Hashplant lovers

Hp13 gets a resounding :+1: from me. I’ve been waiting to reaquire her for 20+ years. I fall in the love it catagory :star_struck:


Wow thats a big indoor plant. Looks like quite the yielder too. The mystique behind hp13 has always intrigued me as well. I think csi or topdog are the only ones with seed. Suprisingly ive never seen a full grow of it start to finish. So is it out there you have to wonder. Ive maybe seen 1 pic here in years. Pretty crazy or its gone :thinking:. Heard many people claim its in New York or Hawaii, but no pics of course. :v:


Csi has it and Gold Coast. JJ lost it a long time ago. Adam Dunn thseeds and Stoney have it, but infected

Story I heard is originally from Hawaii and brought to ny by Devil Harvest Crew. Super tightly held cut


Guess thats why ive never seen a full grow of it anywhere. I just wanna smoke it to see what the fuss is, im sure it would be e a letdown most are. The couple pictures i have seen dont look anything loke a traditional ghani/ hashplant.

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Definitely won’t be a let down Super tasty, stinky strong

So youve actually smoked it? Details please. Was it as good as say bubba kush for comparison

I got it in the late 90s. Guy made a mistake cloning a tray for my ex partner. He was furious we got it. Beautiful stinky, strong plant.

Lost her early 2000 from excessive drinking and cocaine use. Been looking a long time.

:crossed_fingers: she is coming to me again

Never smoked bubba

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Ya i can relate to those circumstances ex addict here too lost whole garden to oc habit. Well thats cool you got to grow it out. Certainly sounds like a good one, no wonder you want it back. Well ill ask around and lyk.

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The group I was around knew I had the clone and not one of them told me. Bastards really, they went back to the original source and told him they had it now also.
Good old days of insanity

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Is this it? Looks close right

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It’s been 20 years. I remember it being more green/ blue in leaf color. Only seen it under hps also

I remember growing that chocolate hash berry back in 2015. It was cool. Always was a nice looking plant for sure. Never had the terp and flavor profile I liked. I definitely miss the variety of strains available back then. Who have thought they would all almost be gone in less that 10 years

I love all the hashplant crosses that bodhi puts out. My buddy made a black triangle(triangle kush x 88g1hp) x lemon hashplantv1(lemon diesel x 88g13hp). That was a fun one to run for sure. He also did a sour dubb to the lemon hashplant that had some nice plants in there too


Definitely! Mine came out good but not a lip smacker just chocolate terps with some “hashberry”! I think it would make a good cross with something known to be creamy so the flavor pops more :chocolate_bar:

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Check it out my pnw hashplant f2 just showed sex and it female! :partying_face: only 3 days since flip too. Ive been wanting to grow this out for the longest time, here.

Shes getting revegged of course, i see no puck influence in this phenotype. Got lucky!! Shes been rock solid from the start :muscle:. So now the question is do i up to a 3 gallon after stretch. Here she is in all her glory. Big thanks again to @Radicle_Reefer

Hashplants rock!, heres subcools conquistador hasplant I grew found my old photos…

:fire: :fire: :fire:


100% would be a great building block. It’s funny looking back at a lot of those strains form that time frame that would be great building blocks