Heady Bear's Den- "Choose Your Own Adventure" OG Style!

Early indications point toward Echo being a dude.
Now my hope for MaMaHaze smoke rests upon Fox being a foxy lady.
I may be calling this a bit early, because it’s just preflowers, but I’m fairly confident.
The good news is we will certainly have some pollen for the planned Trainwreck x MaMaHaze cross, and maaaayyyybeee some MaMaHaze F3’s if Fox cooperates.


Well it looks like I blew this one… :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: Just checking my notifications. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

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There will be more! Better come correct though, folks learned last night: this ain’t no wiki party!


Well if I knew it was going to be this kinda party I would’ve stuck my d@$k in the mashed potatoes.lol quote by manta moreland or something like that.


Couldn’t find any of my own but these are them…

Here is the package…


Those are super unique looking! Do they have any heat?


I have 2 different kinds, one is hotter than the other but it’s just the right amount of heat for general use.
I’m going to do a germ test in these, if they are still good I’ll send you a fist full.
If not I’ll be able to grab some more this summer.

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Lmao so looking at your pic I see lots of glassware nice. The funny part is all the bowls look like different degrees of smoked. Like you pack em all at once then just grab and smoke when ready :+1:


Hahaaa yeah, never know what I’ll feel like :crazy_face:

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Peee-ewwww! I decided to defol Echo and not only was it a mess in there (all different fingers leaves, long broad leaflets, skinny unserrated leaflets), but he literally smells like dog shit. As in, I checked the bottom of my shoe while I was pruning just to be sure!
He probably won’t keep it as he flowers out, but wooowee, this might be some promising pollen!


I don’t remember off hand are you running organic grow or at least nutes for the smell?

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Build a Soil 3.0 + KNF/JADAM Ferments :bear::+1:

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Holy crap, those are some cool looking buds, are they Thai? Must be sativa! :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (i’m under the influence of marijuana)


Nailed it! So you get to take the first rip of the "thai buds":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::hot_pepper:


Neat. Would fit well in a canning jar…just like dilly beans. Plants produce a bunch of them?


Sounds gross but people seek dog shit bud lol. I bet you’d make someones year if you offered up DS pollen in a new thread. :rofl:


Ha! Of course it would! :rofl::crazy_face::bear:
I assume it’s unique to cannabis cultivators and smokers to seek out Skunk, cat piss, diesel fuel, etc… aroma profile is super interesting to me as my last serving job required me to be a level 1 sommelier, and one prior to that required a level 1 cicerone cert. Also a former chef. My palate=on point (word flex, I know)


Also: F2 Maui Mango Haze… nothing says tropical flavors like canine feces!


Crazy how close “shit” is to being a wonderful smell chemically…i mean, just tweak a few terps and I’m sure it would smell fantastic.
Like pine and mint for instance… They are close relatives.
Wish I had your cooking experience to help me describe what I smell better.


I also wonder about how other folks would interpret what I smell. Like, I love the smell of gasoline and the giant box labeling markers, or some people taste soap when they eat cilantro… olfactory sense is really personal!