HaRdRoC's O.G. Testers

I hear ya, my problem is that I need to be close to the city for work, as I need to take the bus for work, until I get my license back, which won’t be anytime soon…unfortunately.
The little lady has odd hours between clients, so she can’t drive me…

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Damn brother,very sorry to hear/see the devestation,I wish you the best on the house hunt ! Doing my best to send some good positive vibes your way brother ! Your a hell of a great guy ! And am anxious to see you bounce back brother !
Peace and love !
Best regards !

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Sorry it happened. Does not sound like they singled you out however. World is changing, just not fast enough. You needed to be in a less open space anyways, a bit more privacy.

Hope the move goes swiftly and well man!!! Need anything to get set back up later, just ask !


so sorry to hear this @HaRdRoC .hopefully you can find a place quickly. i’m so used to being in the country and not thinking about whether my weed stinks or not.only takes one whiner in an apartment to ruin it all.