SpeesCees Introduces

We are lucky, we didn’t hang on the femenized seed because it’s not natural and time will show us how and when it will bring shit to our lovely plants.
We did keep our seedbank clean for at least 35 years.
All our seeds are at least F8… were The rule should be that F6 is clean and stable again.
Cannabis isn’t lissening to this F6 explenation…it needs F8 to be stable. ( it’s a strange plant !)
Some seedbanks did come to the point that they only have feminized seeds in the bank to keep the strain in tact !!???
We can’t deal with that, so we keep it clean and we sell only regular seeds for great prices.

Stay cool, SpeesCees


Well welcome @SpeesCees. . . It seems like the best thing for you to do is send out a few testers for people to grow out on here for us too see and everyone will want your gear bro! Hope it works out for you. . .🖒one love


That is a great idea, and it works too!


Yes it does VERY WELL I specifically write down awesome strains I’ve seen grown out on here just as a list of seeds I’m going to buy. . . And @SpeesCees, we have many amazing growers that would do you right. . .mad scientist above ^^^^ is one! And I could name a few more for ya if need be


Aiiii… Lot of replies did come up.
What can I say ?!
Since we are not a commercial seedbank I will do the next :
By the moment that some of the old guys are calling in… I’m going to make a little question game.
The ones I know from the early days don’t need to win… they know that I would treat them right anywayif it’s coming to some good seed.
So… I do the question thing and we make 10 winners who will become each 75 seeds by choice for free incl. the shipping costs.
Let’s see who of the old guys are showing up… I’m damned curious and will be surprised !
Ones there are 3 of them… we will start this up.
I suggest… take a look at our website to be ready for this game. :slight_smile:
I’m looking forwards to it.

By the way… sorry for my poor English.

Stay cool, high and take time to fly.


Your English was just fine brother. . .and your website looks legit and can change it to english so you get 2 thumbs up!🖒🖒

ThanX man… I’m real curious who’re going to show up !?
420Peter, Whatzzzup, Madame Crasch, Atmosphere,… … and lots of more… ( it’s a long time ago, can’t remember all your names ) please give a sign that you still excist.
Stay cool, high and take time to fly.


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Wowwwww… I even don’t know in what section I’m in here.
If I’m logging in I need to search for “SpeesCees” to find out what the reactions will be.
Forgive me… I’m 64 in the mean time and I’m still a mr. don’t know how if it’s coming to computer things.
What I see is that the mail in my personal e-mail box is flowing over.
Help me… I’m still a pc idiot who can write but who can’t respond on the right way.
However… Love You like I love myself… and I don’t need somebody else !
But having a little contest to win some good seeds… I like it !
If you’re the winner… you would become free seeds of a hi high quality… you better be sure.
The commercial seedbanks don’t like me too much… it’s up to you all to find out why ?!
It’s all about feminized seed… grrrr… I’m not into that !
I like the plant as mother nature did give us… POINT !
It’s a littel strange since the operators here don’t know who are the real old buddys from overgrow.
But they will find out… believe me.

Stay cool… and try to winn the contest.
You will not be dissapointed.



I’m not exactly sure what your needing bro but I’ll help without the “surprise”


OK… we’re back on the commercial shit.
I did become a message that did tell me so.
It’s a shame… but it’s like that !
Overgrow is going the commercial way.
And I don’t like that.
See :

I see you are manager of No Mercy Seedbank. It looks like you have reacted to my email with Cooperation offer but I haven’t received your reply. You are currently promoting your seedbank at the forums. We require for seedbanks to become our supporters/sponsors at Patreon (Overgrow.com | creating 2.0 | Patreon).
You will probably argue that you are not “commercial”. The problem is that wee need to treat all seed providers in the same way. There are currently companies that are paying (and supporting us) in exchange for promotion. That would be really unfair to allow you to promote your bank for free.
Thank you for understading,

I was willing to help with this innitiative ,… be sure.
But as I see… commercial shit is counting here first place.
I’m out… sorry.


Then I’m sure you won’t mind if all your free advertising got pulled. You complain about the commercial aspect but you want people to spend their hard earned cash with you? As the saying goes ya gotta spend money to make money.


Sponsorship is not “commercial” or even capitalistic by definition.
This is a co-op of supporters both bussines and personal, and paid and unpaid, with the intent to bring back and preserve the spirit of Over-grow.
To be a member is free, less your talent and good will.
To be a vender is not free because of your own personal gain, not that of the site.
We have to maintain servers and security.
Good hunting!


Ya fuck that bro. . .even I support OverGrow (only $1 a month but still) and I give away FREE seeds bro . . . I will never charge for seeds . .I understand that breeders need to make money too and I, in no way, look down on those who do make money on seeds. But just remember someone had to give you your first seeds too


Please don’t forget… I did already offer 750 ( 10x75 seeds ) seeds to the visiters of this new forum.
How would you bring a forum into the air if their’s nothing to win ?
And believe me… I would feel full of shame if I didn’t send the winners not TOP seeds. ( all minimal F8 )
AS I told you… on my website you will not find any commercial thing !
So why should I have to think commercial ?
I’m an old flower power freak… and I will NEVER fall for commercial acts with our beloved plants and/or seeds.
There are seedbanks who are giving out very very very much money to advertize, all over the world !
Ok… their choice…but someone have to pay for that… and that’s damned expencive.

IF… I say IF… they should have coming closer to me on a fair way ( with respect and communication ) to cover their costs…well,… I have more money then brain !
But the way it went now… I have to say…PASS !
Sorry guys… the people who knows me will understand me for sure.
This forum does not earn my help and/or service for the regular plant lover… they want…MONEYYYYYYY… !
The biggest misunderstanding is : They need us harder then we need them.
2018 and some of us still didn’t wake up.
If they would google SpeesCees… they would be surprised.
I DON’T NEED… to advertize !
I’m a legend already.
Excuse me for my arrogance.



This all seems like a big misunderstanding to me. What I’m hearing is that @SpeesCees doesn’t mind being a Patreon supporter, but feels disrespected by the way he was approached about it. Understandable. Also, as he said, arrogance and ego might be playing a part in this; he is an old Dutch guy after all :grin: so that is also understandable.

Maybe everybody can take a step back and reapproach the situation from the beginning again?


Hey if he’s not going to advertise and just wants to hang out and become a part of the community, I’ll be the first one for it! If your here as speescees awesome if your here as NO MERCY SEED you should have to pay imo. . .im sorry I was rude to you
@SpeesCees, legend or not there is no excuse I apologize



But I find the PM’s about supporting the site, a bit much as well.
Personal I had a lifetime subscription on old Overgrow, and was never asked by anyone to pay it.

I think there are many ways to support the cummunity, besides paying money to the site owner.
Especialy a new reborn site, that is far from what it was before the take down.


Okeeeee… we can stop this “discussion” !
OverGrow and me were talking on the same lavel after some talk and communication.
We are going to do that contest as we spoke about.
We just did have some miscommunications in the beginning… but that’s in order now.
So… keep on tuned… 10 of you will win each 75 seeds by choice into our bank.
We’re busy to make the final contest complete with a good arrangement.
And… we are going to share a lot of info with this new Overgrow.
Shiva will support us.

Stay cool, high and take time to fly !


Welcome @SpeesCees !!

Very interested in this contest!

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I did read a question about our Santa Maria seed.
Maybe a shame on me but I can’t find out how/whwere to answer.
So I did start this post in a new topic.
If that’s not good, then please adins or moderators… would you give it the place where it belongs ?
About the Santa Maria’s : I will post the whole story about the Santa’s and clear up the sky.

Stay cool, high and take time to fly.

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