Have you ever received an empty letter?

i’ve had orders fail to make it to me before. once i had an order seized with seeds i wanted to try out. "devil’s harvest shoreline fems if i remember correctly. It came with a custom notice and a piece of paper that said “you little devil”.

kind of funny looking back. i got the seeds replaced and never grew them out.

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ive 100% done this. im willing to bet there is a greater than 0% chance theyll resend if op reaches out. weve all goofed, especially if youre sending like 3-4 at a time


I’ve worked at a package sorting plant in Europe and there were packages that came out of country that customs did not check yet, but their scanning labels made it sure they got sidetracked as soon as they left the truck, after that they all went in a walk-in cage with a desk and storage racks inside until customs made their regular visit, then they’d be released. kilo’s of CBD bud shipments also went in the cage as customs would usually take samples to test for any exceeding thcc levels.

Employees stealing was common and some employees that were known to steal even made promotion I shit you not. Same with a guy who had sex with a girl inside an just emptied truck and got caught right in the middle of the action. He made up a story about her enticing him, she got canned, 2 months later he caught a promotion.

You wouldn’t believe the stories that come from mail sorting places, it’s not all about employees though, I’ve heard of rotting human remains being sent by a university (delays in warm weather caused the rotting), seen big shipments of dildo’s break open while being moved, and I had to move buckets filled with incredibly expensive horse cum by hand from horses that are long gone. IME the job was alright but the way of people and company culture was about as toxic as it gets.


Holy cow it sounds like a party in the mail room!

Did they resend your shipment?


“I had to move buckets filled with incredibly expensive horse cum by hand from horses that are long gone. IME the job was alright but the way of people and company culture was about as toxic as it gets.”



But was the porn after editing any good?


do you just collect seeds why no grow


@DannyTerpintine grows fire, I think he made the swakhammer I am after. Hoping someday to see it up on a giveaway again
Here is a one of his threads, check it out


Not everyone can always grow. I’m grateful I can though, and I’ve got a few grow journals you can find here too! :slight_smile:

Congratulations, you just won a swackhammer :partying_face: :green_heart: . Dm me your safe addy. :slight_smile: :v:


Bro. Back when I was 18 or 19 I had a temp job with the USPS at one of their airport hubs during the Christmas season. How anything gets caught in the mail is way beyond me. I think all of this shit gets caught on the way in to the country or “caught/stolen” by your local carrier.

While I was active in the post office, I stood at the top of a conveyor belt and giant duffle bags of mail would come zipping by. I had 3 different airport codes I was on the look out for. When one of my bags would come by I would push it down the ramp and some one else would scoop it up and and send it onto the next airport.

Then when new mail planes would arrive, a little jeep would hook up to this line of mini train cars and pull them into the facility. The mini storage shed sized train cars were big enough to get in and walk around. All of the walls of the car were lined with mail. This was the only place in the entire joint that wasn’t under camera surveillance. You could walk into one and catch some one eating all of the cheese and pepperoni out of a gift basket or playing a game of find the Christmas cash in random cards. But losing beans to that kind of randomness would be 1 in a million.


If I had to get fired for something it would be for this


I’ve had letters slit and taped with no seeds numerous times. It sucks. Never lost any one’s I couldn’t live with out. But those postal workers suck. They take any cash too when they see it, and gift cards. Fuck them.


That’s messed up! Also why I’m not a huge fan of mailing cash.

Yeah anytime something is overly expensive or irreplaceable, I always opt for insurance/tracking/signatures.


Definitely and or tracked…oops said that :rofl:


That’s horrible. What a buncha bitches!

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I’m still laughing at the Twat who sliced his fingers with the razor blade after ganking those beans.Hope it was worth it you bastard.May the bloody letter be a badge of honor for shady fucks with a unsteady hand and a sharp blade


No shit, you got a bloody letter what in the actual f***


Like, for real?
That’s messed up!
(Him, not you lol)
Serves him right!

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