Has anyone tried ODV3?

Well, ive been looking at this cultivar for years but never come around to purchase it. So i would like to know IF someone ever tried this cultivar and how does it hold up against other Sours? Did you find any keeper and how would you describe the smoke?

Pz :v:t2:

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What does ODV3 stand for? I have seed that were gifted to me and it has OD written on it…I figure SD stands for Sour Diesel.

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I think it stands for Orange Diesel V3. Its suppose to be a BX3 of a Original Diesel pheno that have an orange taste/smell or a cross with agent orange. Ive looked on all forums and there isnt alot of information out there. Thats why i was thinking that maybe someone here have tried this strain.
Heres the seedfinder link.

Pz :v:t2:


Good yielder, diesel looking with an orange taste, was a massive plant in the Uk (instagram sort of scene) some years back. I had the clone that was passed around and it was very nice, another one that I wish I had kept. Lady Sativa genetics has some nice bits in their packs.


Wow thank you very much for the information. Im very very grateful that you will share. I would like to know how the high was, If youre willing to share?

Pz :v:t2:

Im not sure that i would consider it a diesel bx3. It more along the lines of a version 3 of his orange diesel.
I know the diesel he used to initially make that (and any other strains he has with diesel in) is one bad ass diesel clone. Its know as the original diesel clone and the actual cut he used it a very tightly held legit old cutting. Its the same cutting the dna guys used to have about 10-15 years back but lost. DnA used the same clone to make their sour diesel seeds, sour kush, sour cream ect at the time. Its a excellent breeding clone that passes on heavy strong potent old school diesel power, scent and look. Anything made using that clone as a parent is defintly worth checking out, you won’t be disappointed.


From what Lady sativa said on IG its Original Diesel x ODV2(Original Diesel x OD(Original Diesel x Agent orange)). I realize now that it makes it a BX2 of Original Diesel.

Ive been thinking of using this for a breeding project of mine since its quite hard to find good diesel seeds since its apperently a bitch to reverse, what do you think about that?

I have a strain i want to breath that diesel punch into.

Pz :v:t2:

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No I haven’t. I have seen grape gg4. I know of Different flavors of Diesel .
Orange sounds delicious .

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