Isle of Saint Lucia genetics

Curious if anyone here has any information around Cannabis and the island of st Lucia.
Seemes to be quite the tourist destination, when searching online alot of info revolves around attractions bucket list stuff etc. Scrubbed clean for a shiny appearance for people that may come spend money there. I’m looking more to find details about the historical significance of this plant as well as some of the key shakers and movers back in the day.

My interest has peaked because i had some family vacation there recently and when they came back they brought seeds! from 2 different vendors on the island, since then 4 plants from these seeds have been growing for a month now and I like what im seeing and smelling.

Out of the 4 plants 3 are female with the one male being a short stocky bush with a nice Floral herbaceous funk as best i can describe, out of the three females one is a massive super vigorous big bodied and stinky’est of the bunch, the other two while from different vendors are both showing interesting traits one self topping with great structure and the other is crested but only on the two first main limbs.

I have moved the male which surprisingly is the smallest plant in the bunch back home in isolation to collect pollen for storage and sharing here on OG if anyone is interested.

Curious if anyone has any jucy tidbits of info to share about the history of cannabis on the island as well.

Heres a few pics of the super sturdy male kept for research purposes.


Damn! A friend of mine went there for a nightmare wedding (any destination wedding is a fucking nightmare IMO) and tried to get me some seeds but couldn’t in the end.

Thanks for sharing! If you make seeds please let us all know.



Nice looking plants! :+1:


:sweat_smile: i was pretty jealous of the folks I saw doin it up in Kona. maybe it was just because they looked happy. :roll_eyes::thinking:



Wish I had info for you @Adventuretime86, this is a super cool thread and it’s awesome that your family was able to bring back seeds

Did they receive any info from the person on the island? Any idea if it’s a specific strain, maybe an island “landrace”/heirloom that’s been kept on St Lucia?

Gonna be following this thread :+1:
It’s always cool seeing plants that come from specific locales
No matter what it turns out to be, at least it has a fantastic story for how the seeds came to you :desert_island:

:v: :frog:


“Looked Happy”


I agree with you completely haha.

Sorry to hear about coming back with no seeds in tow though that’s a total bummer.
I will say the smells coming off these is not like anything I’ve ever grow out which isnt a sft by any means but enough for me to be intrigued.

Will be taking cuts of 2 of the 3 females the one that is the loudest, fastest growing with the big body and the self topping one with great structure and veragation.

Unless someone here is interested in the crested mutant and speaks up, its the first time ive seen a crested where it does it on 2 separate branches. i know theres plenty of growmies out there into the weird and unusual mutations so if anyone is reading and thinking you must have it feel free to leave a comment and i can take some snips and get them shipped out.

Absolutely will be making seeds as I have the feeling that there is definitely something else more hiding in the gene pool to explore. @Pigeonman you are first on the list to receive some brother, this will not be a large seed run by any means but should come out the other side with pleanty to spread around and hunt through for others interested

I would love to have a better understanding of what im working with so a little about the noticeable morphological of the plants.

3/4 short squat in structure bushing out more than up during the switch to flower, all of them carrying a double serrated leaf edge the leafs themselves are big and wide yet not fat fingered. The smells are a mix of pungent stank to sweeter floral/ fermenting fruit / burnt ruber cement. Honestly im not super well versed in many of the nuances of plant expression
That said i feel like some sort of afgan crossed to something more from the tropics possibly a thai or something along those lines.

Wish i could just go up and sesh with the men up on that mountain haha wpuld make all of this much easier.


you can’t mention…and then not post her. :grin:

think mb you’ll self Big Stinky?


True true, will pop in later today or tomorrow and snap some pics of the rest of them and the big girl


Sadly not much info was passed along with the seeds, far as i can tell the men up on the mountain dont come down and not many go up and come back down from the little info i was able to search out online. Here a quote from online source.

( If you want to make a deal with the man on the mountain you must go up the mountainin in the night, he knows you are coming and he’ll will be waiting for you, you will not see him unless he wants to be seen you’ll know you found him when you see the barrel of his shotgun, Then you may make the deal or you don’t)


Interesting. I am from Puerto Rico, so I have travelled all over the Lesser Antilles. I remember there was good cannabis there and also in St. Croix and St. Marteen.

I shall follow this thread eagerly. Nice work so far. This is awesome!


Ummm… probably best that you can’t :joy:


Thats the truth haha, i feel maybe one day though anything’s possible, It would be an honor to get to sit with such a legendary steward of the plant.

The type that eat sleeps and breathes Cannabis. No need for society or recognition.
What better person to convers with more then the hermit on the hill silently sowing fields of flowers; because its their calling. Not for fame or fortune.

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Nice looking plants!

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When I went there the prices were astronomical but you could haggle effectively.

Everything I saw was hybridized.

It was good though.

All the best. I really enjoyed my time there.


I would imagine by now most of the more touristy spots have been influenced heavily with hybrids and you have to go to the ends of the earth to get true landrace genetics. I’m glad you enjoyed your time there, from what ive seen and heard it seems to be quit the destination. It’s definitely on the list to go visit one day.

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I would recommend it as a place to go. Lots of “friendly strangers” if you know what I mean. Beautiful beach good food lots to do. A little off the beaten path but I prefer to go as south as I reasonably can for the weather.

I have a friend who doesn’t drink (well, me either actually) and he only travels to weed friendly destinations and this is one of them.

From the bellman: very good
From the Rasta on the beach: not so good
WhatsApp deliveries: rip off, didn’t do it.


Any males, if so dust the lowers. Nice looking plants.


Yeah i have an appreciation for everything you sounded off, nature is where im happiest and st Lucia has several special gems to share big bonus points for the friendly atmosphere and awesome food.
Sounds like my kinda place all n all.

Haha the bellman always knows best, they see everything cheers to them for holding it down all these years.


Have one hell of a stud in my opinion. He’s the shortest out of all the females has a greasy stem rub with a lovely bright floral herbaceous thing going that i am all for he’s already a week in flower and is impressive already. I will be taking some lower branches off to see if he will reveg and take root if so he will be hanging around awhile for sure

Plan on dusting all 3 of the other plants and collecting a copious amount of pollen for storage

More pics of the male in his new home happy and healthy.
This plant was topped once early on in veg and has only had regular defoliations since.

Coined the, St Lucia Lowrider.