HaRdRoC's O.G. Testers

Lol, not sure. Says takes 1 to 3 months to germ…

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Day 14,
Will be flipping the switch today.

I also switched the strains around in rows from top to bottom, so it’s easier for ya’ll to see what’s what, since I won’t be taking them out of the tent much more.

Top row is @paintedfire420
2nd row is my cross
3rd row is @50State
4th row is @Pedro_Bann


Will give them their 1st feeding in a few days of these grow nutes. 1st time trying something other than Jack’s in a looooong time.

Will feed them this until a week after most have sexed.

Oh and one other thing, I hope to find a nice male from my cross, and if I do, I will make some Orange Goji x SLH F2’s


All 4 rows look healthy as can be, off to a great start!!!


Thanks man. I ended up topping a few of them today as well, incase I get my usual shitty male/female ratio lol


Well this just happened…

I’m sooooooo fucking mad right now!!! Get my favorite hobby taken away from me for the 2nd fucking time!!!

Came home today to the little lady telling me her and the super had a talk about weed smell.
That all the floors above us are complaining about weed smell.
And they’re having the ducting guys come in to see where it’s coming from.
This is complete bull shit, and the reason I say this is because the super, (who is in the suite next to us) and the neighbor across the hall are smoking cigarettes and joints in their bathrooms. I know this for a fact, because he says he does and told us to do the same. Which we don’t, we go out on the balcony, because we smoked in our last place and noticed the smoke on everything when we moved, and it was disgusting.
So now they’re going to be checking all apartments, so I had to cut all those beautiful plants down.
I’m so mad and upset…beyond words…


That sucks big time man !!! Friggin people that have a good sniffer I’d of said there must be people smoking weed in there apartments can’t see how small plants like that are stinking up the place has to be smokers in the building .

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Exactly, especially 2 week old veggers…
Man I’m choked


So sorry to hear this man. Total bummer! Such fucking bullshit!

I had cops come to my place when I was younger many times for weed smell before I started growing. It’s so fucking stupid!!! many people hate the smell of fish or curry or farts but you’re allowed to stank up the whole building with those if you feel like it. :rage:


I feel you bro.

Just start fermenting fish near the vents and doorway :laughing: as a big ol :middle_finger:


This has just pushed me to work my ass off, save enough to move and find a house to rent.
Shit I pay $1700 a month for this fucking place, plus everything but hot water. I can rent a house cheaper than that, but it won’t be as nice.
Which that don’t bother me in the least… it’s the ol’ lady that cares…but if she paid the bill’s, she might get a say in this, but she don’t so I’m fucking outta here as soon as I can


Sorry it came to this bro. Better safe than sorry. Good luck, this could end up being a good thing in the grand scheme of things.


Thanks man, and I’m REALLY hoping so. It would be soooooo nice to not have to worry about getting evicted for growing a few fucking plants.


Just make sure you leave the plants in the supers rubbish bin hanging out the top…


That sucks man. On the bright side, at least you weren’t half way into flower.


Lmao, you know how to fight dirty, leave some roaches around the bin as well :smiling_imp:

Thats a pain in the ass for sure buddy. You could get somewhere nice a bit further out for that kind of money and an acre or 2 to go with it…


Lol, that would be pretty dirty.
I mean, I know it’s him plus others puffing in the bathrooms, but I think he was kinda giving us a heads up.
He is a pretty good guy, had him over to party, he lent me tools, gave us a xmas card and I gave him back one with some nice Planet Purple tops, which he really liked. Lol
Plus I asked him if we could grow a plant on the balcony, last summer, and he said there was no growing on the property.
I know he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass, but when there’s complaints and the owner is notified there’s not much he can do.


VERY true, or if they just came in and saw it all…
We’d be out on our asses, and that would really suck at the moment lol.
Could be much worse, just really sucks I had to do that, and have to wait once again to get back to doing my favorite hobby.