HaRdRoC’s HoUsE

As a “ceiling guy “ I really have a dislike for tappers who don’t fan out there corners at least 12 inches it really shows if they flare out when you put that molding on …sorry for blowing up your thread talking about work lol

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: no problem, it’s my life really…don’t do much else…grow pot and work…
Kill myself now and reap the rewards later…
Right now is NUTS what contractors are willing to pay for tapers, cause all the lazy cerb check getters are staying home, so there’s no one to work.
If you’re even half decent you can make a killing, shit I just made just under 10k in the last 2 weeks…mind you, I’m going full out to make it, but…get it when the getting good right!?


Hell yeah brother work and sleep really been pulling twelve hour days hanging rock on stilts and I can tell you I’m not doing it for fun :money_mouth_face:…18 12 plexs going up and it’s a rat race

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That’s for sure.
That’s what I tell people, I’m not here for fun or to make friends, I’m here to make cash and I’m out


i hope your getting paid per unit and not hourly in that case. otherwise just ripping your self off. if its a unit based gig no wonder you can afford so many seeds lol

also why do you do all the extra lines on the mud work im curious ?

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Spotting screws easier to swipe and sand :crazy_face:
I gotchya


thank you lol i usually just do square patches makes sense now

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Dog pawin I think they call individual screw spots

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in other words no good lol

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Well I’m no taper but when you sand I’d rather do long strokes and cover more ground opposed to sanding a four inch square lol plus sheet rock burs out if you hit it with sanding block one two many times


I get paid by the square foot.
I would never do this hourly, unless it was huge cathedral ceilings, where I need to keep tearing down scaffold, or some crazy meticulous work involved.

Those extra lines are where the screws are lined up, and I just run my nail spotter right across them. Makes for quicker timing and looks neater for the owners and contractors


You sir are HIRED!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Lol I’m a piece worker when it comes to drywall…but we try to care about the taper lmao I can do weekends bud


This building I’m in, is 3 years behind, so the crunch is on… the boarders are just throwing it up and not giving a fuck.
“Meh, taper will fix it”
Next time I hear that come outta a boarders mouth…I’m gonna tack him in one of the walls.


:crazy_face:Mud trim and paint makes it what a sheet rocker ain’t “


I like that one, actually never heard that one before :laughing::laughing:

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How are you heading the time off? Time away from plants.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking there bud…

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LoL I’m about to be taking a break and I know it’s going to be weird not having any plants in the house. How are you handling it? Any impulses to pop seeds?


Oh lordy! lol Been there, done that… some serious back breaking work you’re into cuz! But looking very nicely done. The finish will make all of it worthwhile, just in being able to look at things and say “I did this”! :sunglasses: :wink: :+1: