Headstrong grow diary, first “no till” grow

After researching strains that are good for anxiety, I ordered some Headstrong by 7east genetics.

13 out of 14 germinated and the one that didn’t might have accidentally ended up in my strawberry barrel bed.

I wanted to try and do a no till type of grow and keep things small in order to pick a good pheno to keep.

It is 22” by 22” I believe.

I don’t have the space or time to sex them myself so I paid out the butt and tested 10 of them. I was given 4 females. I gave two to friends to grow outdoors and kept one that I’m not sure if it’s female or male.


Now I knew which ones were female, I could put them in their final home.

Top of the wildest plant I’ve grown. Nepali Watermelon Hashplant x Everything.

I kept the two best looking males around in case they are special enough to breed but I haven’t decided if I’m going to collect pollen yet. The structure is there but the stem rub isn’t anything phenomenal.

I flipped them to flower early to collect pollen but no signs of sex yet. From messing around with smaller corner plants, it seems if preflowers haven’t showed up yet, the flowering change takes longer :man_shrugging:


Tried to rank them by structure and overall how they looked. As of today, #1 still looks the best but #3 has the most intoxicating stem rub. It’s like a mojito: Minty and Limey.

#2 is extremely stocky and bushy. I am excited to test these out against each other once they are finished.

Before and after topping. My good friend is much better at cloning so he took the tops of the 5 plants.

My plan is to top dress this week, do some defoliating, and then flip to flower after they’ve had some time to recover.

I am a complete amateur and beginner. Live and learn lol.


Fun fact: Headstrong is a 10 letter word with no repeating letters :brain:


Looks good dude :+1:

Can you tell us about the soil? did you build it yourself?


I wish! I did a lot of research and with my busy days, I decided to go the build a soil 3.0 route instead of building my own. I just added some red wrigglers last week so it’s officially living soil (I think).


Im watching this grow.



I’m really hoping to get some interesting colors with this. I’ve mainly been growing for effect and I’m excited to see if any of these have real “bag appeal”


Awesome start to the grow log :+1:

I can’t wait to see how this turns out for you!

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It’s good to have friends that know how to do things well lol.

I drew so many of these in 7th grade.


What a great start! :+1: :eyes:

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Looking great! Can’t wait for updates best of luck and happy grows :fire::fire::beers:


Haha, that’s awesome, man! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Needed some melancholy music for tonight.

Took way too much off lol.


Little balls showing up in the male tent :tent:


8 hours later…


Looking really healthy!

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My Mantra


Gotta decide whether to keep these boys going and collect pollen. I’d kinda like to selectively pollinate a couple branches to check my male picking abilities but I’m still not sure. With the last male I kept, it was obvious. He stank up my basement and was super resinous. These boys look good but that’s about it.

Ferk around, fernd ert :man_cook:


I’m following along on this one.

Great to see someone growing some 7EG strains. I’ve found a few of their cultivars that really appeal to me so far.

Here’s a Headstrong lady I grew last year. IMHO it is a great strain, she was really easy to grow and the resulting smoke was very nice and mellow.