Hawaiian Sativa Grow 600W (Federation Seed Co.)

Hi everybody, im Dino and im from Vienna, Austria. (Normally from Germany, but moved to Austria)

I wanna start with a little Hawaiian Sativa Grow Report, the Grow is already in full progress! Today on December 4th we write Day 52 of Flowering, the Picture is from Day 48 of Flow.
They’re smelling sweet citrusy, spicy, minty and piney. Have already smoked a little test Bud, after burning the Joint the whole room smelled like a incense dream. The High was already clear, energetic and focused, but they have at least 3 to 4 weeks more to go! I’ll edit this Thread a bit over the next Days and Weeks, but must find a few things out on this site. So for now i’ll hold this Thread simple with basic infos to my Setup etc.

PS: The Seeds are a Gift by a Friend, and i promised him to hold them tight in my Hands. So this Thread is here to fill the Overgrow Forum with a few informations and Pictures! You may already found my Thread on a other Grow Forum! :slight_smile:

My Setup:
Room: DarkRoom 120
Ballast: Lumatek NXE 600W (dimmable)
Reflector: Adjust a Wing Large
Bulb: Sylvania SHP-TS GroLux 600W
Medium: Coco Coir (Bricks)
Nutrients: Advanced Hydroponic of Holland Micro+Bloom, Canna Mono N

Day 48 of Flower.


Can only send one picture per post for now.



Hi Pineapple_Punch!

Very nice grow! Thanks for sharing and welcome to OG!

I like Sativas’s cerebral high. Very inspiring. But I’m avoiding them because of low yield per time… But this Hawaiian Sativa looks like it will have proper bud weight ! :smiley: It looks very promising for 48 days.

BTW is there AHoH ferts so popular in Austria as it is in Germany and Czech republic? It works well, but I’m not sure why, but I don’t like the taste that much, it needs really long flushing and proper curing to get it out. But some folks like it.

Why are you keeping males? Do you plan to produce F2 seeds? You’ve got quite a lot of males there ready for selection :smiley:

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Hi HydroPower, thank you for your Support! :slight_smile:
Yes those cerebral Sativa highs are what i also like, something what holds you awake! The yield could be pretty good on these Hawaiian Sativas. Mhh, don’t have contact to much other growers in my near, so don’t know how many people grow with AHoH ferts. But im flushing 2 weeks before Harvest, the taste is nice most the times, some strains taste better and some not. :smiley:

The Males are for saving me a lot of seeds for future hobby projects. I wouldn’t call it F2ing on this Line, it’s worked for many many generations and must have a IBL Status. Very little variation, the smell and look is pretty much the same on all plants.


Very nice looking Hawaiian Sativas Pineapple_Punch! Im very interested in the Vics Vapor rub smells in this seed line. It would be interesting to see a terpene analysis of the minty/ eucalyptus phenotypes of this strain, just to see if it might contain eucalyptol [1, 8 cineole], borneol, or menthol. For I’ve noticed from reading alot of terpene analysis reports of different strains that these terpenes are not that common in today’s modern polyhybrids. Will you be selecting and breeding towards the minty/ eucalyptus phenotypes Pineapple_Punch? Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


Damn. Look at those leaves!! Super sexy!

This is something I’ve been looking for for a very long time. Your post here is actually what brought me to overgrow after it came up as a top search result. If your friend ever decides to let this strain out let me know.