Have some seeds to trade

I have an unopened midnight frost by Second generation genetics I am willing to trade for some older bodhi gear if possible!

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Where’s the seeds you were surposed to send me still haven’t arrived

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You got the seeds I sent your you never sent the seeds in trade

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That sir I can not answer because I made the mistake of no tracking, but my offer still stand I will send the package you sent back with tracking, I have no desire to argue, lmao its 4 seeds yo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I PayPal you for them fuck idk, I never started the trade with intention to “fuck” you over.

But you can have the shit you sent back, boom now its just ole sweetleaf who was fucked.

Why feed drama and not try to resolve it? Lol I keep offering to send them back yet you won’t take them back, is it guilt ? Or is it that you know I shouldn’t send then back, do you see how easy it is to make assumptions… you could of got them and keep drama on it so you don’t look bad… but I refuse to think that and keep trying to just do what will make you people happy…

I’m not here to figure that out, im here to make everyone feel unfucked or something, fucking baby sit grown men and their emotions,

im willing to take a L blame me get ur seeds back fuck around, I dont want yalls fucking seeds I was anxious about even trying to make a trade after the starting drama, @George that’s why I told you to please wait. ill buy every damn seed I want if that the only way to get past this shit… and to the ones who trust me ill be here growing and sharing what I grow.

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40$ for tracking!?. Wow. A standard envelope with up to 4 coin flips and 4 stamps you can send to anywhere in the world literally.

My package back you have my address
Make sure
You send all the seeds I sent
You not just the OG kush and a tracking

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Blue bubble mailer, stickers, plastic seed vials, just me trying to be nice with stuff, and the final figured price was 15$

Package hasn’t been opened so all contents are the same. I’ll do that for you. Now issue resolved. Idk where my seeds are and that doesn’t matter. :+1::green_heart:

Make sure you send
Me a tracking


Coin flips and hose washers in standard envelopes in my opinion is the best way to go. Put 4 stamps on that baby and drop off at a po box. Don’t even have to go in. Just make sure you let the person know that’s how your sending it. If your in the states sending to another state one regular 55 cent stamp and an extra 20 cent one ounce stamp will do. Everything must be done quick.


No I admitted I fucked up no tracking in the first place, and I had originally purchased like 100 blue 4x8 bubble mailer and 1000 seed vials just for this stuff.

I’ve taken so many notes on proper and prompt shipping. And have came back to basically get on my knees and say sorry I fucked up. And resolve any standing issues…


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Well that’s between you guys. Sounds like it’s all worked out anyway. I’m just giving shipping options. When you run out of your bubble mailers and vials. I highly recommend coin flips and envelopes. Even better yet buy some thank you cards to mail the coin flips makes them real hard to feel


This seems to be the consensus, coin flips that is. I am new to shipping seeds and have some vials but coin flips seem to be the best as far as I can tell. I have to send out two shipments of seeds from Canada to USA so that is how they will go. Any other tricks you can share?

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So when you sending
Me my seeds back

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When im off work.

Yeah get a po box. Use only your initials


Hmm, never thought of that, thanks. I will check into it. I take it that is so you have a valid return address that is not your home. Makes sense.

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Don’t they make you present ID and put it on file though to get a po box?


Yes sir! I also just started using my initials above the po box to so things don’t look suspisious. Don’t use your full name. But you can use initials

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Yep. You need an ID for a post box. It’s really not what they know it’s what people know