time for an update…

Well life came and knocked on the door and unfortunately I had to answer. I’ve had to be away from the plants for close to a month due to a family emergency.

It was the hardest most mind altering month of my life, and the sight I came home too made it that much harder.

The plants were in bad bad shape & If I’m being honest I wanted to pack it up and quit right then and there. I’m so glad I didn’t, come to find out it’s been the most amazing outlet for me. Between catching up at work and my homestead there hasn’t been much time for self care and reflection and it’s been just that for me.

It’s been about 3 weeks since then and well there wasn’t much salvaging to be done. I was lucky enough to have someone at least water them. Of course it was with straight tap :frowning_face:

If that wasn’t bad enough, my timer broke and the lights stayed on and the plants re-vegged for an unknown period of time.

It’s been curve ball after curve ball :baseball:

Tonight I had to cull the healthiest of them all because when I was watering I found nanners :facepunch:

That leaves 4 in the flower tent. All of which are nutrient deficient and root bound. I’m just letting them ride and I’m going to try and get something in there ASAP.

I couldn’t tell you what actual week they are on at this point. They were flipped march 21st but with the timer malfunctioning it’s really just a guessing game. I have no idea how long the lights were on before she noticed.

Things are finally getting back to normal so I’m hoping I can dedicate some serious time and attention to the upcoming workings…

This train gonna keep on Rolling - this thing called life gonna keep on going :call_me_hand:



Hope everything is ok @Growit with the family, was wondering where you where at, haven’t seen you around. How are you doing?sounds like it has been a very stressful time.
What are you going to do with these plants?you going to up pot them and try to salvage them?

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@Mrgreenthumb appreciate you brother, I’m doing ok now - loss is hard and I’m still trying to adjust.

I really wanted to put them in bigger pots, but I thought it was a huge no no during flower. I wasn’t sure if I was going to stress them out and make the whole situation even worse.

I have to assume that they are probably at least four weeks into flower, if I’m very careful do you think getting them in some larger gallon pots would be beneficial or even worth it at this point?

I’m open to any suggestions to try and salvage something.

When it’s lights on I’ll grab some pics of the plants. Maybe you guys can help me make an informed decision.


Oh for sure up pot them, ,you had that timer problem so that kind of messed up the schedule… they will love the extra room

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So here’s the condition of the 4 left in the flower tent. Does it look like it would be wise to upsize pots right now? I fed them heavy and consistent the past few waterings and I will say this is the happiest they have looked in a while. The buds are fattening but I still have no idea how far along we are.

The Royal Kush

The Dogwalker OG

The RS11

The Stardawg

I’m putting 2 clones from the veg tent into the flower tent tonight. They both look happy now. That wasn’t the case when I got back. Before I left I had clones I took out of the ez cloner and because I didn’t have time I used some FFHF soil and perlite and my clones stunted immediately. When I got home I took 4 of them and dusted off the soil to the roots and made a soil mix and boom they took off and corrected just fine.

RS11 & Stardawg

These clones here are the same age of the 2 in the flower tent now. They are still currently in the HF soil and haven’t changed since I’ve been back. I was able to preserve the genetics from the ones that bounced back so these are going to compost.

I have Royal Kush & Dogwalker in my veg tent pretty healthy now as well after getting them into a new mix. Waiting for the Kush to grow out a little more before I flip. For some reason it started flowering under 24 hrs of light. I’m guessing stress from the rough transplant. It’s now re-vegged so I’m hoping it takes off again

Also have 2 Mephisto Double Grape Autos about 2 1/2 -3 weeks old. One is very hearty

Now I’m pretty caught up.

I have some cuts I took that I need to get in the cloner asap. Cleaning up and getting ready for a new addition to the garden coming tomorrow!


Looks like you been hard at work there, how often are you having yo water the flowering plants? Have you checked your ph of the run off from them?

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I’ve been watering about every 3 days on most and one is a heavy drinker. I ended up too dressing and feeding them pretty heavy and they seemed to recover a bit

I’m leaving for 5 days today and the person house sitting doesn’t know about the grow so I have to pray I don’t come home to dead plants. This was unexpected so the only thing I could really do was drown them all and cross my fingers.

I’m pretty sure a couple of the girls will be ready to chop when I get home.

I think I’m approaching weeks 7-8 on a few

Hope I didn’t do more damage by watering as much as I did. These 4 are chugging right along. Last night I tossed a Scrog net over them to help keep them in line while I’m out. Wish I did it early in veg because I had to bend some branches

I gave them a heavy defoliation because they were bushes.

Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

The other tent with the autos is doing pretty good, again just hoping I’ll come home to life in the tent
