Has anyone found 'Blueberry' from seed?

PeakSeeds Blueberry - Keep seeds stored in refrigerator! (I had seeds that were not stored properly, and they did not germinate) :frowning:

I originally purchased in 2019-2020, and the 1st ten pack planted were BEAUTIFUL (except for 1 or 2 IBL runts)…However, I had them outdoors, living here in New England, and they will not finish this far up north…flowering goes well into the end of October, early November. However, from my premature harvest, the buds were excellent, very nice plants, really nice buzz; the girls were Colorful & Frosty. PeakSeed Blueberry is a longer flowering type - plan accordingly. I was lucky to take a clone late season off a flowering branch. I got it to root, but in my absence and distraction - unfortunately the clone died. I regret it to this day!

I had another 10 pack which I kept in a dresser drawer (approximately 3-4 years). I tried to germinate them this past fall-winter (2023); unfortunately, had no success. Only 1 sprouted, then died…The PeakSeeds Blueberry will have very thick shells - will need to be creative when germinating. They will probably need assistance sprouting open (when they were freshly planted, I had no issues at all, but Mike at Peak told me they would need help). Plant shallow! Watch them carefully…This past fall/winter was the first time I had to deal with older seeds; and after going through some seeds with no success, I had to get “creative”. My primary enhancement was using a humic acid & kelp mixture - from seed soak, to spraying them, and watering them with it - it made a 100% difference. I also tried the “seed cracker” method, and scoring some seeds too - but the small sample I applied this to produced no results. The Humic Acid & Kelp made the biggest difference improvement wise.

If they were stored correctly, and you manage to get them to sprout, it should be no problem to find a nice mother keeper (or male - if that’s your thing). You will see the “IBL” recessive traits (there were 1-2 “retards” that stood out from the beginning - the didn’t get taller than one foot, and were a “yellow/green” color) …since it was my first time growing these, I kept them up until the end…which I ended up just tossing into the compost pile. After tossing the “retards”, and males, I was left with three (3) beautiful females - but as I mentioned earlier, I wasn’t able to take them to full maturity.

The PeakSeeds Blueberry is a very nice specimen - worthy of keeping around for sure!


I picked up some Coastal Blueberry from GLG this past fall - are those the same ones you’re talking about? I’ve heard very good reports of the Coastal Blueberry from Strawberry Hill Seed Co.


Great write up thank you @Tomahawk. Luckily they’ve been in the fridge since they arrived. Very big seeds you’re right. I don’t normally do anything except a 12 hour soak then pop straight into soil but maybe I’ll give these some special attention.


they are the same beans as the GLG drop , also availlable at growingupganja


This is exactly my intent @Tomahawk.

I’ve collected over 1000 Blueberry seeds from 12-13 different sources and plan a multi stage breeding program looking for something close to what was in AK during the mid 90’s.

So far I’ve collected BB from all the big players and a bunch from others.

DJS, Dutch Passion, Sagarmatha, JOTI, Peak, Joey Weed, AKBB, Esko, and a bunch from private breeders like @buckaroobonsai. :slight_smile: I’m sure I’ve missed some. Ha

The project was supposed to be started back in ‘22 but life happens…lol



@Alaskagrown You should take a look at @VerdantGreen Blue Digi Berry aswell. Best blueberry plants I’ve found so far. I’ve only looked at the most prevelent blueberries here in EU though. Would love to test both blueberry pancakes and blueberry muffins sometimes.

Pz :v:t2:


Have you grown any of his F3’s? Ive picked up a few of his other packs but stayed away from that one because Im not sure I could cope with trimming the pearly pheno…

I want to get some more of his contra D and C4DD4 I’m so impressed with them so far, and may as well throw some BDB into the order too I guess!


@Wotcha I got a pack of the F3, but the ones I grew was from the icmag age and I believe they were F2 if I remember correctly.

Pz :v:t2:


Ya… I have only heard good things about VG’s blue digi berry.
@Alaskagrown if you need any coastal blueberry for your blueberry showdown I’d be happy to send some for the cause hehe


Appreciate that @SHSC-1!

More the merrier…. :wink:



I’m interested in some coastal blueberry and ScoutBreath F2. Please message me :grinning:

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@MalibuKind Hey man. I think you should establish yourself in the community before asking for seeds. If you’re interested in @SHSC-1 seeds you can find them at GLG or Growingupganja.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m aware. But ScoutBreath F2’s have previously been advertised here and are not available at GLG etc. So that’s why I’m inquiring here. Thanks

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@MalibuKind , thanks for your interest. I am not dealing direct anymore other than possibly trades n stuff with established members only. I’m also relinquishing sponsor status for a while as I take a bit of a break. The Dank Shop Collection which will include the scoutbreath f2 preservation beans , will all be availlable thru the seedbanks very soon along with a Coastal Blueberry restock. Best to sign up for @Great_lakes_Genetics newsletters to get in on the early info. Can’t give a date but I’d like to see them availlable by or around 420 :wink:


I have the original Dj Short Blueberry from the 90s preserved. I might be willing to part with a few to the right person with the right trade in time…



Message sent…



I would probably ask whoever gets them to create pure seed not mixed with other genetics and to share them here to preserve it.


Your Blueberry project will be EPIC @Alaskagrown ! :+1: :100: :boom:

Yeah, no need to talk about how much work it will be, but definitely try to take as many pictures & document as much as possible - sounds like a simple thing to do, but as we all know when growing, we run into issues that distract us (at least for me), so I’m not the best for taking pictures, etc …but I do love to discuss the genetics. And I can recall the general overview of a strain I grew, but when I start growing similar strains, there are subtle differences I notice throughout the grow, and into harvest, that I only recall after looking back on my grow notes.

Wish I could help you out in some way. All I can say is God Bless, and Good Growing! Please keep us posted.


Oh wow, how I remember the 1st time I experienced Blueberry - it was 1991, Grateful Dead Spring Tour, and I believe it was in Nassau, Long Island, New York…I parked my truck right next to a VW Bus from Oregon…and after settling in, and setting up camp, we all started hanging out throughout the day.

The dude was from Oregon, and he was super impressed with the Mass Super Skunk we had, and then he pulls out a jar, opens it up, and a strong, sweet, Blueberry aroma fills the air…We never had anything like it in Massachusetts…only had a small sample, but it was pretty dam sweet! That was 1991 - and we didn’t know it back then, but that was when DJ’s work was circulating in the Pacific North West, soon to go world wide.

I can say one thing for certain: the bud in those days was something special (I’m not talking about Mexican brick weed). This is when “Kind Bud” was born - and truly lived up to its name. That Blueberry is definitely KIND!

If those seeds are from the 90’s - you definitely have a legendary piece of history…and it needs to be preserved, and hopefully shared. And, I know this is the place to share those beans - so much true talent here! Hopefully someone steps up, and can do the preservation - @Alaskagrown has a huge project in front of him, but I’m sure he has the connections to make it happen.

You, my friend @Cannabis need to resurrect those beans before it’s too late. What better time than now - Spring, (and Easter). Please, keep us posted.


Well I will put it out there. I am looking for someone trustworthy and proven that is willing to:
A) grow them out right away, create pure seed first thing no crosses in it and fully isolated.
B) Send me back some seed.
C) Share seed here with other trusted people who will keep it pure first, before sharing it with everyone else. Those in kind must be willing to do the same. I am not trying to deny anyone the freedom to cross it, only that a line of it must be kept pure for future enjoyment. Hopefully if shared here it will not go extinct or become extremely hard to get as it is right now.
Lastly, I am looking for certain landraces and would hope maybe to get a donation of a few seeds of a variety if anyone had them. I am also willing to wait to get them if people would like to see it is the real deal first.
I would grow them myself, but I don’t want to jump the gun right now and risk anything. Hopefully if voters choose this year to allow recreational and growing, next year will be different. Both are on the ballet.

Who is Worthy? Lol