Have you ever received an empty letter?

One thing with the small slit and the note: an old way of reading mail without fully opening it is to steam open part of the glue on the lower part of the envelope (you can do it with a cup of hot water) and then stick a pair of long tweezers or skewers inside and roll up the paper and remove it, then reinsert and reseal. Sounds like someone might have a similar technique for seed extraction. I once sent a sealed Mylar breeder pack with a Lacon inside to someone here in a bubble envelope, they received the envelope and Mylar both neatly slit 1” and resealed, no puck. Done so smoothly they didn’t notice until weeks later when putting the seeds away into the vault, it’s grimy out there!


I fear the almighty American jurisdiction.


I, too, have experienced the sly seed removal.
@lambchopedd sent me a pack of Azad Kashmir, inside the envelope was a smaller packet, with a plastic vial. The outer envelope appeared to be fully intact, the inner envelope looked fine, but exactly like @Dirt_Wizard said, it had an ultra fine cut, the vial was inside, but no seeds in the vial.
Seems like there’s a method and system.



A: it’s not hard to make seeds just put some effort in and do it yourself
B: I’ll give you seeds if you’re not such a prick.


what do ya like to grow auto or photo if i got something ya like would be more than willing to send ya some @DannyTerpintine


I have always recieved a letter from customs stating under what law/regulation they seized and destroyed the seeds under. I have had five of six attempts at international shipping of seeds seized by customs. 0/2 from Africa 0/2 from Spain and 1/2 from Canada. These attempts are all in the last two years.


tldr — if somebody is really stealing your seeds it’s a lone postal employee. There’s no conspiracy.

I’ve had my own packages confiscated by customs, and it was pretty much by the book; i.e no foul play, no creepy notes. Just their love letter with the reason why they took the contents of the package.

Without saying too much about my occupation, postal inspectors also will not play any of these sort of games to “steal” mail from customers — they’re the only agency within the US that is allowed to destroy or open mail. Someone would have to look it up if they need a warrant or not… but I’m doubtful :thinking::man_shrugging:t4:

In my region, several of my mail processing plants have been notorious for having employees arrested by postal police ON THE JOB, stealing mail (especially during the holiday season), drug busts/drug possession at work, and etc. Dude I’ve heard stories for fucking days and have even been inside of several.

I personally think these odd occurrences are simply one individual (whether a PSE aka plant worker, or possibly your own carrier) as the culprit.
Carriers turned thief is pretty uncommon — at least in my region it is. But I have heard stories. Even some of carriers in my own office.

Take this with a grain of salt :upside_down_face: I’m just a guy


Just for my own edification, if I were a postal employee, how easy would it be to bypass customs?

Asking for someone sketchier than me.


That’s actually scary! Impressive, but scary lol.

Thanks so much brother. I’m in abundance and grateful. Wouldn’t want to take seeds from you with no intent of growing them. :pray:

… I was really more curious about an empty envelope that looked sealed. I was like wait what, this doesn’t feel right when I grabbed it, but at the same time it looked decently intact… That’s some David Blaine shit :sweat_smile: .

I always take a pic of it taped and send it to the tradee.
Cause im fucking high.
Customs leaves a note.
What strain? R u in Canada? Ive seen that show and their customs full of geeks ready to throw law and rules at shit.

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I’m almost certain it was not customs/legal because neither of us got any kind of letter.

I’m not going to say the strain because I don’t want to potentially throw the sender under the bus. But I’ve got something else similar in route as well so I’m not too bummed out.

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Whats half of the genetics?

That’s polite. If they are a seller of specific strain and made 10000 seeds and cant send few more then id throw them under the bus.

I sympathize with you. It’s a horrible feeling.
Hope this makes you feel better- but I gave a guy on strainly.io 25 bucks for his beans from Africa. 1st order came and so I felt comfortable doing a 2nd order for 100$ and guy claims he sent me the package. Despite reaching out to him multiple times to ask for tracking he stopped responding. Got shafted out of 100$.
Other members claim he was good and my situation was a fluke. Regardless, got his account shut down for not responding to any of his clients.
Karma repays low life thieves always. ALWAYS.
Just for kicks, what were the genetics of the seeds?


May i ask what part? You may have fed their whole family for a year so u should feel good on the flip side.

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Isn’t that the Blues Clues guy? When I saw him on TV once I couldn’t stop watching. It just made me hate the guy for some reason.

Yeah, I’ve got issues but I’m self-medicating for that.


He might be locked up.

I can see where you’re coming from but it was a white guy from South Africa. He knew the game. But still doesn’t make it right to steal from anyone coming from a place of deception.
Deceivers reap what they sow by virtue of their corrupt actions.
If you need money ask, need charity ask, need help ask. But stealing money from what should be a legit transaction has no excuses. NONE.
And then crooked people wonder why no one gives them a chance to trust them?? Being Burnt by crooked people leaves a taste in the mouth you don’t forget.
In fact here is a parable to relate to-

A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: “I am sorry, but I couldn’t resist the urge. It’s in my nature.”

The Scorpion and the Frog is an animal fable which teaches that vicious people cannot resist hurting others even when it is not in their own interests.

@GYOweed As they say, sometimes the truth hurts.




Not easy, per se.
Customs gets their hands on everything coming in to the country first. A truck driver takes everything that passed thru customs directly to a mail processing plant, multiple times a day — and once it’s in the mail-stream (mixed in with all the domestic mail), then it’s c’est la vie :man_shrugging:t4:
Most employees couldnt care less. Chances are high that it’ll end up where it’s supposed to go.